D.E.M.O.N.S: Getting Summoned Weekly isn't so Bad

Chapter 343

Chapter 343: K V K Round 2

Chapter 343: K V K Round 2

Well, that's rather simple" said Uncle "For succubi that have no formal training you are both really strong. Likely in the upper bounds of Rank 2. Normally you'd have to be a Wrath battle maniac with a lot of practice under your belt to get close to that level of strength. Or perhaps one of the races that get a big boost to that strength like a Pit Fiend…

"But you both have noodle arms. I mean really, there looks like there is hardly any strength in either of you but you managed to crack the floor! That's no easy feat. Sure, it was only really rated for Rank 1, but we have great safety tolerances. What did they feed you both?"

Kat looked at Kamiko, as they were slowly being lowered down by Uncle, placed just to the side of the broken floor. Kamiko of course, spoke first at the silent question. "Well, I don't really know? I mean… I'm the only family member that's Rank 2 so it's not like I could really compare. I don't think either of my parents are that strong either? I mean, they aren't weak of course but… none of them have noticeably increased strength. Oh, and I ate the same as everyone else growing up."

Kat took that as her chance to jump in. "Honestly, I have no idea either. Kamiko is the first demon I've really pitted my strength against properly. I've fought people weaker than me, and of somewhat comparable strength if you count abusing restorative pills as strength. I… don't think I ate anything weird? Especially because I just don't eat when I'm not hungry and my energy can sustain me for an age"

Uncle looked between them both at their answered and sighed. "Spose I didn't really expect anythin different as an answer. Just a little strange is all. Maybe I should rethink some of the battles with the little firsties… nah they'll be fine. Just don't hurt them too badly. This will be a proper combat test, so no overpowering anyone with higher Rank demonic fire

"Oh and Kat, can you fly with those wings? Kamiko what about you?" when Uncle finished his question Kamiko shook her head. Kat decided to go for the nonverbal response as well and started to hover slightly, flapping her wings slowly and keeping herself low. josei

"Well none of that then Kat. Technically it isn't an ability, not really, but none of the others can fly and the ceiling is more than high enough for you to just avoid fighting or dive bombing them if you want to. Just to make it… well I won't say fair considering the entire point is for it to in fact, not be fair, but less boring shall we say. I'll be banning the use of flight"

Kat nodded and dropped to the ground, but a thought occurred to her. "Can I use them for other things? And what about my tail? Am I allowed to smack people with my wings and stab them with my tail? Or are those both off limits"

Uncle used his beard fist to scratch a -presumed- non-existent chin. "I'm going to say it's fine. I mostly just don't want you flying out of reach. Anything else is fair game really. Well, no demonic fire, but we covered that as a separate matter" said Uncle

Kat nodded in understanding, but now it was Kamiko's turn for a question. "Will we be using our demonic energy?"

Uncle bobbed and said "Of course. Honestly, it's too hard to tell if someone is internally boosting. Sure, you can see the difference sometimes, but they might have just been holding back, or they could use it from the start. You both actually display signs of use when approaching, what I assume is your full power… but that isn't normal. Most demons just use it when they need with nothing to show. So, banning it is a little too hard to be bothered with. Plus, if everyone is using it, there is no problem.

"Now, do you two want to continue? How close to your maximum strength were you both when you cracked the stone?" asked Uncle as he moved to tap the floor once again. This time, though, his beard spread out afterwards and started grabbing all the various pieces scattered around. Once they were together again, the floor shined for a second before becoming whole.

"I was pretty close to my limit really. If the floor didn't give out I would have" said Kami

Kat tilted her head at that and pondered. *Hmm, I was using a lot of energy but I don't think I was at my limit. Sure, I was starting to cycle around my maximum but I think it takes a couple rotations to get to max strength. So… how strong would that make me?* "I'm not quite sure but I don't think I was that close" said Kat

"Hmm, well, Kamiko it'll be up to you then. I'll cover the ground with my beard so that it won't break, and you can both go all out. It might be a little slippery as I never got the ability to change my hair to any other texture despite my power. Hopefully it doesn't become a deciding factor" said Uncle.

Kat nodded and looked to Kamiko for her answer, expecting the girl to just move on but instead she said "I'd love to! Even if I don't win it will be really cool to see where I stand. Maybe if Kat holds back a little bit at the start so we can see exactly how much stronger would be the best, but if that's a bit hard to measure we won't worry" said Kamiko

*Huh, I didn't think she'd actually want to keep going.* Without commenting, Kat moved to her position once again, as Kamiko took the raised platform. They locked hands and Kat once again started to send her energy circling through her arms and legs. The time, Kat kept it to about a third of her capacity and she was applying no pressure forward towards Kamiko.

The other girl was already glowing a faint pink, and looking towards Kat as if waiting for her to start, eyes in full motion. "I'm at about two thirds strength Kami. Push against me if you can, and we'll see how well I compare. I can up the energy if I need to" said Kat.

Taking Kat's prompt, Kamiko started to push into Kat slowly, applying more forward pressure at a gradual rate. Kat returned the pressure, keeping pace with Kamiko easily. Their muscles thrummed with energy, and strained to keep the succubi in place. Then, a slight chink in the armour. Kat felt herself losing ground ever so slightly. Increasing the energy in her arms by a tiny amount, Kat felt it equalise once again, and felt fine. Looking up at Kamiko, Kat realised the same couldn't be said.

Her pink aura was flickering and giving off sparks, and her face was screwed up in concentration. A stark contrast to Kat's determined, but relatively calm image. "Do you want to stop?" asked Kat

Kamiko started to shake her head, before flinching and nodding instead. Kat returned the nod and started to let up slightly letting herself fall back. Kamiko, realising what she was doing, started to reduce the energy running through her own body and pulling back as well. Once they separated, Kamiko let herself fall to the floor. She was puffing loudly and Kat was surprised to find a slight sheen of sweat on the girl.

*Wait we can sweat? I thought that wasn't a thing we did? Why can she sweat?* Looking closer though, Kat realised that wasn't the case. Tiny crystals of ice were leaking from Kamiko's skin and sliding down her arms. They melted slightly in the process giving the appearance of sweat… and Kat wasn't sure if it still counted or not.

*Still why is she tired?* "Um are you alright?" asked Kat

"Yeah. Just. Need. To. Catch. My breath" said Kamiko, taking big gulps of air.

*Should I ask? I… I think I have to, right? This is important to my health.* "Hey Uncle… is that normal? Kamiko being tired?" asked Kat

Uncle gave Kat a look as if to say 'what are you on about' and she responded with. "Well, I don't sweat and I certainly don't get physically tired."

"That… isn't really normal no" said Uncle. "So you can just keep going forever?"

"No of course not. When my energy levels drop really low I just collapse completely. My tail can still move to defend me when something tries to attack. Honestly it's a little weird" said Kat

Uncle produced a tiny fist made from beard to stroke it while he was still reinforcing the floor. *Guess he doesn't want to trip us or something.* "Well that sounds like what happens when you experience extreme demonic energy deficiency but… that doesn't seem to be quite right for you?"

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