D.E.M.O.N.S: Getting Summoned Weekly isn't so Bad

Chapter 452

Chapter 452: Why Aslena Doesn’t Deserve Good things.

Chapter 452: Why Aslena Doesn’t Deserve Good things.

Kat didn't want Kamiko to feel to weird or more embarrassed about the shared story, but the whole thing was just so adorable. It was so precious in her mind to see such a young version of her friend not being able to lie to her family. It did seem a little advanced for a two year old, but considering the other weirdness of demons it no longer even registered as a strange event in Kat's mind.

So, Kat, with her knowledge of just how spoiled and ungrateful some younger kids can be found the words of praise bubbling up her mouth before she attempted to squash them to save Kamiko the embarrassment. She failed, instead blurting out. "That's just so adorable. I can picture it, and it's so sweet to hear about. I know plenty of much older kids that don't have half the morals Kamiko did when she was two"

Kat was surprised and relieved to see Kamiko actually getting less embarrassed as Kat spoke, her blush fading as she managed to wriggle in her father's arms to face Kat properly once again. While she was doing this Trigrath grinned and said "Yup, all my daughters are sweet, but Kamiko probably takes the prize as the sweetest. I shouldn't say this but the others aren't as pure as she was back then. Hell, most of them aren't as pure as she is STILL"

Kat smiled, at the answer, and then wider still as she caught the flash of shock that ran through Kamiko's mind. She was practically reeling from the admission. Her dad had never given her any real indication before this that he knew about the less appealing aspects of some of her sisters (read as Aslena). The fact that he thought she was sweeter implied that he either hid that fact from others, or just perhaps just himself, but recognised it on some level, and Kamiko filed that little piece of information away in her mind.

After the joy from Kat recognising his daughter 'was the best' wore off, Trigrath decided to move on, showing Kat a few other pictures and discussing what was happening in them. From pictures of her with little block toys, to pictures of her squished between the triplets, and even one with her sitting in between Elmony's breasts with another next to it of Kamiko laying on Elmony's head and poking at her 'strange' horns in confusion.

The next interesting one, was where Trigrath stopped. It was Kamiko in a rather… unique… looking outfit. There was simply no other way to put it. At its base, it was a simple long sleeved dress that was obviously too big for the poor girl in an unflattering dark green that just did not go well with her hair.

It got worse though. It had a number of what had to be glued on additions to it. There was a number of stickers all along the sleeves with various different household items on them, ranging from cups to plates to building blocks and even a couple of pieces of actual Lego stuck on.

To make things worse, the centrepiece wasn't spared either. Where one would expect breasts on a fully grown women, someone had stuck two small bowls, which weren't small at all on the young demon's frame, to the dress, perhaps to imitate the real thing. Then, underneath that, was countless streams of fabric dangling off the waist, and going to the floor, and beyond in some cases. None of them were uniform, and it looked like somebody has just grabbed all the leftover fabric they could. It wasn't in any kind of order, and the colours ranged from red to green, to purple and more.

So of course, Kat, knowing what she did, was already seeing how this next story was going to turn out, she almost wanted to ask Trigrath to move on when she saw him gearing up for the next major story, but Kamiko shook her head sadly, knowing it was better to let Trigrath get it out of his system.

"Oh, yes, this was the very first fashion show Kamiko was in. She used to love them, going all the time when she was younger…" said Trigrath with pride, very adeptly ignoring the look on Kamiko's face that screamed 'I never wanted any part in this'. Now, Kat, knowing how much other kids at the orphanage could regret what they'd done the previous week let alone in years past, might have been tempted to pass over that look. However, knowing what she did about Aslena, it was clear who was really responsible for Kamiko's participation.

Which was of course confirmed in the next breath. "This one, actually, was mostly Aslena's doing. It was also her first fashion show if I recall, but she wanted not to be the model but the designer. I do wonder where she got the idea from. I don't think I showed her any of the fashion industry. Perhaps I can blame Aunt Marge for that. Anyway…


The following section is from Trigrath's story but italics denote Kamiko's thoughts.


Kamiko was not having a good day. She'd been woken up and told by her father how happy he was she had decided to sign up for the Tiny Tots Fashion Show. Now, Kamiko would be the first to admit, she was a little forgetful. She never pretended to have a great memory, especially when she was younger but… that just didn't seem fun.

Her Dad had picked her up along with Aslena and put them her in the stroller, even though she was probably too big for it, it was what Dad wanted. Aslena was set down to walk nearby before teleporting them off someone knew. Kamiko had gotten used to that quickly, the teleporting. She'd never known anything else, and her mum and dad did it, so that meant it was safe.

Still, the first thing that her on arrival was the noise. It was LOUD. There were people everywhere and little Kamiko didn't like that one bit. She dug herself deeper into the stroller, wishing that the blankets from when she was younger were still around. They weren't because they didn't really leave enough room for her, but right now she wanted nothing more then to hide somehow.

In stark contrast to Kamiko's panic, which Trigrath was taking as her being 'a little shy' Aslena was practically basking in the noise like a beachgoing looking for a tan. If she'd could have been considered happy before when they were leaving home, now she was ecstatic, the emotions hardly compared. Aslena was practically vibrating in place. josei

Kamiko, at this point, still had on a nice plain outfit. She was wearing pants because her parents noticed she'd developed the habit of playing with the bottom of her skirt… and was not exactly mindful of how far she lifted in in the process. To curb that habit somewhat they'd tried switching over to pants. It… well it was a work in progress. Kamiko's shirt was a soft pink not quite matching her hair, and her pants were short little black things that went to about her knees.

Aslena however, wanted to be 'professional' which, unlike a normal child's ideas of suits and ties, meant medical gowns and form fitting clothes to match her mother's. Somehow, she'd gotten the idea that the longer the coat, the more professional, so she wore one that was obviously two or three sizes to big and it dragged. Her parents had tried though, and managed to get away with pinning the extra fabric up so it only barely touched the ground rather than leaving a train like it should have.

It was very hard to see what was under the coat, as it practically draped over her and took up more than its fair share of space. Aslena had even allowed it to be done up, unlike her mother who wore it open whenever she was seen, though that was because Aslena had never really seen her mother in full 'work mode'.

Still, underneath the outfit, Aslena had what she considered to be fashionable attire at the time. Which was a bright pink skin tight dress that was even brighter than Kamiko's hair. Her shoes at least, were practical sand shoes though they were black and white with light green highlights.

Still, Aslena didn't look that out of place. This was a contest for young designers and models after all, and any designer so young had a few strange ideas. There was one in a similar coat but with massive glasses on that had to be held onto her head with tape so they didn't fall off her noes or ears. Another young girl was wearing a traditional suit, fitted for her, but with a tie that went all the way down to the floor. Finally, there was more than one girl in a princess themed outfit. It seemed that transcended species.

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