D.E.M.O.N.S: Getting Summoned Weekly isn't so Bad

Chapter 345

Chapter 345: Three Brothers, a Beard and a Rock

Chapter 345: Three Brothers, a Beard and a Rock

The next thing Kat found her eyes drawn to was a set of identical triplets. Kat would later learn that their names were Krekron, Sekron and Pekron, but for some reason, Pekron really hated the name and asked everyone to call him Percy instead. His brothers thought it was weird, but when it was mentioned Kat would find herself going along.

For all of the three brothers, it was clear that they were pit fiends, which, Kat supposed made sense considering the number of them in the Wrath faction. Their wings however, were much smaller than normal, with Kat only catching glimpses of them. They were even smaller than the set that Kamiko had, though they were positioned much higher up on the back, closer to where Kat's wings connected to her.

The wings in question also had a number of holes in them. The only thing stopping Kat from assuming it was some sort of scar or injury was that each brother had the exact same set of holes. Even using her demonic energy to drastically improve her eyesight, Kat found them completely indistinguishable from each other.

The other thing that was the same was that each of them had what looked like full plate armour on. They were the first, and so far, only demons, that were wearing anything that resembled protection on them in a real sense. Sure, she'd seen that one guy with leather that was probably his own skin, and some other leather harness and outfits, but they all felt more like a fashion choice for some reason.

These three though, clearly had bulky plate armour for a reason other than that. The lack of adornments seemed to support this theory as well. The only distinguishing feature on the armour, if could count it as 'part' of the armour was the multicoloured tabards they all worm that poked out around the chest area and then covered their upper thighs.

Each had the first letter of their name stamped into the centre in a way that made it seem burnt on, with the rest of the tabard being a unique set of colours and patterns. Krekron had a plain black tabard, with some gold trimming around his 'K' to make it stand out more.

Sekron had a series of 'V' shaped stripes that appeared to run the length of the tabard, the background with a dark blue, similar to the ocean on an overcast day, while the stripes were a bright gold, slightly lighter than the metal in question.

Finally, Percy had scattered crosses that ran across the tabard in lines, that started higher on the left and lower on the right, with a cross marking the top, middle and bottom, in a repeating fashion every so often. To contrast with the others, that used dark backgrounds with light highlights, Percy had a soft pink as his background with dark purple highlights as the crosses.

The only other difference that singled out any of the three was that Sekron had a scar under his chin, as if he'd been stabbed up from below and into his mouth. It was a relatively thin star shaped scar, and was mostly noteworthy only because it was a difference from the other brothers.

They all had rather forgettable faces, and the plate armour made it hard to see their physique underneath them. *And they don't even have to look that impressive under the armour because we are demons. It's not like super strength is a rare thing, so anyone can wear them if they really want to… but on the other hand, it looks like normal metal? Is there even a point? I don't exactly have hardened skin, but against a demon that bit of metal isn't going to help much.*

Moving on from the brothers, the next demon of note was one that looked almost exactly like Uncle, except a bit shorter. When Kat glanced between the two of them, Uncle shook his head. "That's just Meron. No relation, just the same demonic type" said Uncle with a bright tone, as if there was some great joke Kat wasn't actually allowed to know.

*Perhaps it's a matter of there not really being many of them? Or perhaps Uncle is old enough that they are separated by so many generations that it doesn't really matter? Adoption is also a possibility, and while they are the same demon type, it lets the younger one style after Uncle in a way to feel closer to him?*

Kat's assessment of them looking 'exactly' the same wasn't entirely fair to either party of course. The new demon was much shorter than uncle, hardly coming up to Kat's chests and only just barely making it past her bellybutton in height, compared to Uncle's more normal seeming height.

Additionally, his beard was both more or less like Uncle's. Meron's beard reached all the way to the floor with a tiny bit of length to spare… but it was also missing the definition that Uncle's had, and was more wispy, with thinner and less vibrant hairs. Despite being the same colour grey, there was a clear vibrancy and feeling of life in Uncle's despite his clearly advanced age.

The final difference, was that his eyes were completely green. It was an odd detail, and Kat didn't know what to make of it. Meron didn't seem to have any pupils or really anything at all in his eye, just a solid green sphere. *Wonder how well he can see.*

Finishing up that examination Kat turned her attention to the final demon she was set to fight, Kat saw the person who would be introduce simply as 'Rock'. Now, Kat was of the opinion that was woefully blunt, and considering what little she knew of demonic lineage, at least one of the woman's parents should also look like a moving rock golem. Though, when the names were mentioned, Kat stole a glance at Kamiko who looked even more poleaxed.

Rock looked like a human, that hadn't quite been sanded down properly. She had curves and quite a lot of muscle definition all across her body, but none of it was smooth. They looked more like someone had glued a bunch of boulders together into a loose approximation of a person and halfway through the sculpting process had died or given up on ever finishing.

The most disconcerting part to Kat was that she didn't walk like she was made of stone though. Her movements weren't quite as fluid as Kat's own, but easily on par with normal humans and much better than someone that seemed to be made out of stone should ever be able to manage.

Rock wore short bike pants that were, in fact, so short, would have Kat wondering if they weren't just underwear instead. The pants clung to Rock's… well, rocky form, and showed off the details very well. Which made her look all the more uncanny as the sharp edges of her legs showed through. The seam for the pants, which themselves were black, wereh the seams a bright orange that Kat wasn't a huge fan of. It just didn't work with Rock's grey skin tone at all.

The shirt didn't help. It too was a tight fit, made out of what Kat assumed was the same material as the pants, but it at least had some colour to it. The shirt did however, point out that even Rock's feminine assets, which while roughly equal in size to Kat's own, certainly earned the 'roughly' moniker. It looked like she was hiding cardboard boxes under her shirt, and only the fact that Kat could see them rippling slightly as she walked made it clear they were the same strange rocky material the rest of Rock was.

The shirt was mostly an ocean blue with a completely black stripe to highlight her chest area. Why Rock thought that was a good idea, Kat was unsure. The shirt also had a collar with a pattern consisting of alternating open and closed fists that were orange in colour. They continued along the seams for the arms and also ringed the sleeves of the shirt, which hugged Rock's impressive biceps.

Overall, Rock gave off the 'chiselled' impression very well, but the lifelike manner in which all parts of her body managed to move really threw Kat off. It didn't look right to her eyes, though she spared a thought that it might just be because she wasn't used to it.

Once inside, Uncle first introduced the six demon fighters that they would be going against, finally stopping at Pekron… "and last but certainly not least, we have Pekron, the third of the triplets"

"Please, call me Percy" said Pekron, in a gravelly voice.

"Why do you have to reject your name brother?" said Krekron "It's a good strong name" josei

Percy raised an eyebrow "Must we do this in front of our sparring partners? What I choose to be called is none of your business"

Kat then watched the two brothers descend into arguing, and when nobody moved to stop them, the rest of the group instead shuffled slowly off to the side to continue the conversation.

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