D.E.M.O.N.S: Getting Summoned Weekly isn't so Bad

Chapter 419

Chapter 419: Family History

Chapter 419: Family History

Once Kamiko's cup was returned, Bachan asked Kamiko "So, how are things with your sisters overall?"

Kamiko tried to remain happy despite the question but her wings were fidgeting in the chair. "I love my sisters… though I guess if push comes to shove I love some more then others."

Bachan smiled pleasantly. "I can see that frown you're trying to hide. Would you like to talk about it? They say a burden shared is a burden halved. I promise I won't speak about this to anyone else." Is what she said. Knowing of course that everything was being recorded.

Kamiko however, didn't really consider her family drama to be all that valuable or worth recording, so it didn't occur to her to even question the wording. "I… I guess. I mean… first though I do want to mention the good things.

"Other than Mum and Dad of course, Elmony is cool. She likes to cook for us, and probably lets us younger sisters get away with more than we should if Mum isn't home. Her cooking is especially nice but… she can be a bit distant sometimes. I think it's a combination of how much older she is, the fact that she still blames herself for Meridthna's issues and because she has some guilt over notquite her past.

"Even I can feel the age between us sometimes. Personally, I think Mum wanted to have kids in lots of two's so that we'd all have 'a sister' and then the rest as well. It just doesn't make too much sense to me otherwise because our ages are not spread out evenly in the slightest. Um… don't repeat this part but Elmony and Meridthna have like… fifty years at least on the triplets. Elmony's really cagey with her age. I think it's because she doesn't know how old to count herself, but nevermind that.

"The other nice siblings are the triplets. Back to the whole 'in two's' Idea I think my mum has, I suspect she decided that because she had three at once that counted for that… generation? I guess? Of sisters. They are much closer to each other than anyone else, but I guess that's understandable. I get a little annoyed at them sometimes because they try to spread their time out with me so usually at least one of them is around…

"But they aren't the same people! I mean… they say that all the time, but I'm not actually sure if they believe it themselves. They have a really bad habit of cycling through each other, and occasionally if one needs to skip another covers for it but… I remember once when Kerra was painting some particularly impressive art… and don't get me wrong it was amazing…

"But I didn't see her basically at all outside of meal times for two months. When they overheard that, instead of Kerra making a bit of time for me, Erra and Merra made more time for me. Which, was lovely and I enjoyed that time… but it still didn't change the fact I hadn't spent time with Kerra you know?"

Kamiko took in deep breaths and chugged half of the glass of tea at once. She realised that she was starting to get worked up. "Sorry Bachan. I said I was going to talk about the nice things first but I'm already saying bad things. The triplets really are all lovely, and even though Elmony sometimes feels like a second Mum I'm closest with them."

"It's ok dear" said Bachan calmly. "Do you want some more tea? You drunk quite a lot there."

Kamiko blushed but nodded failing to hide her smile. *She's rather nice. Is this why Mum says we should talk to a therapist from medical occasionally? I… I never really thought I needed it. I'm happy most of the time, and my family is great… Oh and I have a new friend Kat… but… I feel lighter for some reason. Guess Mum is always right.*

When Kamiko had her cup back she took a brief sip before continuing to speak. "Sorry, I started skipping around a bunch. Um, I guess I'll say a bit about Meridthna? She… she's sort of left the family. I mean, I say sort of. In most ways she has, and I know that, and we don't really see her…

"But I've also seen some photos in an old album. They are from when everyone was born er well, everyone except Elmony but… you know?" Kamiko just waved that one away and Bachan nodded like she understood. Perhaps she did. "Anyway, Meridthna was in all of them. Not just her own, but she was around for the triplets and for me and Aslena as well…

"So… I find it hard to believe that she really cares so little for us, or hates us, or, or doesn't want to be around. I mean, based on some of things Mum and Dad say, I'm not sure either of them would have told her without being asked when we were getting born but… without fail she's always there.

"So I do wonder about that I guess. Like… why does everyone just avoiding talking about her? The little bits and pieces I do have are from small things I've collected but even then I seem to still know more than anyone else except those around at the time. Which I think is weird considering how much older the triplets are then me and Aslena."

Bachan took a sip of tea. "Meridthan could have a memory altering power?"

Kamiko opened her mouth to reject it, but paused. *I mean… she could? Maybe? But why doesn't it effect me? Maybe it's because she hasn't met me since I made those memories? That doesn't explain why she isn't around though. Plus if it is memory manipulation why continue to show up for her sisters' birth? If it ISN'T her power why doesn't she visit then? Plus our family doesn't have a history of them…*

"I don't think that's it Bachan. It just doesn't really make sense. Too many holes." Said Kamiko. josei

Bachan shrugged. "I was just throwing things out there to get you to think Kamiko. I don't know as much as you, and if you think it's unlikely you're probably right."

Kamiko took a sip of tea before she elaborated. It wasn't ask for but she felt she should. "It's just… if she was doing it, what's the point? If she was doing it to keep us apart and not look for her why visit for important things? If someone else is doing it why isn't she around? Nothing really quite adds up looking at it that way."

Bachan nodded. "Yes I see what you mean. I suppose it could be more complicated but it isn't as though your family is weak, from what you've told me"

Kamiko smiled and nodded, missing the slight slip up from Bachan, just happy to have this wise person agree with her. She didn't want to think memory abilities were involved. That just caused things to get messy instantly, and ones that worked on demons were really rare, especially ones as powerful as her mother.

"Well, um… now that that's covered, I guess we can talk a little about the triplets? I know I sort of did that already but now I'm just going down in age and I want to… if that's ok?" asked Kamiko hesitantly.

Bachan looked Kamiko in the eyes with a soft smile. "Don't worry dear. You can speak about what you want. I might give you questions and prod you along the way, but if you want to say something don't be afraid."

"Thanks Bachan." Said Kamiko. "Well, like I said, the triplets feel the most like older sisters. Or perhaps feel the most like one older sister with three faces? No I guess that's still wrong because they have the same face… hmm, that is weird phrasing it. Anyway, they act fairly differently most of the time…

"But when it comes to family and certain other things like food, you can hardly tell one from the other. Dress them all up in identical clothing and put a banquet in front of them, and all of them will go straight for the same dishes. Lock them in a room with me, and… well I probably could do it… not to brag but I can tell them apart the best out of everyone except themselves.

"Elmony would struggle. Mum might be able to do figure it out, but she'd need to actually think about it and use some powers. The point is, despite their varied interests, pretty much everything outside of their focus is so similar. That does mean though, that I think they're all awesome. They love hugs, and spend plenty of time with me when they aren't busy. Erra will read me books sometimes and Kerra will let me watch her paint. They don't let the others do that. I of course, think that's great. Merra… well she is a little different. She'll take as many interested parties she can grab for her sports endeavours, but I think she just wants more training. So I dunno if it's the same…"

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