D.E.M.O.N.S: Getting Summoned Weekly isn't so Bad

Chapter 390

Chapter 390: Her Eyes!

Chapter 390: Her Eyes!

When trying to figure out how to move all the wands to the paper, Kamiko suggested boxing everything up again, and putting the box on the paper. This plan was accepted, with the slight alteration of putting the paper on the box, as suggested by Kat.

It worked out, and they labelled the item 'box of wands' explaining what they thought it was, and what words they'd said to get specific effects. Theorising that there were more words but that it would take a lot of time, and they weren't sure if it was worthwhile. The two they found were potentially good fun, but nothing spectacular or worth the time it would take to look for more.

Stacking the box of wands on top of the box of plasma sabres Kat opened the next box and found it filled with paper. Just… white paper. *Ok… that's a little weird.* Kat looked over and compared the paper to the ones they were using to write reports and found them to be essentially the same shade.

"Well this is just weird" mumbled Kat out loud still very confused about the paper in the box. Picking up a piece, Kat moved it around in her hands, twisted it slightly, ripped a tiny bit in the corner and folded it into an airplane to finish off.

"Ok I have no idea what makes this anything other than normal paper" said Kat.

Kamiko, was having similar thoughts with her own piece. She'd also tried using her naginata to cut it, which was more than simple, and used a little bit of her demonic fire on the part she sliced off, which promptly froze over and then crumbled when dropped.

"Yeah this just seems like normal paper to me" said Kamiko.

They walked over to the bench to try out the pens, and found them to work just fine on the paper. "Well… that about covers it. I mean the only thing we haven't tried is paper cuts I guess, but those are kind hard to do intentionally, and at this point I think we can just say this is normal paper" said Kat.

"Hmm, I guess? But I feel like we should try anyway, just run your finger along the edge real quick I guess? That is, if you don't mind of course" said Kamiko.

Kat shrugged and did just as asked. She was expecting a small cut that would quickly heal when she did this. Instead, the cut seemed to explode, and a massive amount of blood drained from the tiny cut she'd made on her pointer finger as an example. Stumbling slightly from the blood loss as her regeneration quickly jumped into action, sealing the wound and then replenishing the lost blood Kat was stunned.

"That… that isn't normal" said Kat looking over at Kamiko whose wide eyes were spinning on a face that looked rather put out.

"That… no that is very much NOT normal. Kat are you ok?!" shouted Kamiko.

"Yeah I'm fine. Really that much blood is nothing to me. Or well, not nothing exactly but easily recoverable, I'm fine." Said Kat.

Kamiko took in a few deep breaths to steady herself before saying. "Well… that's awkward. We have a box of… I'm not really sure what we should call it? Blood paper? It's not quite right but it's the best I got"

Kat shrugged. "The real question is do we need to test the rest of them." Kat held up the now very damp and black stained paper. "They are pretty useless if we test them, they don't seem to soak up the blood any better than normal paper would so testing them would also make them useless to Boss"

Kamiko shrugged. "I'm not sure. What were you thinking?"

Kat gave a couple quick 'thank you's to her math teachers. "I have an idea. I forgot what it's called but… I think it's random sampling or something like that? What we can do is grab say… five pieces of paper from random places in the stacks and test them. Then if we find out that all five still produce the same result, the whole box is probably like that"

Kamiko nodded. "Seems like a plan Kat."

Kat and Kamiko got to work. Firstly, Kat pulled the stacks out of the box and then Kamiko would choose a random spot in the stack, from which Kat would lift, without looking too closely, and Kamiko would then choose the top paper that resulted from that arrangement. The four stacks of paper from the box all had one paper each chosen from them, and then the second stack got an extra one taken straight from the bottom.

Kat was quick to test them, and found similar results. The by the fourth, the blood was somewhat less, and she took note at that point. The fifth again, had less blood loss then she was expecting. *Hmm, I think this is my body getting use to the type of damage. They might be like… poison coated or magic coated or something, but whatever it is, I think I'm getting used to it.*

Kat explained as much to Kamiko who carefully sliced off some of the dryer parts of the first papers they tested and handed it over to Kat who sliced her finger once again. As was expected, the cut did force Kat to lose a good chunk of blood, but noticeably less then when they'd started. They used the 'place the paper on the box' trick to deem the whole box to be identical, and then a very short writeup explaining it was normal paper that gave extreme paper cuts causing major blood loss.

Once that was done, they moved onto the next books, and couldn't help but let out twin smiles of joy. There, ensconced inside the protective gel, was a set of perhaps ten, bubble wands.

Kat couldn't help but snicker at Boss' accurate prediction, while Kamiko actually voiced the thought. "I can't believe Boss was right. Bubble wands in one of the boxes. I…" Kamiko stopped to laugh for a few more moments before continuing "I actually can't believe it. I wonder if he knew beforehand or was just guessing?"

Kat shrugged and grabbed the top bubble wand to wave around. It seemed that they already had a soapy mixture on them and Kat was more than willing to forsake her more mature attitude for a moment and play with the bubbles.

Kat set about trying to see how quickly she could make them. Dragging the wand through the air in fast swipes creating trails of small bubbles that actually rose up towards the ceiling as she did it despite the lack of wind on her part.

Kamiko was taking a different approach, trying to make the largest bubble possible. She was finding though, with slow careful movements… that she was getting way past her size estimates. With the bubble's slow ascent, she was carefully turning in place creating a spiral bubble that was rapidly approaching the ceiling.

Kat stopped to watch at this point, and was paying attention to when it hit the rooftop of the warehouse. Kat watched as the bubbles started to lie flat against the roof and merge together instead of bunching up. The layers of bubble blending together to become more like a large bubble connected to the rest, looking somewhat like the stem of a plasma ball, with the shifting colours adding to the effect.

However, just as the bubble was approaching the two metres across mark, it popped, sending the fluid crashing down the floor and all over Kamiko, who hissed slightly in pain. "Shit. Don't get this stuff in your eyes" grumbled the demon in question.

Kat quickly took off her amulet and pulled it around Kamiko who breathed out a sigh of relief. "Oh thank you for that"

"No problem." Said Kat, noticing the three gems lighting up. "Should we report that it rates a 3 on the pain scale? It isn't exactly a weapon but I guess we know now…" josei

Kamiko winced. "I'm not sure. I can still… almost feel it crawling over my eyes… or, maybe that's not quite right, but it isn't a pleasant situation even with the amulet. Um… can you look for a bit of water maybe? So I can wash my eyes out?"

Kat looked around for something resembling a water cooler or some way to get water when she noticed in the back corner, on the other side of the dummies near the entrance was a hose. *Well good thing I found that before it became necessary. Hey wait a minute I'm still on fire.* Kat quickly grabbed the hose, and turned it on herself. Luckily she did because the pressure was much too high to be pointing towards someone's eyes.

It did remove the fire though, and Kat quickly turned the pressure down before walking over to Kamiko. "Hold out your hands. I'll let the water drop their first, because it's still probably a bit much for your eyes"

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