D.E.M.O.N.S: Getting Summoned Weekly isn't so Bad

Chapter 306

Chapter 306: Back to the Big Seven (Lust and Envy)

Chapter 306: Back to the Big Seven (Lust and Envy)

"Now then" said Kara politely moving on at Kat's request "Let'sss sstart with Lusst ssseeing asss we are both dessscendantsss of Sssuccubi alright?"

Kat pouted and glared at Kara. *I just got away from this now you want to bring it back?* Kara smiled and gave one of her snakes a few scratches. "It'sss fine Kat, don't worry. We won't need to bring thossse thingsss up again dessspite the name. Lussst mosstly focusssesss on cussstomer sssatissfaction and I mean that in an entirely platonic way… asss well asss the alternativesss

"Lussst doesss mossst thingsss from sssalesss clerksss to pyschologistsss, though we at MAD alssso get them, Lussst hasss a private practice and normally give more involved help. Sssome even ussse dream walking a ssskill you ssshould be familiar with to help confront trauma. Lussst insssn't jussst about sssex… or at leasst the faction isssn't.

"Lussst works closssely with everyone in a way, and manage to keep there posssition in the Big Ssseven becaussse of their friendly relationsss with everyone. They actually don't have the highessst numbersss becaussse they are much more willing to allow couplesss to leave their faction if they get together with sssomeone outssside of it, and don't tend to forcsse their kidsss into the family busssinesss.

"They have the bessst relationssship with Greed faction mossstly becaussse Greed hiresss from them for work a lot. They have the worsst relationship with Envy, but that isss more of a technicality. Lussst worksss well with everyone, and Envy… doesssn't. Lussst and Envy butt headsss a lot but it'sss not that bad.

"We alssso work closssely with them at MAD, and one thing I do know about wider hub politicsss, isss that Lussst and MAD will happily trade membersss between them for jobsss. Thisss isss very unusual, but we make it work. I sssay trade, but that isssn't quite right. Mossstly we have a ssshared job board that keepsss usss connected. Any questionsss so far?" asked Kara

Kat shook her head. And Kara continued "Oh, right one more thing. Asss I mentioned the main race for Lusst isss Sssuccubi and Incubbbi, but the faction doesssn't really care. Mosst don't well… like 4 of them don't. Wrath, Envy and Pride are a bit particular, but don't worry about them jussst yet.

"Or worry about Envy? I sssuposse, becaussse I'll move onto them next. Envy are the retrieval sspecialisstsss and explorersss. They normally lead the charge to find new worldsss for us demonsss at the higher level, working in conjunction with Greed, with Wrath doing a teeny bit of help when they find a world inhabited by crazed monsstersss that lasssh out at everything.

"Envy and Greed do thisss becaussse the finder'sss fee for new dimensssionsss isss a percentage of all currency earned. Envy demonsss do the main work, while Greed runsss logisticsss and financesss the teamsss. Envy isss alssso in charge of the local police force, they don't tend to need to do much becaussse demonsss know not to causse trouble when they are at home.

"Technically the police force isssn't jusst Envy, but it mosstly isss. It'sss like sssaying Greed doesssn't run all the ssshopsss. Technically true, but not practically true. Anyway, Envy demonsss also specialissse in stealth contractsss, however these alssso go to a lot of Sloth demonsss, or Sloth demonsss that join Envy insstead.

"In termsss of factionsss, Envy doesssn't really get along with anyone, even Greed who they work closssely with, or maybe becaussse they work closssely with them. They have a particular dissslike for Sssloth, becaussse they alwaysss want more infiltration specialistsss but mosst Sloth demonsss would rather go into administration. It'sss a bit weird that they aren't on the worst termsss with Lusst, because Lusst is on worst termsss with them… but that just goesss to show you how good Lusst isss at keeping people calm.

"In termsss of original demonic race… I have no idea. Even asss a Medusssa that isss technically an Envy faction demon they don't ssshare that sssort of thing publicly and it isssn't immediately obviousss. We are one of the newer hubsss, and I'm not sssure the knowledge wasss ever well known here.

