D.E.M.O.N.S: Getting Summoned Weekly isn't so Bad

Chapter 482

Chapter 482: In the Garden

Chapter 482: In the Garden

We now returned to your favourite protagonist, Kat


Kat sat in the dining room now feeling slightly awkward. Kamiko had been cheered up, and she wished her all the best… but Kat didn't exactly know where to go now. To pass the time for a bit she started poking around her tail. It was always a strange feeling because it didn't quite line up with anything she knew from being human. Squishing the tip of her tail was a lot more like pressing down on a soft mattress then any biological equivalent. Despite how strong it was, it felt nothing like firm muscle, nor was it hard like bone. It was squishy but had more give then fat. Despite this, Kat's mind simply couldn't find it unnatural. It felt like it should, which made only a slight amount of sense in her mind. It was still fun to squish though.

*Well. What the heck am I supposed to do now? I'm not really sure where I'm allowed to go. I don't know if they have like a TV or some equivalent or where I'd even find it. All the books are probably in Erra's room or something so that's a no go. This isn't like Lily's house where I knew what I couldn't do, this is a new place.

I'd probably be allowed to go to Kamiko's room. I doubt she'd have a problem with that… but I don't know where anything in it IS and I don't know what she'd be fine with me touching. It was very neat so any toys, or just entertainment things would be hidden away somewhere and I don't feel like going through her closets like some burglar. So… what can I do?*

Kat looked over at the teacup that was still here before looking over at the teapot that was on the bench. *Hmm, I could clean that maybe? Unless… do they drink cold tea? I don't really know much about tea but I know that some people drink hot and cold tea so maybe just throwing it out would be wrong. I could wash the cup I guess?*

Kat bit her lip as she glanced over into the teacup to see how full it was. When Kat saw that it was clearly full, she realised something was going on. *Hmm, that doesn't make any sense. I saw Aslena drink from that, pretty sure I even saw her swallow at least once so there shouldn't be so much tea in there. Hmmm… probably some enchanting stuff on it. I guess that means I shouldn't wash the cup either.*

Kat sighed looking around the room. It was rather bare but Kat knew that was because of the kitchen cupboard with room layouts in it. Letting out another sigh as she tried folding her tail over and found it was happy to be squished and rolled without any pain or discomfort. *Yeah no idea how that's supposed to work. Then again, I have tiny arms and I could probably bench press a truck at this point. Hmm… I have that power that lets me pick up things without the weight of them causing them to fold over. Would that work with like… traincars or trucks with whatever their trailer attachments are called?

Like… do they count as one object? They're connected together sure but I'm not totally sold on them being 'one thing' by my power's standards. Then again… on the other hand, they can deal with people wearing clothing, right? Then again… it was kinda hard to judge exactly how well it works with clothing considering how I used it, and nobody had proper plate except for those Wrath guys but I didn't use the trick there anyway.

Maybe that's something to test then. I'd guess that it would be fine but they'd wobble as I moved it, like they would be loose and somewhat free to move… though if that's the case, they might still be able to break? I wonder if that would be taken into account? It's not exactly much energy I don't notice it leaving so it has to be practically nothing. It's not really a defence it's just to stop things breaking and spread the force out… hmmm.*

Kat looked around once more for things to do and when she glanced out the window, realised she was an idiot. *Of course, the GARDEN! Why am I staring at the wall when I could be out in the masterpiece that is Nira's garden.* Kat quickly got to her feet and headed out to the back and just breathed in the nature. She couldn't see the end of the garden because there was rose hedge that blocked her sight line. She could see a bit through the opening that proved it wasn't a hedge mage but that's about it.

Kat smiled at that though. *I'm glad she designed the garden in such a way you can't just see all of it at once with better eyes. You have to actually take the time to look around.* Kat glanced at everything. The first section was mostly made up of colourful roses. They managed to get through the whole rainbow with a few different bulb shapes. The standard bulb of course, another one that looked a lot sharper with all the edges looking like spikes in their own right. A couple that looked more like a tulip crossed with a rose and one yellow rose that was very spread out, leaving plenty of gaps between the leaves. Only the fact that everything else was clearly a rose prompted Kat to believe the same of it as well.

Walking forward past the hedge wall and around the corner Kat found herself in the next section. It wasn't dedicated to just one type of flower like the last one. This seemed to be their practice area instead. The centre was densely packed sand and it was lined by smooth grey stones to mark the edge of the combat area. That whole thing was surrounded by a moat with a number of water lilies growing inside of it. The edges of the arena had the rose hedges instead of a fence, the difference was, these hedges were at least twice the height of the fence, perhaps more.

Kat continued onwards, letting the sand crunch under her shoes. It didn't shift at all under her weight, used to much greater impacts but she could hear the grains shifting slightly as she walked. Another rose hedge corner and Kat found herself in what looked like a winter garden. All the trees looked like Christmas trees had taken plant form. They were separated into clusters and all had GLOWING flowers that gave of a soft light of the corresponding colour. They were all grouped by colour, except for the one in the centre of the group, which had a mix of two for the most part, with one group having a centre tree with three of them.

*This… this is very strange. Roses, I get those but what the heck are these? Living Christmas trees? Do these guys even celebrate Christmas? They wouldn't have had Christ though right? Unless he was an angel… shit. Makes me wonder once again if God is real. I mean, I know magic is real now but that doesn't mean we had a God. Doesn't mean we didn't either. Hmmm… that's a tricky one really.*

"Hi!" Kat whirled around when she heard the voice, mind slowing and fire already finding its way to her hands. When she completed the turn though, it was Nira that was standing there instead of any trespasser or random demon.

Kat instantly let her fire drop and breathed out a sigh of relief. *Thank God if you exist. I am so glad it's Nira. I don't know what I'd do if it was someone random. I have no idea if I'd be able to fight them. If other Rank 5's like Nira live around here I'd be done before I could even blink.*

"Um… hi?" said Kat awkwardly.

Nira giggled at Kat's obvious confusion, having taken joy on sneaking up on her. "What's wrong? Are you doing something you shouldn't?" said Nira in the most innocent way possible that also made it clear she was messing with Kat.

"No…?" asked Kat, not sure why she'd made that into a question. *I know she's messing with me why can't I just say NO?*

"That's good. As Kamiko's first friend I'd hate for you to do anything naughty" said Nira with a smile on her face. As she said the word 'naughty' her tongue flicked out of her mouth for less then a second, so fast Kat couldn't be sure if it actually happened. "Are you enjoying me garden?"

"Yeah, it's lovely…" said Kat. She meant it to, but she was still surprised Nira was here. josei

"Did you not think I would be here or something? I mean, this is MY garden after all. I tend the whole thing and I do own the house" said Nira smirking, easily able to guess Kat's thoughts.

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