D.E.M.O.N.S: Getting Summoned Weekly isn't so Bad

Chapter 414

Chapter 414: The Cold does Bother me

Chapter 414: The Cold does Bother me

Kamiko clapped her hands twice. "Well, with that, I think we should move the conversation to the bathroom."

Elmony groaned and said. "Nope. No way. If you're this happy about it there is no chance that Kat isn't also an ice type like you. I am not built for that kind of weather."

"You're plenty tough sis." Chimed Kamiko with a smile on her face.

"No, you don't get to play that card. I'm a fire based demon and I cannot handle the cold at all" replied Elmony, who Kat could see already had goosebumps starting to appear on the backs of her hands.

"Aw, come on. I can make sure it's only a little cold sis. I've had enough real baths the last few days that I'm more interested in keeping you around then chasing the cold." Said Kamiko.

Elmony's eyes narrowed and her stance shifted slightly as if she was getting ready to attack. "Do you swear? I know you've said things like that before, but normally you make the water much to cold, and I'm forced to leave, but Mum will trap the door. She might not be here right now, but if it gets back to her I ran way I'm sure I'll get an earful for it."

Kamiko smiled brightly, but Kat couldn't help but ask. "Aren't you… and um I no this might not be polite but… aren't you old enough to not have to worry about your mother asking you to do things or punishing you?"

"Elmony is more of a mummy's girl then I am. Triplets actually like Dad more, but us two share that particular trait. Elmony could never bear to disappoint Mum. I mean, I can't either, but that's completely different. Oh, and I do promise. I won't make it too cold for you." chimed Kamiko.

Elmony sighed. "I'm surprised you don't have this problem Kat. Demons actually have rather intense familial bonds. We don't really forget our family, and Succubi get this even worse. Now granted, sometimes, rarely, you find family who really want to kill each other but most of those genes bred themselves out for… obvious reasons."

Elmony glanced over at Kamiko before continuing "What my short little sister" Kamiko stuck out her tongue "is saying though is that I'll not disappoint our parents. It's very true though, no matter how old I get. It's a tiny bit strange that I still live with them and not in say… the house next door, but that's mainly because people think I should have a boyfriend or a girlfriend at this point."

Kat nodded. "Well, I never had parents. Mine are dead, and I don't remember them even with my recently improved memory. I had Gramps, and he's great, but I very quickly became the 'big sister' I guess to quite a lot of people and then one girl in particular called Sylvie.

"Maybe that's why?" Kat let her tail tap her chin "I still have those instincts but I use them in the other way, protecting my little sister and keeping the other young ones in line instead of looking up to my parents, which as I said, I do kinda do with Gramps."

Kamiko shrugged and grabbed her older sister by the arm. "No idea bath time."

Elmony laughed, despite the somewhat heavy handed manner of her sister and followed along easily. *I'm surprised she's going along with this so well. She seemed actually annoyed at the idea of a cold bath and it's not like Kamiko can possibly be stronger then her. I wonder how much this bothers her. Then again, I guess Kamiko promised not to make it too cold.*

The trio quickly made their way to the bathroom and jumped in the water. Elmony summoned a bunch of blood and turned it into a wetsuit first though. "What's with the wetsuit?" asked Kat

"It insulates me a bit. False blood when hardened is really bad at conducting heat, which makes it a great insulator." Said Elmony.

"She's just embarrassed because we both have the skin mutation that stops dust gathering on us. Elmony doesn't want us to see how much she picked up in her hair or the rest of her body." Is what Kamiko jumped in to say.

Kat narrowed her eyes and glanced at Elmony's hair which still had a bunch of blood in it. Now that it was pointed out by Kamiko, everything had very clearly been coated in a new fresh layer of false blood. *Well I didn't expect that.*

Elmony actually blushed and looked pointedly away from Kamiko while saying. "Can't leave me any dignity as a big sister when your friends around can you?"

"Nope. It's much more important to show off how cute you are. Not enough people appreciate that and you're normally all. 'Garh I'll kill you all and the nearest seven generations of your family line' which sure, is very intimidating but you don't go to Wrath enough for it to help you make friends."

If Kat thought Elmony was blushing before, she was wrong. Previously, she had a light dusting of red in her cheeks mostly made noticeable because of her pale skin and how much closer the pink made it to her eyes. Now though, that light dusting had spread from her forehead to her neck, and Kat could see the water around the woman was actually steaming.

*Oh. She's just a big softy that likes combat. Or is she just a family person? Hmm, maybe both? I'd need to see how many stuffed animals she has to really decide something like that I guess.* Kat thought with a chuckle to herself.

"It's ok Elmony. I'd do anything for my little sister Sylvie. She's not a demon, but I'm pretty sure her eyes have some charm magic in them. When she wants something it's impossible to say no. I'm just glad she's so polite and quiet most of the time. I can avoid spoiling her when she doesn't actively ask for things. I think it might be why she avoids asking too much actually. She knows she can get away with it." Said Kat.

Despite the intended purpose, which was reassuring Elmony, the woman in question just sunk lower into the bathtub as the steam increased. She let out a long stream of bubbles from her half-submerged face which was set into an intense pout.

Suddenly, a minor thing clicked with Kat. *OH that's one of the reasons she can't say no to Kamiko. I wonder if Kamiko's noticed that one or if she just thinks her older sister is like that. I'd have to see how well she treats the others to confirm my guess though…*

"Would you like to drop your blood shield and I'll wash your hair?" asked Kat. She watched as Elmony slowly turned and the blush dissipated slightly but remained mostly in the cheeks. Elmony narrowed her eyes at Kat and seemed to be asking what the catch was.

"Don't look at me like that. I grew up in an orphanage. You cannot IMAGINE some of the shit I had to get out of peoples' hair. Whatever I have to wash out cannot possibly be any worse." Explained Kat.

Elmony's eyes shifted from Kat to Kamiko and back, though it was hard to tell. Even as they moved, Elmony's eyes seemed to remain perfect red spheres. Kat could sort of tell where she was looking, there was… a spark of something that always showed where that was, but it was difficult to see. josei

Eventually, though, Elmony reached the decision and 'swam' over to Kat. Well, in more honest terms she was walking along the bottom of the bath. She was much taller then the other two and while the bath was deep enough for them to swim, it was only barely enough for Elmony who was capable of walking if she was willing to drop a bit lower then was comfortable.

Eventually, Elmony made it to Kat, who righted herself and started to move towards the side and used her tail to grab one of the under water spouts. Wrapping her tail around the device allowed for her to ignore the need to tread water, simply holding herself in place. Once secure Kat reached out to Elmony's hair and felt the hard shell surrounding it.

Kat gave it a solid tap, and missed the grimace Elmony wore as she looked over at Kamiko, who just smiled encouragingly back at the pair. Elmony released another batch of bubbles from her mouth and dropped the barrier. Instantly the nearby water was died red but Kat paid it no mind. Kat just started at the top of Elmony's hair, where it left the water and started to run her fingers down.

Elmony's hair was remarkable smooth and soft. Quite a large amount of the dirt had been dislodged when the blood was released but Kat was here to do a job properly. Carefully combing her way through Elmony's hair, Kat started picking out the larger obstructions that had tangled themselves in one place or another.? *This might take a while…*

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