"I know it issn't Medusssa's like myssself. We don't make up a large part of Envy, and I'm sssure my parentsss would have bragged about it if we were in charge. Envy may like to keep itsss sssecretss, but they like to brag almosst asss much asss Pride, ssso I'm sssure I'd have heard if we knew. Any quessstionsss about Envy?"

"Well..." said Kat "Not Envy specifically, but you've made me think… how are factions chosen? I mean, they seem to be somewhat exclusive, but you talk about how we can choose as well? What's up with that?"

"Oh right right, I forgot you're new to that asss well. Each faction hasss abilitiesss they claim asss their own. You may choossse to join any faction that will welcome you, but mosst mossst, especially the Big Ssseven, look for an ability that marksss you asss belonging to them. There is a big list, but they tend to fit the theme well enough" said Kara

"Like…?" asked Kat fishing for an example.

"Well, Envy likesss to claim any rare abilities asss their own. True Sight, one of your own ablitiesss, isss conssidered to be Envy and Pride" said Kara

"Aahhh… I don't feel very envious or prideful?" said Kat

Kara nodded "Of courssse not. They are genetically predisssposssed, but not certain by any estimation. True Sight isssn't even really an Envy ability, but each ability can only be claimed by two of the Big Ssseven and the othersss weren't willing to pusssh the issue."

Kat nodded and gestured for Kara to continue "Right well… other than that Dream Walking, that isss the domain of Sloth and Lust, it'sss alssso quite rare and either would love to have you jussst becaussse of that. Um… Regeneration isss asssigned assigned to Wrath and Gluttony, with mossst falling towardsss one ssside or the other, making it clear where you'd go. You actually have the Lussst variant which isss alssso rare, like ssstupily ssso. It'sss conssidred the Lusst variant becaussse it leavesss no scarsss, and Lusst would accept you asss a guard becaussse of it but it isssn't technically a Lusst sskill they look for…

"Nobody would fight them though, becaussse it'sss exclusive to the Sssuccubusss bloodline not even Incubi get it. Honessstly really, any faction would love to have you except Greed, but even they would probably be happy with you becaussse you have sssuch rare skilss before Rank 3."

"Huh… well, I don't really know where I want to end up so I guess that's good? What about the fact that my fire does ice things? Is that rare or important?" asked Kat. *The system did say it's rare… but I wonder what Kara will say.*

Kara winced "Well… I don't want you to feel bad but it isssn't exactly asss rare asss everything else. I mean… yesss it isss rare in the sssensse that it isssn't asss common asss fire but it isss the sssecond most prevalent type of demonic flame. Ssstill, I belive it'sss only like… 20% maybe? I don't know thossse ssstatisssticsss off the top of my head"

"That's fine" said Kat, who a moment later, turned to the side and coughed. She didn't feel the need to before, but now a large clump of black blood pooled in her mouth. Kat's cheeks filled up as she tried not to spit it out. Kara noticed this and moved swiftly, grabbing a bucket from underneath the bed and placing it in front of Kat.

Kat let the blood flow from her mouth, and was surprised when it didn't really stop. It took thirty seconds for it to all exit her, and then she flopped back onto her pillows and sighed. *What the hell was that? Is something wrong with me?*

"Ah, don't worry about that Kat. It'sss perfectly normal… well, it issn't normal but that wasss likely the blood that hasss been… dying for lack of a better word, while your energy hasn't been flowing well. I ssshould really get you a drink though, now that that has happened… I'll be right back with some water" said Kara moving the bucket so that she was holding it by the handle now instead of the rim, before swiftly walking out the door. She gave Kat a smile just as she shut it behind her and said "I'll be right back dear" josei

Kat let herself sigh as Kara exited. *Things are getting complicated now but I guess I should learn the factions now rather than later. I'll have to join one eventually, and I wouldn't want to accidentally join like… the bread makers union or something, though it does seem I should be fine wherever I go… it does worry me a bit.

I wonder if I will end up in the Lust faction… I… well honestly it doesn't sound that bad. I'm not the best at public relations, but maybe I could use my dream walking to help people if I decide to give up on contracts. Kara even said they are quite nice… but I just dunno if that's right for me…*

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