D.E.M.O.N.S: Getting Summoned Weekly isn't so Bad

Chapter 384

Chapter 384: Which Witch is Which

Chapter 384: Which Witch is Which

Kat continued to look over both girls, or perhaps women would be a better description. They both looked older than Kamiko, heck, they both looked older than the triplets as well, which certainly didn't make sense. Kamiko and those three seemed to have an air of innocence to them, even though the triplets were at least trying to act mature in this picture.

The hair and horns didn't help either. One of them had ram horns similar to Elmony, while the other had the same horns as the rest of the family. Kat didn't exactly know enough about genetics to tell, and the fact that they both had seafoam green hair that was allowed to flow down their back and fade out into a surprisingly thick shield of hair, made Kat once more tempted to call it quits.

While she was doing this, Kamiko was opening up her cupboard. It took up almost the entire left side wall, but if Kat was to look into it, she would find it mostly empty of clothes. There was space yes, but not many outfits… if one was to look even closer you'd realise that at least half of them would never fit Kamiko, as they required someone just shy of Kat's height to fit properly.

Kamiko picked out a fluffy pink set of long pyjamas with teddy bears on them, which Kat caught out of the corner of her eye. When she saw this her mind wasn't able to catch up to her body which sprinted over to Kamiko and enveloped her into a big hug that included all her limbs.

Kat had her arms wrapped around Kamiko's shoulders, her tail around her midsection and her wings had come around to wrap up the rest of her. By the time Kat realised what she'd done she let out a minor squeak of concern. *Shit. I wasn't prepared. It seems I might actually be getting a little used to Sylvie because my memory is perfect now… I wasn't prepared for this though.*

"Your pyjamas are so cute" said Kat, having given up on trying to find any reasonable explanation for what was going on.

"Thanks" said Kamiko happily. "The hug is nice too. Oh, and Aslena actually made these for me. She made a lot of my clothes actually, in exchange for cupboard space that I don't really use."

Kat wanted to nod at this, but currently her head was resting on Kamiko's and she didn't really want to mess up the girl's hair too much. "Actually, I was just looking at that painting of yours and I was wondering who was who. I could pick most of them out but…"

As Kat trailed of Kamiko easily picked up the thought. "You couldn't figure out who Aslena and Mum was because while they don't look too similar when you know which is which, mostly because of the horns and eyes, they are very similar in body shape and I haven't given you any clues as to which is which?"

"Yup" said Kat "Well reasoned."

Kamiko grinned and said, "I'm glad I figured out what you were thinking. I've never really heard of it being a problem, but most people know one or the other beforehand. Aslena is popular enough because of her designs and Mum is known at the hospitals. You're my first friend, and anyone the twins know tend to have enough knowledge of the important demons nearby that they actually know at least one.

"Sorry, I'm getting sidetracked. To answer your question Kat, Aslena actually has the ram horns like Elmony, alongside the starry night eyes. I mean, Elmony is her aunt, so it isn't so surprising that the ram horns showed up, though with both Mum and Dad having matching horns it's actually pretty rare.

"I mean, if it was going to be anything, it would be ram horns, but… am I explaining this well Kat? I never did study how demonic traits are passed down past the basics. I just know people were surprised about Aslena. Not sure about Elmony because that was a long time ago, but maybe it was the fact that there is two of them?"

Kamiko shrugged and Kat hugged her tighter before saying. "That's fine, I just wanted to know who was who. I take it that She-Who-Will-Not-Be-Named isn't in the picture intentionally?"

Kamiko just sighed lightly before saying "Yeah, I never knew her, and that painting is actually based on a photo we all had done together. I got it as a birthday present actually. I'd been mentioning that I wanted something better for my wall there. Before it was this old tapestry that was from Meradithna's room and I never liked it or what it was associated with. It was just some fancy colours.

"Around the same time, I also mentioned how happy I was with the photo we had all taken together. It was the first time the family was properly together for something in a while. Elmony only comes around every now and again you see? And the triplets are here a decent amount but they have projects, same as Aslena, so… it was just nice.

"And when I was told I had to leave my room for a second to get my last present, I was a little confused, but so very happy when I saw that on the wall. I cried like a baby when I saw it and I'm not afraid to admit it" said Kamiko.

Kat squeezed Kamiko once more before letting go. "That's wonderful Kamiko, it really is a nice picture, and it's the first thing you see when you enter the room"

Kamiko nodded. "Yup, I meant it to be like that"

Kat used the lull in conversation to look over the rest of the room. The bed, which Kat had overlooked originally, was huge, easily large enough to fit Kat's full wingspan three times over and took up a large amount of space. The other side of the room, the one without the closet, had a small bookshelf and desk.

The books didn't look all that well used, just a few nicks here and there to show that they'd been read, but probably only once, twice at the most. The walls were a soft pinkish white, much like the pink roses in the bathroom, if slightly whiter, but lacking in the shine the stone from the bathroom had, making it seem somehow darker overall.

Against the back wall stood a few boxes along the ground. They looked just professional enough to be a semi-permanent fixture of the room, but not so good that they looked like they belonged. They looked like cheap plastic but Kat hadn't actually seen any other plastic in the demon realm, and suspected it might actually be tinted glass.

"Um" Kamiko's nervous voice broke Kat from her thoughts. "So, um, I don't know what you'll want to do… but you… sort of have two options I guess…? In terms of sleeping arrangements that is.

"We, well, of course we have the guest room that I mentioned earlier. It actually has a few beds in it in a couple of sizes so you should be able to just… pick the best one and take it for yourself while you're staying…

"Or… well, that is to say, if you wanted we could share mine? I mean… it's more than large enough for the both of us… but I've never had a friend over let alone had them stay the night so…? I'm not sure if that's alright or not?"

"Well what would make you most comfortable?" said Kat without even needing to think about it. "I've grown up in an orphanage, so I don't really care about people sharing a bed with me, and you're right yours is more than large enough, but you seem really nervous about it, so if it would make you uncomfortable, I can just as easily sleep in the other room"

"Here!" said Kamiko. "Um… I meant to say here… please. I used t-, ok fine I can't say that because it's a lie. I still DO sleep with my sisters whenever I can. It's just nicer, I think, and while they aren't all as fond of it, they tend to humour me. And well… nobody else is here at the moment so I thought I'd ask?"

Kat shrugged and said "Seems fine to me" josei

Kamiko jumped onto the bed, vibrating in happiness as she patted the spot beside her. Kat followed suit not really thinking too much about it and watched as her tail phased through the bed. "What?" said Kat, not realising she'd vocalised the question.

"Oh, of course!" said Kamiko "This is a Succubi keyed bed. It's supposed to be comfortable for us, and you count. Try laying down!"

Kat did as she was asked and felt her wings sink into the soft mattress. They didn't sink that far though, before settling into their own comfortably snug hideaway just behind her tail. Kat couldn't keep herself from laughing, as she reached over and hugged Kamiko to her chest like a teddy bear. "This is great. Let me know if you're uncomfortable, but this is great"

Kamiko laughed as well. "Glad you like it. It helps a little with my wings and tail, but mine are small compared to yours and it isn't normally an issue"

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