D.E.M.O.N.S: Getting Summoned Weekly isn't so Bad

Chapter 455

Chapter 455: Well Bother…

Chapter 455: Well Bother…

--- Back to Kat's perspective

"… and that's really the whole story. Kamiko looked lovely in her dress and Aslena got third. Apparently there was one judge that had it out for her for some reason. Rather sad, and I never did find out who. I'd give that judge a piece of my mind if I did" said Trigrath

Kamiko gave a shake of her head before jerking it towards the stairs. Her eyes seemed to tell Kat that this wasn't quite the full story, and she'd share it later. Kat was rather happy she could get so much information from just that look.

Kamiko was right of course. Karanth didn't let Aslena off, and certainly wasn't going to give her any points for torturing her sister. She even left with the group, keeping her illusion up to sneak into the family's home. It wasn't hard, as a friend of Nira she didn't set off the intruder alarms just by entering.

Kat pursed her lips, not really sure what to say, as she hadn't yet heard the full story. From the way Trigrath told it, Kamiko had a great time, got third place with Aslena, and got to show off spectacularly. *At least though, he isn't like Lily's father. You could call them both wilfully ignorant but it's to very different degrees. Trigrath lies to himself just as much as everyone else, if he even notices at all. He also applies it evenly. Sure that means the results aren't ideal when Aslena specifically takes advantage of it, but if Kamiko tried she'd probably get just as far.

Well, until Nira picked up on it. I wonder how much she teases Aslena. I imagine either a lot, or not at all. Depends how well it works really. Still, I can imagine what Aslena was doing through that whole time. The little queues Kamiko gave me to signal how wrong Trigrath was when explaining Aslena's facial expressions a few times worry me a bit. josei

Though… I do also wonder if Kamiko is a bit harsh on her sister. How much could she really remember from when she was four? I certainly struggle with it and my memory is better then hers… but she was a demon the whole time so maybe something like that sticks around? I have more important memories fairly available of course.*

*Hmmm… you know.* Kat glanced at Kamiko's eyes. Unlike the more normal embarrassment from the first story, where sure, it didn't paint her in the best light, but it wasn't a truly terrible experience for her. *Perhaps it was the younger age… or the experience this time was much worse and Trigrath doesn't know.*

Kat could see Kamiko was… not quite angry, and certainly not at her father for telling the story, not really, but there was… a remnant of pain there. She was not happy to be reminded and there seemed to be so much more.

*I guess that means I should focus on finishing up with Trigrath then. I don't like the look in Kamiko's eyes. Makes me want to give her a hug and tell her it's all going to be fine, Clearly the hug she's still getting from her dad isn't helping matters here.*

"Thank you for the story" said Kat, a bit less enthusiastic then she was the first time, as she was trying to carefully get Trigrath to move on, not spend more time questioning either her or Kamiko as to why she didn't like the story when it seemed so happy.

"It was no trouble" said Trigrath grinning. "I'm glad you liked it. I still have plenty more where that came from"

Kat suppressed her wince, but only because she saw the words coming a mile away. There wasn't really anything else Trigrath could have said. It was rather obvious that he enjoyed the situation and didn't realise it was a problem at all. *Dammit how can I get Kamiko away for a bit.*

Even though Kamiko was now settling into her father's arms, it was not in a peaceful manner like it had started. It was now more like a cat waiting to pounce to escape from a bigger predator. *Quickly though, Kat came up with an idea.*

"Well you've shown off your story telling skills, what about your cooking?" asked Kat. She wasn't really hungry, tired perhaps, but hungry she was not. Her lunch, while smile, was a sufficient amount for Kat to skip a few more meals without trouble at all. The same wasn't quite true for Kamiko, but still certainly possible. However, as soon as the words left Kat's mouth Kamiko's eyes brightened considerably.

Trigrath glanced out of the window. "Hmm, well…" and noted that it was starting to get dark. It wasn't night just yet, but they'd been talking for a while and it was too late for the afternoon tea he'd been planning with all the sweets. Perhaps it was time for him to cook something for dinner instead? "Well, if you both want to keep each other busy I can prepare dinner. The sweets can come later"

"Great Dad thanks!" said Kamiko before Kat got a chance to reply. She leapt from Trigrath's arms as soon as they'd loosened and grabbed Kat by the arm before dragging her downstairs to her bedroom.

As Kat was being dragged, she found herself surprised that her arm wasn't getting sore from this. Kamiko was moving her pretty fast after all, and all that pressure was going straight to her wrist. During the transit Kat was thinking. *Honestly, my bones have really improved. I can't believe this doesn't even hurt. A little help from my skin being smooth enough not to get friction burns…* Kat's memories flashed back to when she crashed into the dirt with Minor and she got gravel EVERYWHER including her throat. *Ok not easily anyway.*

Kamiko entered her room and deposited Kat gently on the bed. "Sorry about that but… I just had to get away"

"It's alright" said Kat shifting over slightly so that she was closer to Kamiko before pulling the girl into her lap. Kamiko stiffened for just a second, and Kat felt her heart hurt at that before the smaller demon relaxed and curled up into a ball.

"I… I just… it hurts you know" said Kamiko.

"It'll be alright" said Kat, "just tell me what's wrong." Knowing that empty words wouldn't help, but talking about it probably would.

"It… dammit I… look I… I love my dad but he has some problems. And… and one of them is that he lets us get away with things. And… well… he… um… Asleana… no ok hang on" Kamiko fumbled around the worlds as she fought back the tears she knew were coming. She wasn't a little girl any more, she didn't NEED to cry anymore.

As Kamiko shuddered in her arms trying to hold in the tears Kat gently ran her fingers through the girl's hair. "It's alright let it out" said Kat

Kamiko didn't even think twice before the tears started flowing. Tears of choked acceptance flowed from Kamiko's eyes and ran down her face before sliding off Kat's attire. "He… I… I knew he had problems and… and I don't really hold it against him… but… but it hurts to know he really… he really doesn't know. He… he's so… so BLIND"

"Hey, it's ok" said Kat "it's all over now. If you want I can even confront him about it"

Kamiko shook her head into Kat's clothing. "No. No… I want to… I… after I talk to someone. Actually… maybe… maybe it should be Karenth…"

"Oh?" said Kat very curious about this demon, not having heard her name "Why her?"

"Well, I… I was already looking for a therapist. I good one… and I… well I forgot her as an option. I… I'm not sure I'll definitely ask for her but… maybe. Um… so this is what… what was missing from Dad's story…

Kamiko went on to explain the extra details, what happened in the backroom, the hat, what she was feeling in the waiting room, how she froze on stage and was then saved by Karenth.

It painted a very different picture of the whole thing in Kat's mind. *Huh… you know… I've known some real brats at the orphanage but… man that might take the cake. Forcing your baby sister into a contest she didn't want to enter by tricking your father and enjoying it all the while. Plus it clearly still is a major point of trauma for Kamiko.

I'd thought it best to just… meet Aslena and not beat her face in. Now… now I'm thinking some face rearranging is just the thing she needs. Heck, Nira can even heal the bint afterwards if I go to far. She wouldn't let her daughter die now would she? I can feel perfectly fine about the whole thing! Hmm… Kamiko might not want it though… I wonder how the rest of the sisters would feel…*

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