D.E.M.O.N.S: Getting Summoned Weekly isn't so Bad

Chapter 46

Chapter 46: The Grand Finale Part Two Enough Clowning Around

Chapter 46: The Grand Finale Part Two Enough Clowning Around

"So, I think we need to be at least a little bit serious about this" said Kat

"Indeed, we are suspended in an infinite void of blackness as time slips by and the memories of the last time we spoke to our friends drifts ever further away" said Kat(?)

"A bit morbid don't you think" said Kat

"It's rather true though. We don't know how much time is passing while we are just sitting here, and we've already discovered that out memory isn't quite up to scratch at the moment" said Kat(?)

Kat sighed "I suppose you're right. First order of business is finding out where we are"

"Well, my vote is that we are in whichever one of us is the real Kat's head" said Kat(?)

"What if we're both fake though" said Kat

"An interesting thought. Are we both delusions of another version of Kat?" said Kat(?)

"I think we are at the point where we have to consider every angle here. We've turned into a demon, perhaps fully at this point so we know that magic is real" said Kat

"That we do" said Kat(?)

"Wait, why do I think that we've become a full demon? Aren't there still steps in my awakening left… I feel like there was still something I had to do" said Kat

"Could it be the horns? Those are new" said Kat(?)

"But only you have horns, right?" said Kat

"I think you should check your own head and see for yourself" said Kat(?) as she nocked her hand against her head and to Kat's surprise she heard it connect with the fire. Kat reached up toward her skull and found that she did in fact have a matching pair of horns though she couldn't see if they were made up of fire or not.

"Are mine on fire like yours?" asked Kat

"Nope, just mine. I wonder if that makes a difference or what it could mean" said Kat(?)

"I feel like that has to be important for some reason. I feel like fire was important" said Kat

"Well, perhaps we should get back to the whole, where are we thing first, we can deal with why my heads on fire later" said Kat(?)

"I feel like this is important though" said Kat

"Well we can't exactly take a vote on it" said Kat(?) josei

"Right… do you have a coin we could flip" said Kat

"Ah yes, because wherever the hell we are I managed to bring coins with me, because we are well known for keeping spare change on us" said Kat(?) with her hands on her hips glaring at Kat slightly

"Fine fine, we'll go with your idea, trying to figure out where we are first" said Kat

"Great, so the current working theory is that we are in a Kat's head, is there any way we can confirm this" said Kat(?)

"Could we try to change the scenery somehow, maybe thinking really hard at it?" said Kat

"You know how ridiculous that sounds, would we really want our mind to be an endless abyss" said Kat(?)

"*Well you don't have to be so dismissive about it. I didn't think I was that unwilling to test a few ideas*" thought Kat

"Rude" said Kat(?)

"Wait, did I say that out loud?" said Kat

"Of course, what are you talking about" said Kat(?)

"*How about now*" thought Kat placing her hand over her mouth

"Yeah, I can still here you even with your mouth covered. I don't get it what's the point" said Kat(?)

"Aha, I think I have proof we are in someone's mind. Thoughts get projected" said Kat

"Ooh, let me try, yes indeed, I think this does work" said Kat(?) without moving her mouth

"So we are in our head, great, now how do we get out? Did something break" said Kat

"I don't really think so" said Kat(?)

"No, no that isn't quite right, I'm certain something broke" said Kat

"Nothing failed Kat, why are you so worried" said Kat(?)

"Failing, wait that's it. I failed something, something went horribly wrong and, did I do something to my mind?" said Kat started to get agitated

"No, we are fine, everything's fine, why not calm down a little here" said Kat(?)

"Calming, calming, shit. Something to do with fire, and calming down…" said Kat

"I don't really think we are getting anywhere" said Kat(?) starting to sweat slightly

"Wait, Minor, did I manage to shatter my mind somehow like Major?" said Kat

Letting out a deep breath Kat(?) didn't know she was holding she nodded vigorously "Yes, yes that must be it. We have to be here to reconcile some things if that is the case"

"Huh, but would could we have to reconcile, something still seems a bit off" said Kat

"No, we um, this must be the last part of becoming a demon, you need to reconcile our new demonic nature" said Kat(?)

"Reconcile like what?" said Kat "We seemed to agree on pretty much everything so far"

"Well, we are a succubus now, so surely we have to find some… prey" said Kat(?) licking her lips

"Nah, I'm not doing that" said Kat

"What, but you are a Succubus, I mean we are a Succubus, it's what we do now" said Kat(?)

"Hmmm" hummed Kat

"And I mean, what about um, that one guy, the popular on that's always wearing leather jackets all the time" said Kat(?)

"What, Brent? No way, I haven't talked to the guy in years and I never liked him anyway. I certainly have no interested in, um how did you put it, preying on him" said Kat

"See, this must be it, you can't come to terms with the fact that you should go after people now" said Kat(?)

"No, I'm not like that" said Kat

"Correction you weren't like that" said Kat(?) with a predatory grin

"I cannot agree with you" said Kat

"And that must be why we split" said Kat(?) visibly excited "You have to let me in Kat, accept what you are now"

"I am not like that" stated Kat firmly. Kat(?) slid up next to Kat and reached her hand out to touch her face to caress it when Kat's tail instinctively slapped her on the face. Kat(?) raised a shaking hand to her face and glared towards Kat, anger in her eyes.

"What are you doing, is attacking me really going to solve your problems? You have to let me in Kat" said Kat(?)

"You're not me, you were never me" said Kat with a calm gaze

"Now, that's rushing to conclusions. I most certainly am you" said Kat(?)

"Ha, you really think that? You don't even have a tail" said Kat pointing behind Kat(?)

Kat(?) leapt fire pouring from her demonic features trying to attack Kat but it all washed around a bubble surrounding her.

"I'm afraid that isn't quite going to work. You're the demonic energy aren't you" said Kat

"I'm you, I already said that, just embrace it Kat, that's all you have to do" said the flaming figure.

"But I'm not like you. I'm a demon yes, but I certainly don't need to debase myself by, how did you put it? Preying on people. Think of all the contracts I've already completed a number of contracts it was never even close to happening" said Kat

"Accept it, you're a demon now. You can't fight it, there is nothing you can do, nothing" said Kat(?)

"See, that's where you're wrong. I remember now, I need to condense my Demonic Flame, and that's you isn't it. You couldn't even remember my tail, honestly I'm a little annoyed with myself that I took so long to figure it out" said Kat

"A tail? You accuse me of forgetting a tail? In the face of my power why does something so insignificant matter" growled the rapidly deforming shape as it poured more fire towards Kat

"See, that's just it. That tail is what started it all. It was the first of my changes and to this day still on of my more useful. I've unlocked doors, I can use it to defend against things like you and it's able to comfort the people I care about" said Kat

"Haha, fool, comfort? There is no comfort, you cannot escape your instincts, you will succumb" said Kat(?)

"But I just went over this, they aren't my instincts, they might be yours, but they aren't mine. Perhaps you need to calm down" said Kat as she started to press her calming aura into the fiery shape. A horrible screech echoed through Kat's mind as the fire seemed to collapse in on itself

"What's the matter no more jokes for me" said Kat

With a final screech the fire seemed to fold in on itself before expanding once again into a shape mirroring Kat's, however this time the figure was still with its eyes closed, fully made of fire and included the all-important tail.

"Hello?" said Kat, waving her hands in front of the figure. Poking it in the side Kat felt her own side being poked.

"Ok this is weird, what the hell is this?"


*Great.* Thought Kat. *If you're back that means I can rest…*

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