D.E.M.O.N.S: Getting Summoned Weekly isn't so Bad

Chapter 422

Chapter 422: Kat and Kamiko are Both Having Fun in Their Own Ways.

Chapter 422: Kat and Kamiko are Both Having Fun in Their Own Ways.

While Kat was watching Excalibur freak out more a thought occurred to her. *Isn't this like the textbook definition of 'I'm not trapped in here with you, you're trapped in here with me'? I never thought I'd actually have a chance to say it… well I guess I still don't because the moment has passed.

Should I try aiming for it in the future? I guess I'll need someone trying to trap me somewhere first. It's not like that happens all the time. Kat looked at Excalibur who'd just taken up refuge against the opposite wall.

You know. It has now occurred to me that this much chaos shouldn't be so scarring. I mean, I've fought actual monsters and people that have been trying to kill me. Multiple times as a point of fact. How does a slightly strange conversation manage to get so far under Excalibur's skin.

Is it because I personally am scary? Like… they're scared they might take it to far and I'll lash out? That doesn't seem like it… they were still reacted to everything like they were surprises or problems, not really fear until after the fire and the juggling balls.

Seriously. I just don't understand what there is to be scared off, or even annoyed with once you've been out in the field. Does that mean I'm causing trouble for a kid? No that also doesn't make a lot of sense. They're not too short so it's a least a teenager…*

*Though based on my experiences at school if I was annoying Excalibur that much and they were a teenager… or really just younger then twenty-five.* Kat did not think specifically about her 9th grade History teacher… it was the one from grade 10. *Then there should be a lot more swearing and I'm just not seeing.*


Back with Kamiko and Bachan


While Kat was trying to work out if it was actually ok to continue harassing Excalibur despite the obvious encouragement from the others, Kamiko was being asked about her parents. "Now, you… you had a lot to say about Aslena. Would you like to talk about your dad? You mentioned him a few times but didn't really elaborate" Asked Bachan

"Well, I suppose I can. The first and most obvious thing that you need to know about Dad is that he's kind of a coward. Not in the traditional way, he'd fight a dragon if he felt like he needed to, or cut down a whole army by himself. I know for a fact he actually did the second one TWICE.

"However, when it comes to people he likes, he just… he's such a doormat you know?" Bachan actually shook her head at this. This wasn't just a ploy for information she actually had no idea what Kamiko was talking about. Seeing Bachan radiating confusion Kamiko smiled at the chance to explain even more. "Right so…

"What it comes down to is priorities I guess? Except not really. If I asked Dad for all of the money he had. He'd just hand it over to me. Well, maybe not, he'd probably laugh first, and then when I convinced him I was serious I'd get the money.

"Luckily for the family finances, most of his money actually goes to Mum. It's not like Dad is unaware of how bad he is with things like that, so… he just doesn't try. Anyway, back on topic. Dad is willing to forgive SO many things. Sure he'll still report them to Mum, and that's when you get in trouble but he'll just let things go.

"Drawing on the walls? That's fine. Kicking a ball in the backyard and breaking the windows? No problem. Asking for a hundred books for her own personal library? Well, that one was actually run by Mum first, but not because Dad wouldn't have agreed. Is… is this making sense?"

Bachan nodded despite the confusion almost visibly radiating from her at this point. She was clearly struggling to wrap her head around the fact that people like that could actually exist. This was the Envy faction after all. They were all at least a little selfish, even when it came to family. "I… well I'm hearing you at least" managed Bachan.

Kamiko nodded to hide the slight twitch in her eye and said, "That's ok, my Dad is a pretty confusing guy. Anyway. The point is, he's a bit of a coward and a doormat. He will let us get away with anything. That's why when it comes to parenting, he's kinda bad?

"He never stopped Aslena's attempts to belittle me because that meant telling her she was wrong, and that certainly wasn't going to happen, and I, when I was younger, just wanted to keep up with her so I wasn't going to complain. Even once I figured it out, the response I got was 'Are you sure? You've enjoyed those challenges for years' from Dad, which… no I didn't. Sorry we already covered Aslena and I'm repeating things.

"Anyway, that's what Dad does. Oh, and also he's weaker then Mum. It's not so important, but it is surprising. As strong as he is for a Rank 5, Mum is just better, despite all the healing abilities she has that should drag her down. Elmony thinks it's because he just doesn't have any killer instinct. I'm not even sure what kind of aura he has.

"The triplets think he must have a really weak aura, or none at all. I do wonder though. I've never seen him angry but I've heard some stories about things he's done on Contracts and I just can't imagine him being as weak as he seems to be. Maybe even losing to Mum is just another part of being a doormat."

"I'm really not sure deary. What about your mother?" asked Bachan.

"Mum's pretty great. A little on the busy side, but I like having her around. She does like to mess around with us and cause a bit of embarrassment which I don't get caught up in as much as my sisters do. I think it's because she knows I'm less fond of it then the others. Sure I like spending time with her but sometimes it's a little much.

"I think, despite how busy she is, she's only around slightly less then I'd wish you know? I love her, but I love her in small doses. I can keep up with them and enjoy them greatly, but if I was locked in a room with Mum for a week I'd probably lose a good deal of sanity. I would have thought I'd build up a resistance over the years but it's not something that seems to have happened."

Bachan took in a sip of tea. "That's an interesting perspective to have of a mother."

*Is it really? I've not really known that many other families intimately enough to take a proper guess. I've hardly seen the triplets' friends' parents, and I've not got friends of my own to find out. Well, I have Kat but she doesn't count because she has no parents. … … Why do I feel like a bad person for saying that? josei

It's TRUE and KAT doesn't care. She told me herself it wasn't a big deal and that it doesn't bother her. She can't lie just like other demons… unless she can lie because she was human? Nah she's a demon now… but if she could lie about it… I guess she could just lie and say she can't lie?*

*Hey D.E.M.O.N.S do you know if people like Kat can lie?*

User Kat has the full limitations and benefits of a normal demon at this point. Other Users in a similar situation, including User Kat, usually possess above average strength and rare abilities but it is not a guarantee. User Kat could lie before the transformation started. Exact details of when she lost the ability to lie will need to come from User Kat.

*Thanks D.E.M.O.N.S that was actually nice of you to confirm. Guess I don't have to be worried about that in particular. Now… what was I doing? Oh right answering Bachan.* "I'm not sure I would say it's interesting… I mean it just sort of is? I've not got a lot of references." Said Kamiko

"Well what about your friend Kat? Does she have a similar relationship with her parents?" asked Bachan.

Kamiko's eyes started to spin very slightly but she pushed her energy forward to freeze them in place. *Oh no you don't eyes. I'm not giving away how much that question affected me. I may be willing to air my family drama to Envy because I know that they don't care and I didn't say anything too incriminating anyway…*

*Well except for Aslena but she can suck it. Kat though, I'm not going to just rat her out… except she's probably in the same position, and I bet that she'd just straight up tell them. So… I guess it's fine?* "Well, Kat's parents are dead so I really don't know." Said Kamiko

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