D.E.M.O.N.S: Getting Summoned Weekly isn't so Bad

Chapter 425

Chapter 425: This is Why I need Therapy

Chapter 425: This is Why I need Therapy

"You know you can tell us anything sis" chimed the three. "We won't make fun? of your for it we always enjoy chatting with you!"

Kamiko bit her lips, and glanced at Kat for support. Kat of course, recognised the look. She'd seen it very often at the orphanage, and it was one of the few expressions she could read with exceptional reliability. She just wasn't sure why Kamiko needed it. Still, Kat took a stand and puffed out her chest, flaring her power through her horns making the lines glow purple releasing a soft light around her face as she nodded, trying to look as authoritative and supportive of her friend as possible.

The triplets that could see Kat in their vision raised their eyebrows slightly at the change in Kat, but tried to downplay their reactions. Kamiko saw Kat's support and took a deep breath. "Well, just one example of my problems is how you three like to treat yourselves as interchangeable. This whole gimmick with Kat and the three of you speaking in sync somewhat helps my point" explained Kamiko.

The triplets frowned. "Well" started Erra "We wouldn't want that" continued Merra "But what do you mean?" finished Kerra.

Kamiko sighed. "Well, the best example was when Kerra was working on her 'masterpiece' two years ago. I never saw you Kerra. It was always Erra or Merra if it wasn't meal times. Even when I hinted or outright asked to spend more time with you, it was Erra or Merra who came instead!"

The triplets all winced in sync at the accusation, recognising the truth as it was spoken. The three looked between each other, as they tried to work out who would speak first. In the end, Kerra apparently got that honour. "Sorry about that Kamiko. I mean… I was really busy and I asked the others to spend time with you to help out… I didn't realise it was a problem…"

Before the other two could chime in Kamiko continued her point. "Look, I understand that, and I can empathise. The thing is though, at least twice during that time Erra and Merra tried to pretend to be you! I could tell the difference you know! When Erra took your place I even tested it to see if you were trying to hide who you were. I referred to you as Kerra twice and you didn't correct me. Then when I referred to you as Merra, knowing it was wrong, you corrected me and confirmed my guess when you said you weren't Merra, but Erra, and that I was losing my touch…"

Erra and Kerra both winced at the description while Merra glared at her two sisters before saying. "You pair did what?!"

"Wait you didn't know?" asked Kamiko

Merra shook her head. "No I didn't actually." Said Merra "I did know that Kerra wanted me to spend more time with you, and I made sure that I did but I was actually in that martial arts tournament around the same time so I wasn't really as clued in to everything at the time as I maybe should have been. I mostly spent my time with you, Kamiko, relaxing and trying to come up with strategies for the people I knew I'd be fighting next."

Erra and Kerra swallowed slightly. The triplets were good fighters especially together, but Merra was undoubtedly the best. There was some risk that she could actually beat Erra and Kerra together, especially if Kat and Kamiko helped out. "We didn't mean anything by it!" said the scared pair.

Kat narrowed her eyes, and decided to use this chance to remind them she was standing behind Kamiko in this. Throwing some energy into her vocal cords Kat boomed out. "I think that's kind of the point. You didn't mean anything by it at all. It was just a thing you did, and Kamiko is annoyed at how little you think it changed."

Kerra and Erra whipped their hands around to face Kat with paling faces. Kat didn't realise but the energy she'd been sending to keep her horns glowing had started to leak into her eyes a bit so they were glowing as well now, and she cut a rather intimidating figure, especially when her aura was pressing against their own. Even if Kat's was a calming aura… the fact that it was actively fighting both Kerra's and Erra without control from Kat was something to be feared and the duo knew it.

"Kat's right. That's exactly what I'm annoyed about. I like all three of you, not the three of you together. You're all my sisters and I love you for different reasons. You are NOT replacements for the other two no matter what you, or I guess, you two seem to think" explained Kamiko.

"Sorry" said Kerra and Erra looking away, the still hadn't broken the hug with Kamiko though. josei

Kamiko sighed and said. "Look… it's not like this is something I can't forgive you for. Before today I might have even said that I'd already forgiven you considering how long ago it was and that you did it FOR me, but… now that I have been given the chance to rant a bit I can see I'm not over it. Thus, my reasoning for therapy. Not serious stuff but… well Mum always told us not to get cuts infected. I think this is kind of the same"

"I actually think it's a good idea" said Merra. "I mean, I might by bias because I was able to prove I'm not responsible for that incident, but I'm sure I've probably done something similar enough to cause issues. I know I haven't gotten either of the other two to lie about being me but I have asked them to take my place on occasion, we all have"

"And that's fine" explained Kamiko "I know that sort of thing happens and while it is a little annoying when it does, I do understand. It might grate on me a bit, but as long as I'm told, especially in the future I won't mind"

"We promise" said Erra and Kerra, before Erra continued by herself. "One question I do have though, is why isn't this something you could talk about with is? It would probably have been worse if you didn't speak about it to us eventually, at least now it's over."

Kamiko sighed. "Well, I picked that as an example somewhat because of the fact it could be addressed. Plus I did just get done yelling about it to an old lady, or one who acted like one. I'd had at least some time to come to terms with it, and I knew I needed to ask"

Kamiko glanced at Kat again, signalling something Kat couldn't quite discern with her eyes. *I think she wants me to change topics? It's a little unclear.* "Kamiko brings up a question actually, if you wouldn't mind moving on…?" Kat asked vaguely

When the triplets nodded along with Kamiko who gave her a wink and smile which Kat returned, she was sure she'd done the right thing. "Well, what actually constitutes old for a demon? How does it all work?"

"I'll take this one" said Kerra, somewhat to Kat's surprise. I'd thought either Erra or all three of them would answer. "See, there are a few tiers of demon society that normally influences their lifespan. This is separate to Rank of course.

"The lowest are those that are demons by technicality. They can use demonic energy but the ability to use it properly has been bred out of them. A lot of them can't withstand the weight of the demonic energy in the hubs while I bet you haven't even noticed Kat." *She's right on that. If there is a difference I haven't really picked it up.*

"Then, the second tier, is more variably based on Rank, but it is the more common demons. They can live for a few thousand years, but mostly rely on Rank ups to keep that lifespan expanding. Say one thousand for Rank 1, two thousand for Rank 2, and then like ten thousand for Rank 3. It get's to be a lot as you go up.

"Finally you have the third and highest tier which are demons that have some way of gaining complete immortality without achieving a higher Rank. Sometimes this comes from powerful parentage but normally it comes from an ability. You Kat, might actually qualify for this third tier with your regen. We'd have to find out how it affects your aging."

"Is there much difference in social standing?" asked Kat

"Not really" said the triplets "Well, tier ones get it hard, mostly because they almost never Rank up and even if they do they don't Rank up enough for their lifespans to increase significantly. Tier two and three though. The treatment is only slightly different. Mostly when younger. It's because you already know they're going to be around a long time, so older demons tend to be more polite but people around the same age won't care."

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