D.E.M.O.N.S: Getting Summoned Weekly isn't so Bad

Chapter 373

Chapter 373: Exploring the ‘Haunted’ House

Chapter 373: Exploring the ‘Haunted’ House

Kat brought the other girl into a hug. "I'm not that mad about it Kat. It was a while back anyway" said Kamiko, pouting for real this time.

"Did you want me to let go?" asked Kat with a smirk.

"Well I didn't say that" mumbled Kamiko, accepting the hug properly from Kat before sitting back down in her chair.

"Right, so, once I realised that, I decided I'd have to just check out the mansion… but I was pretty scared. I didn't exactly know what I was facing yet and I didn't really test out my abilities that I'd unlocked just yet so… I really had no point of comparison for anything. All I knew how to use was my flame… sort of, and that it took a bunch of energy to do it.

"Still, I was already not a big fan of the place, so I walked through all the houses to a large one at the back. It was still the same basic design. Bunch of sliding doors, really long, courtyard in the middle, except this one was about twice as long on the outside and included two separate courtyard areas and had, what I found out later, a big dining room that ran through the middle to separate the two.

"Oh, those two courtyards were also larger than normal because the house was wider too, but never mind it isn't actually that important. So, I was walking up to this place to check it all out and I could already hear what they were talking about. It's… it's such a weird sound, and I don't really know how to describe it other than by saying exactly what it was, so you'll find that out later.

"The most accurate depiction I can give you is that it sounds like someone yelling down a long tunnel that's made out of rippling metal. The sound easily distorts, never sounds the same twice when you hear it, and is very unsettling regardless of what part of it you're actually hearing. It just keeps going as well. On and off, like some sort of alarm.

"The whole thing starts… maybe when you get to the stairs? Not really sure? Oh, did I mention the whole house is on slight stilts? Not sure why but all of the houses are, so keep that in mind once we get further on in the story.

"So I start looking around. First door I open, I nearly choke. So much dust has built up in this place. You can't really tell from the outside because you get a good deal of wind through the house, but all the doors were shut completely with no wind getting through. So when I finally released a few years' worth of dust it was not a pleasant experience.

"As I start coughing, I also hear that odd scratching sound, so I stumble back out of the house, completely covered in dust. There was so much of it, that even with my skin it still clung to me. Makes me wonder if it was magical dust or something. Anyway, I dust myself off, and pull my collar up over my mouth to use as a bit of a filter. Sure it already has a bunch of dust in it but… well I wasn't going to resummon my clothes out in the open so I ignored it.

"Back in that room, it was almost completely empty. There was a rug on the ground that had clearly seen better days and that was about it. I gave the room a good once over before heading back out and repeating the process.

"Took a bit of time, but I just worked carefully around the house. Checking each room got a little samey, but I was still on edge the whole time because the sound didn't stop at all. It also didn't seem to increase in a consistent manner, always changing how loud it was between each shriek making it hard to pin down exactly where it was coming from.

"I started to catch on to something going on though, when I was taking a break in one of the two gardens. This one had a fish pond that was still going strong. Not sure how exactly the water was filtered, but it was clear enough, especially considering all the plants that were growing wildly around the edges now.

"So, I'd just sat down on the steps, the ones that led up to the dining room, to take a break before tackling that particularly large section of the house, when the sound practically screamed in my ear. I'm not afraid to admit, I panicked, and leapt straight up into the air and… well, I am a little embarrassed to admit I smashed right through the ceiling."

Kamiko took a big breath for a dramatic pause. "This however, was both a blessing and a curse. The sound started up again, even worse. Screeching and squawking reverberating all around me and pressing in on my ears, while a few birds tried to come at me.

"Luckily I dropped down soon after, as the wood gave way shortly after, because it was rather old, and the ceiling hadn't been maintained well at all unlike the floors which I never had a problem with. Still I think it might have just been that spot because of the birds weakening it, eh, could go either way.

"So, having fallen down to the floor, and also finding the source of the noise… I ran away like a scared little girl." Kat interrupted Kamiko.

"Those birds sounded somewhat vicious, plus you had no idea how strong they were or how to use your powers, AND they were right next to your eyes before you fell. I don't really think you were wrong to run" said Kat. Granted I might not have run away, I'd probably have panicked and punched the birds instead but I don't necessarily think that would be a better response. "Oh, and you are a girl, don't forget that part" Kat finished off with a grin.

Kamiko pulled herself up and straighten her back, gaining back a slight smile. "Right, well, I did run straight out the front door, and the birds stopped following me as soon as I left the house. After calming myself down, I realised that the strange sounds had all stopped, so I had to go back and investigate. josei

"I did also know that I was strong enough to jump onto the roof, so I used that newfound power to get up there and walk over to the area I'd smashed. It was really easily spotted, though that wasn't actually the hole I made, but a hole that might have been there a while.

"Anyway, when I got ever there and looked inside, I saw four agitated crows? Ravens? Some other black bird? I'm not sure I ever asked what species they were. Anyway, they were all staring at the hole in the floor where I'd come from, until I put my big head in the way and blocked the sun.

"They turned as one to face me again, and this time I stood my ground. I also made sure my poison nails were on paralyse and got ready. As soon as they tried to leave, I jabbed them all with my nails, and they fell onto the roof pretty rapidly.

"Turns out… when something has no resistance to poison and is only small like a bird… it's really potent. So, they dropped quickly, landing a little hard but they could clearly still move a bit. The largest one even managed to jump over and tried to peck my legs but… it didn't even hurt.

"That's when I realised, I'd forgotten this was an easy mission given to me as a first. You practically CAN'T fail them. So, anyway. I've got three downed ravens and one that's poking me in the side, so I look in the hole in the roof again, and find two nests full of baby chicks which were cowering at the time, and things clicked… or well most of it did.

"The food scattered around was the birds trying to get food for the babies, the noises were the chirps of them echoing through the roof… still that didn't explain the shiny things or where they were.

"I did try to see them, but the only things up in the roof were the chicks, and some nesting material, wait… maybe some bread as well? Not relevant. Nothing shiny was visible so I sat down and tried to work out what was going on there.

"Not the best idea, because after ten minutes of brainstorming the other ravens woke up and started trying to peck me, and, I dunno if you've ever tried but having a bunch of ravens sitting on you and pecking isn't a good way to think about things, so I brushed them off and left the house, at least temporarily so that I could think a bit better."

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