D.E.M.O.N.S: Getting Summoned Weekly isn't so Bad

Chapter 449

Chapter 449: Disaster Zone

Chapter 449: Disaster Zone

Walking down Kamiko's garden path, Kat felt much better then shad had the previous day. Her body and mind seemed to burn, her energy, instead of being sluggish and unresponsive felt like it was producing heat and clinging to every part of her body spreading the fire around. Kat was actually surprised she didn't find the sensation displeasing. It was somewhat like the burn of a good work out but much more eclipsing in its presence, and didn't seem to care if you were moving or not.

Trying to use energy resulted in an even faster response time then normal for Kat, but it was accompanied by a sharp pain as well. Kat, being way to accepting of pain at this point, didn't consider it much of a downside unlike Kamiko who was currently wincing as she made her way down the path with Kat.

There lunch break had been a truly joyous occasion. Freddy had prepared something specifically for the two ice attuned demons. Kat wouldn't say it was the tastiest thing she'd ever eaten, but that hardly matter when compared the sheer amount of energy she seemed to have returned to her after just a few bites.

Kat was sceptical at first. When Freddy pulled the two meals out of thin air, she'd been wondering more about how common it was to be able to store something like that then she was looking forward to the meal. That quickly changed when Kamiko's face lit up like the sun peaking just over the nearby forest in the morning.

The dish was giving of billowing steam by the second, and looked like someone had poured liquid nitrogen over the meal and then left it to boil. It might actually have been, Kat didn't know what nitrogen tasted like, and the appearance was rather spot on. Still, that was just the start.

When Kat had the plate next to her, her energy had instantly calmed down. It wasn't like it had stopped moving completed, it was more like her entire energy system changed into a purring kitten that was happy to be fed. Under all that smoke, Kat could see a pastry of some kind, more the meat pie and quiche sort rather then a sweet like custard tart. Though, just from looking Kat was only 90% sure.

It was shaped like a croissant, with a light drizzling of 'watery' red sauce that covered the whole thing. The pastry itself though was actually a dark blue, almost black in colour that really stood out against the red. Little bits and pieces of pink seeped out of the sides, likely whatever filling had been put in.

Kat smiled and took a bit, and she could feel her whole body shiver at it. That first bite had been what she'd imagined drinking three cups of coffee in a row felt like. The taste was… somewhat mediocre in comparison but the joy she felt from the pick me up managed to completely do away with any disappointment she might have felt about that fact.

It was a rich dish, and very meaty in taste despite the pastry coating. She could hardly taste that at all, and it must have been thin because the casing mettled rather quickly in her mouth. The sauce was a sharp, bitter taste that made her mouth water and beg for more of the treat. Taking a second bite, was much like the first. A hit of energy, this time causing her energy to feel like it's spinning.

At the time, Kat had wondered if she was imagining the sensation, simply trying to escalate in her mind the feeling of power she'd been experiencing. However, the third bite proved this was not the case. Upon biting into it, Kat felt her body once again shiver, but this time it also exhaled.

Kat found herself bursting into flames, but she knew these were not her own. Instead of her trademark purple it was a dark blue fire just like the colour of the pasty. Looking over at Kamiko, Kat found a similar scene. There was no pain from the fire, and it didn't feel like she was bursting with energy as if it had all been packed to tightly and now threatened to escape her control.

It was more like she'd been energised then had any stagnant energy pushed out of her accompanied by the energy that didn't properly settle into her system. She finished off the last bite and the flames shot out covering the kitchen for a moment before calming down. Kat was a tiny bit saddened the meal was so small, but could also tell that eating more would have done her no good so she didn't complain. josei

Still, it had been memorable, Kat mused, as she walked up to the house, unsure of what she was going to find. *I wonder if Kamiko's dad will still be around. We didn't really get to talk to him yesterday so he might have stuck around. He did say he was going out, but only to do the shopping. Will anybody else be joining us I wonder?*

This question was answered quickly when Kamiko pushed open the door for them both and Kat spotted her Dad in the kitchen with a number of baking trays nearby as well as a few other things.

It looked a little more like a disaster zone then she would ever willingly admit if asked later on. On the main table where they'd eaten before there was a number of thick towels laid out, likely to prevent the heat from the dishes burning the table or perhaps causing issues with the enchantments.

A number of trays were spread across it, and they looked the neatest out of everything Kat could see. There was a number of cupcakes still in their trays as well as two full cakes, and what looked like a batch of brownies as well. The slightly worrying thing about this scene is that Kat could see the heat wafting off them and moved so that she was now in front of Kamiko. Kat couldn't feel the temperature herself, but it would clearly not be pleasant for Kamiko at all.

The rest of the kitchen was much worse. Everything had at least a fine dusting of flour, while a number of other places had large servings of it. Batter was mixed in, in various places as well, with some food dye slowly spreading across the tabletop where it had hit the counter. There was no less then five mixing bowls, all with various states of complete mixture as Trigrath moved throughout the kitchen clearly lacking the skill and finesse Kat and Kamiko had started to display during their own cooking adventures.

Ingredients were spread across the table haphazardly. There was a bag of baking chocolates spilling into a punnet of what looked like strawberries, but the fact they were sizzling, glowing green, and were melting the chocolate, implied they were not the strawberries Kat new from Earth. In another section there was a bowl of biscuit crumbs, what they were for, was unclear as they looked to be somewhat overcooked, but then, why go to the trouble of breaking them up?

"Daddy! What are you doing?" shouted Kamiko, right next to Kat's ear now that she'd been moved. Kat was surprised at the volume but more so the lack of pain from that. *Do my ears protect themselves from loud sounds somehow?*

"Ah! Kamiko darling! I'm glad to see you here. I'm mostly finished up with the things for your sisters, and I was going to start work on some cookies for you actually" said Trigrath with a smile.

He was currently shirtless but with a big apron that came all the way up to his neckline. He also currently had a pair of oven mitts on that must have had a cleaning enchantment because Kat could see the stains on them shrinking as he stood waving at them. Trigrath's hair was also not what Kat had seen in the painting of him. Now cut short, just barely more than stubble, giving him a somewhat odd look when it combined with the apron.

"Daaad…" Kamiko whined "You know you make a huge mess whenever you cook. Why did you have to do this today?"

Trigrath waved away Kamiko's concerns. "Don't worry it'll all be cleaned up in no time at all. I brought something special that came out recently just for that purpose Kamiko. I also won't be conscripting your help for this. I saw how tired you were yesterday. Feel free to relax in the bath or something for a bit and we can chat later!"

Kamiko looked over towards Kat with a raised eyebrow, but she just returned with a shrug. *I don't mind what we do here. I mean, I guess I need to meet the whole family at this point so I don't mind talking with him. Plus a bath would be nice after the long day even if I'm much better then yesterday.*

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