D.E.M.O.N.S: Getting Summoned Weekly isn't so Bad

Chapter 43

Chapter 43: Did I Ever Mention How Hot Kat is? It’s around 150°

Chapter 43: Did I Ever Mention How Hot Kat is? It’s around 150°

Continuing down the road to Vivian's, the girls drove into the garage and gathered their things from the trunk. Kat had slightly less trouble getting out, but only barely. "Ooo, this is so exciting come in, I can't wait to intro-" Vivian stopped and turned towards Kat paling slightly "Kat, I told you I have a roommate, right?"

"Of course, I know you mentioned her name as well but I don't recall" said Kat

"Callisto is her name but what are we supposed to do about your wings?" said Vivian

Kat's eyes widened "Yeah, that ah, hmm. That does make this a bit harder. I'd always planned to tell her, like I knew you had a roommate when I accepted but ah. Hmm" said Kat

*Well, this is actually a question now isn't it. I'd planned to tell Callisto at some point after I got to know her a bit because if Vivian trusts her enough to pay for everything, she has to be alright but I'm just not sure how comfortable I am telling her upfront*

"What do you think Vivian?" asked Kat

"Hmm, well that depends, I think it'll be rather easy to hide from her because Callisto pretty much never comes out of her room, but I also feel like I should introduce you both" said Vivian biting her lips

"I guess we'll just see what happens, if I run into Callisto I'll explain it all to her and if not I guess it doesn't matter" said Kat

"Thanks, I really didn't consider that at all when I asked you to stay here. Would it have been safer for you to stay at the orphanage?" said Vivian

"Nah, the wings are brand new and I have no idea how I was supposed to hide this anyway so it's fine" said Kat

Nodding to herself Vivian went around the back to help with the bags. Kat held her own bags with her backpack in her arms and her other bag held by the tail. Vivian was carrying Sylvie's duffel bag while Sylvie had her backpack on.

"I'll show you both to your rooms, you'll have one each and they are upstairs" said Vivian as she led the group through the house to the staircase located just off the centre of the building. "I hope you don't mind that the rooms are upstairs, it's a bit of effort but it keeps me fit"

"I've never got to sleep upstairs before, that sounds nice" said Sylvie

"It's honestly not that different, I used to stay downstairs in the orphanage as well actually" said Kat

"Really?" asked Sylvie

"Well, I can't lie anymore so I'll let you figure that out" said Kat.

Sylvie pouted in response and sped up to stand beside Vivian. Reaching the landing they found themselves in a corridor with two doors on either side near the stairs and one at each end of the hallway.

"So, these two doors right here will be your rooms, I'm not sure which one you both want, they only have simple beds in them I thought you girls would want to decorate them yourselves. The door down the front of the house is mine but I don't use it much because I'm normally downstairs in my office, I'll show you that later. Down the corridor in the opposite direction is Callisto's room. It's so far away, the meanie said that she wanted the furthest room from mine when I let her pick one out" said Vivian wiping a fake tear from her eye.

"Are the rooms different at all?" asked Kat

"Nope not at all" said Vivian

"Well Sylvie, you can still pick first I don't really mind" said Kat. Sylvie, recognising that it truly didn't matter just chose the right door at random and pushed it open. The room was as Vivian described, basically empty. There was a closet on the left side wall with a mirror as part of the door, a bed in the centre of the room pressed up against the wall underneath a window and that was everything. Vivian placed Sylvie's bag near the closet.

"Sorry it isn't much but as I said we can go out and buy decoration if you don't have any" said Vivian

"Vivian, this is all lovely, the room is larger than the one at the orphanage, we get one each, it's fine really" said Kat

"Nope unacceptable, you're both officially my children now and as your mother I will make sure you decorate you rooms no ifs or buts about it" said Vivian trying to straighten herself up to be taller than Kat while grinning

"You're more like an older sister than anything Vivian" said Kat

Vivian placed her hand over her heart "I feel so betrayed, you've only been adopted for a few hours and you are already calling me old. Whatever shall I do"

Kat rolled her eyes and started helping Sylvie unpack her things "You can help unpack then"

And so the three girls spent the rest of the afternoon unpacking and setting up Kat and Sylvie's rooms. They took a short break for lunch not long after they started and finished up around tea time. It was a quiet affair because Kat was still worn out from her adventures, Sylvie was quiet normally and Vivian just didn't mind the silence, understanding that it wasn't the time for her usual endless enthusiasm. Shortly after the meal Kat had a shower and flopped onto the bed passing out almost immediately. A short time later Vivian peeked in through the door and noticed Kat hadn't even covered herself in sheets and decided to tuck Kat in before quietly shutting the door.


Kat awoke feeling somewhat unwell, and slightly hot. Throwing off the blankets she sat up and headed for the shower, grabbing out a set of clothes before putting them right back in the closet. *How am I supposed to even wear anything with these wings now? I was so tired yesterday that I just put my kimono back on instinctively and didn't even think about it but I can't wear shirts anymore. And why am I so hot all of a sudden? After the change to my skin I'm pretty sure I haven't really felt the temperature at all but now I feel like I'm burning.*

Having a cold shower didn't seem to relieve the sense of heat at all, so Kat just killed time on the sofa downstairs until Vivian woke up hoping to ask for her opinion. Luckily the seating was soft enough that Kat's wings could sink into it without a need to sit awkwardly and for that she was thankful

It wasn't long past 7:00 am when Vivian walked downstairs and noticed Kat lounging around. "You're up awfully early, I hope you slept well" said Vivian

"I did, well at least until I woke up. I feel really hot for some reason and trying to have a cold shower didn't help me at all. I think I might have a fever" said Kat

"Oh, dear. Let me see" said Vivian as she walked over to Kat. She pressed her hand lightly against Kat's forehead only to flinch back instantly as pain shot through her hand. Vivian stared at her fingers now bright red. "Kat, you're burning up. Like, you might be on fire or something, is this one of your demon powers?" said Vivian

"I hope not, I really don't feel well and this sense of heat is sort of suffocating" said Kat

"Well you wait right there and I'll grab the thermometer" said Vivian as she ran into one of the nearby rooms. josei

She returned shortly triumphant smile on her face. "Found it, and in record time too. Let's just see here" said Vivian as she moved to slip the thermometer under Kat's arm but paused. "Um did you want to do it? I don't want to make you uncomfortable by opening your shirt" said Vivian

"Nah, it's fine" said Kat lifting her arm and pulling her kimono forward. Placing the thermometer under Kat's arm they waited for a moment before taking the reading.

"Well, that's really not what I wanted to see" said Vivian

"So I have a fever then?" said Kat

"Well maybe. You seem to have broken the thermometer" said Vivian turning it around to reveal the thermometer reading three zeroes.

"Oh, I have an idea" said Vivian as she ran to the kitchen. Opening and closing several cupboards Kat heard an excited shout and then Vivian came running back over. "Found this thermometer. It's for food normally but your skin really burned me when I tried to touch you before so I think this is the safest bet" said Vivian proud of her innovative idea.

Kat shrugged and allowed Vivian to take her temperature once again.

"Well, that still isn't good. In fact I'm quite concerned" said Vivian looking shockingly unconcerned

"You seem fine to me" said Kat

"Yes well it just seems so silly and your obviously fine. Well not fine per say but a lot better than having a temperature of 150 degrees would make you think"

"That's really quite high even for a Fahrenheit thermometer" said Kat

"Dear, this is a reading in Celsius, I'm surprised the couch hasn't caught fire" said Vivian

"What!" yelled Kat jumping up from her position on the couch. *This can't be normal. Um system what the hell is going on*

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