D.E.M.O.N.S: Getting Summoned Weekly isn't so Bad

Chapter 432

Chapter 432: That’s a Long Building

Chapter 432: That’s a Long Building

It was the next morning and Kat was stretching herself out. Doing this had actually made her realise a few things. The first, was that her memory wasn't quite as perfect as she thought it was. Sure, she remembered 'everything' but it was more like she had a video recording of everything stored in her head alongside some director's commentary to include her thoughts. However, she only got vague impressions of what she was feeling at the time. Sensations were muted if they were there at all.

The next thing she realised, is that she might have been in worse condition then she thought. It seemed that reaching Rank 2 had improved her enough that she hadn't noticed how 'sluggish' she was actually becoming due to the buildup of demonic energy because she'd made such a big jump and then got thrown into a dream world instead of understanding exactly where her limits were.

The reason she figured all this out was, that she felt like someone had lifted off several layers of heavy blankets from both her body and mind. She felt loose in a way, even though she hadn't noticed herself getting slowly constricted. Additionally, the sleep was really nice. It was very easy to go straight to sleep and past meditation while low on energy. This did give her questions, but she didn't really want to ask them now.

This meant breakfast was a quiet affair. Kat just had something to drink, while the triplets all ate from one exceptionally large bowl of jelly they'd done up. Kat wasn't entirely sure it was healthy, but Kamiko was having a few unique fruits instead, though she wasn't exactly happy with it.

Kat really wanted to ask during breakfast why they needed so much jelly. The whole thing took up most of the space on the table and Kat was honestly a little surprised that the three of them could fit so much food in their stomachs even if it was just jelly of all things.

Still the triplets turned out to have picked a very thematic breakfast for the day because when Kamiko and Kat were teleported, they found themselves in front of the Gluttony compound, or at least, just outside on of their buildings. josei

It was very strange in shape. It was three stories tall, and longer then the eye could see, yes even Kat's. She did a quick boost to her eyes as well and found that didn't actually help at all, the building just kept going and going seemingly without end. *Ok this is just weird WHY IS IT SO LONG.*

Kat desperately wanted to say that it was an illusion, but of course her truesight would prevent something like that, so it had to be real. Plus if she looked carefully, she noticed that while the building was extremely long and seemingly endless, it was not completely the same. The left side of the building seemed to have a large number of doors of various sizes with signs advertising the kind of food the place sold and a copious number of demons of all shapes and sizes entering and exiting the doors seemingly at random. Non stayed all that long, and the people were constantly shifting around. Kat was a little surprised that each shop did seem to have around the same number of people at a glance. At the very least, none stood out from another.

They… weren't really creative. Most of them stated what food they had in what amount, for example the closest one was 'Rank 1 size pizza' and another was 'All you can eat for 1 minute leminurar'. Kat wasn't even sure what that was. There wasn't any pictures to describe the items sold, just the name and an amount.

"Well… this is a lot" said Kat

"I've actually seen this before" said Kamiko "Kinda forgot to mention that yesterday, so I'm not as surprised as you seem to be. Sorry about that. It's just… so normal for me you know? A lot of people come here to eat even non Gluttony demons. The sign is what you get for the standard cost in each section. Each section is marked off by the signs all changing colour, though… I'm not sure if you can see the end of the first section or not."

Kat squinted, mostly out of habit if she was being honest, and tried to look as far down as she could. The walls just seemed normal, no colouring at all as far as she could see. Pushing some energy into her eyes revealed at the very edge of her vision, the walls changing to purple instead… maybe, it was a little hard to tell and it was right at the edge of her range.

*Damn… if that's all just the first section this building is probably larger then my entire town. With the people around I'd say there's probably twice the number I'd see in the city… well maybe not. I'm not quite sure how good my eyesight is, it's a little hard to measure and I don't want to commit to such a large figure… but if this IS the whole of Gluttony coming to get food maybe it's a more reasonable assumption then one would think.*

As Kat thought this, she noticed someone walking up behind them. It was a slow unhurried walk, but certainly heading in their direction. Kat slowly turned around to see who was coming for them, and was shocked to find such an ordinary looking person. There was no demonic traits on them that she could see at all. If she was told they were human, she'd believe them.

They wore a standard shaped chefs hat with gold and blue making up the stripes instead of it being clear white. His face was pretty normal as well. Black hair hidden mostly by the hat, and perhaps a hidden hairnet, that was a thing chefs did right? His eyes were an unremarkable brown, the kind you'd find anywhere you look. His noes was a little to big for his face, but his short stature meant Kat didn't have to look at his nostrils.

Kat was perhaps most surprised though, by the acne. To this point, she'd never seen anything to even suggest that demons had skin conditions. Everyone either had perfect skin, or had something else that wasn't skin to keep their insides where they were supposed to be. His ears were nothing remarkable to Kat, they fit well enough on his face, though they were a little higher then she thought was normal. His lips were his standout feature for his face, if you could call them that. They were a deep rose red as if he'd put on lipstick recently, but the fact that he was chewing on his lip as he worked forward made that option unlikely.

The chef's outfit was just as simple as his face. He had a dark blue shirt on rolled up to his elbows. Any defining features were either lost in the folds on his arms, or hidden by the apron he wore over it, which was a simple, if slightly annoying off white apron that made it look more like the entire thing had been dipped in grease and never cleaned then a properly maintained part of his attire. It was a little weird because the shirt and hat looked much cleaner, and Kat couldn't smell anything terrible from the man.

His pants consisted of a long pair of jeans that were more on the grey side then could be considered standard with what must have been deep pockets. The reason Kat knew they were deep was because instead of using the pouch on his apron, he had a number of cooking utensils in the pockets in his pants. He had a ladle, a knife a pair of cooking tongs, and a big wooden spoon in his top two pockets, and in the ones sewn to the front just below his knees seemed to be cutlery sets, but it was hard to tell with the flaps holding them mostly shut. His shoes were simply a pair of black derby style dress boots.

"Greetin's, the name's Fredrick, but you can call meh Freddy" said the chef. "I'm assumin' that you galls are meh chefs for the day?"

Kat looked to Kamiko for direction, and she answered with, "If you mean we've been assigned to work at Gluttony for two days then yes we are."

Freddy nodded, chef's had moving with his head and not wobbling at all despite what conventional physics would have you believe. "Right thas good. Glad ta have you both. Got a lot o' work lined up fer you but I'm not sure which you'd be best at, so do you mind if I go over a few tings with you first?"

*I mean… that should be fine? This isn't another envy situation right? He's probably just trying to ask us a few questions about our cooking skill… right?*

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