D.E.M.O.N.S: Getting Summoned Weekly isn't so Bad

Chapter 471

Chapter 471: Now there’s Two of Them

Chapter 471: Now there’s Two of Them


The Following Chapter is from Kamiko's perspective. All Italics are her thoughts.

"I see… I mean, I sort of see what you're getting at, but I don't think you need to be so worried" is what Kamiko said, but internally, she was freaking out a little bit.

Kat just nodded and they got to work cleaning up the rats. Kat of course, was still stuck on the same topic she had been for the last few clears and that didn't look to be changing any time soon. Now Kamiko find herself in a similar position and she had no idea how to deal with it.

The biggest issue was her lacking experience when it came to advice. Her parents and siblings would NEVER come to her for that sort of thing. Her parents of course felt it was their job to provide advice to the family whenever it was needed, and would help their children when they could like any decent parents

Her siblings had picked up this attitude when it came to the younger ones as well. Elmony and the triplets were much closer then one might expect because of this, and was, from what Kamiko knew, an excellent big sister to all three of them, which was apparently quite the task when they were younger.

In turn, the triplets had stepped up to be the real big sisters for Kamiko and Aslena. Sure Elmony did help as well, and Kamiko loved her like the others, but she was busy a lot when Kamiko was growing up, her missions getting longer and the time she spent at home dwindling as she used her free time to train instead of with family.

Aslena of course, really should have played the big sister to Kamiko, and while she had some complaints about her family recently that might have been bubbling for a long time, Kamiko was very grateful that the triplets never let Aslena even attempt to pretend she was a good big sister. They helped her just as much, if not more, then Aslena and that helped her a lot.

So, now that Kat's come asking if she's a good big sister. Well, Kamiko was frankly stumped. *She has the attitude for it at least. From what I can see, she acts a lot like I'd imagine Elmony was like when she was younger, just perhaps a little less combat focused, but she can be intense in other ways. I think she's a great big sister…

But that's not the full story is it. She's been in that role for years, and can keep it up effortlessly. However, she didn't just play the big sister. She played the big sister without a mother to lean on. She played the big sister for Satan only knows how many kids, tens at least, maybe hundreds with how often people seem to get adopted at her orphanage but I can't be sure.

So… she wasn't just a big sister… she was like… the ultimate big sister. Both big sister and pseudo mother figure all in one. I'm not sure she quite realises that though, just how much of a mother figure she might have been, and perhaps continues to still be. I suppose that makes sense though. Evidently she did have some older girls to model herself after at this orphanage, and had big sister role models of her own.

From the sounds of things though, unlike the others who only stepped into the role temporarily, and likely with no real drive to proper parental figures to the younger kids, she has managed to live it somehow and can't see that a few rough weeks where she isn't around as often isn't some massive hit to her… what big sister credit?

Also, I'm not sure why she struggles so much with the idea of treating Vivian like a mother. Kat doesn't need one. Or at least, she doesn't think she needs one. That's abundantly clear from what she's said. It's never about wanting a mother figure for herself, it's about taking a mother figure from Sylvie, this little sister she's picked up.*

The pair of demons had finished up with the rats and moved on… for like fifty metres before they found the next swarm of rats. It seemed that they were increasing in frequency. The others were somewhat spread out, like they were little pockets of swarm rats trying to claim more territory together rather then part of the bigger group. This new lot though, seemed to have just left enough space for both swarms to grow properly and not a metre more.

So they went to town and Kamiko kept thinking on her friends problem. *I'm really not sure I'm the best to judge this. Ten years is NOTHING for demons. Heck, I know Mum has mentioned her desire to find a way to decrease the gestation period for a few demons because it takes them forever to have kids. I think… was it beholders? Shadows? I can't remember but I know she was complaining about a demon species that has a gestation period of a decade. Granted, I think they also have twins or more most of the time, but still.

It just… it's… hmm. How do I put this without sounding rude to Kat in my head? It's just kinda stupid? Like… ten years is such a small amount of time that she couldn't really be anything other than a sister if she was a demon. Kat is also a demon now, and I wonder if that is playing a part in all this?

I'd have to ask Mum. That's something she might know… but this isn't really her field so I can't say for certain that she'd have any idea really. Then again… how old did Kat say that Sylvie was? Nine? I think she said Nine? Or was it eight? Six? Ten? There were a lot of ages mentioned in Kat's story and apparently I wasn't paying quite as much attention as I'd thought. Shit… am I a bad friend?

No bad Kamiko. Kat's already melancholy, you need to stay positive and help her. Ok, review facts. 1, she's been adopted and doesn't know how to act. 2, she has a guardian that isn't much older then her. Likely has a stable job with a good amount of money if she can afford to just pick up an extra child on a whim when Sylvie requested it. Perhaps so much money that it hardly makes a difference.

Hmm. I've heard humans don't normally get as much money as us demons though. We have more time to collect it so it just makes sense… but I wonder how much money that means this Vivian must have? Plus someone else lives in the house. Though… is that how? They split things perhaps? Is Callisto Vivian's partner or just a roommate? Kat wasn't clear on that part.*

Kat of course, had no idea what those two would be considered. They didn't really show as much affection towards each other as Vivian did everyone else Kat knew, which was really just Sylvie and Lily, and yet, Callisto seemed to hold Vivian in the highest esteem. This of course meant that Kamiko had even less of an idea and decided to move on from that thought.

*Hmm, I guess it doesn't matter. Though maybe that's the real take away here? Vivian seems to have taken Kat on solely because Sylvie asked. Based on the fact that Kat doesn't know if she's a bad sister/daughter or not, it is likely that Vivian has been nothing but welcoming to her, as while Kat doesn't have parental experience, she isn't so young as to be unaware of what abuse would be if it was happening to her.

So I imagine Vivian doesn't care. Or well, perhaps that is a bit callous of me to think. Hmm, I guess a better way to think about it would be that, without knowing Vivian, she seems like the type of person to do as she wishes and make the best of it anyway she can. She clearly decided she wanted to expand her family, weather this includes Callisto or not is irrelevant. She wanted a kid, and got two, and she seems like the type of person to consider that a win rather than a loss.

How to communicate that to Kat though… maybe I should just… not? Is it a friends place to point out something like this? I have no idea.*

Kamiko's conclusion was reached right as the final rat went down. Shortly after, she got to cleaning while occasionally glancing at her friend. Kat seemed fine now, or at least, her face was back to what must have been her default expression, and not the somewhat lost one of before. Kamiko was unsure if this meant she was fine or if she was just hiding it.

Still, this didn't matter, because all other thoughts left her mind when she brushed a group of rats to the side, and instead of brushing up against the wall, they fell into a hole she'd overlooked. "Kat. I've found something here!"

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