D.E.M.O.N.S: Getting Summoned Weekly isn't so Bad

Chapter 484

Chapter 484: Nira Christmas Tree

Chapter 484: Nira Christmas Tree

*That does make things a bit more complicated. I suppose it's different when you can make sure it never gets taken to far… even if I'd make the argument that story of the pageant was too far… having such a good example of what not to do… hmm.*

"That does make things harder I suppose… was it really that bad?" asked Kat

Nira shook her head. "Well, that's the thing, and what made my own response so… hands off I suppose. Copper really didn't abuse that power, he just didn't hide it at all. So if a problem came up they'd be there to sort it out all the time, and when the kids asked what was going on, he answered and explained it. They didn't mind that year, or the year after that. Took nearly a decade before it was a problem.

"And he only used it to break up fights or to help out those kids. It's honestly about what I could see myself doing. I'd have made sure my kids didn't fight. Saved them when they were in danger if I could, or if it was while on Contract I'd heal them when they got home… but it was the knowledge of it you know?" explained Nira with a soft sigh.

"I mean… not really?" said Kat "I don't really think I can imagine something like that. I mean, I've read some books where it gets close but… that really is never ending surveillance. At least in some novels there was the small chance they weren't being watched but here there really isn't. I also don't exactly have experience with family figures in the first place so I'm a bit too removed to even imagine how that would feel properly"

Nira winced at the casual mention of Kat's missing parents. It hurt somewhat to know Kat really cared so little about it. As a mother herself, she really didn't know what to think. Sure it was great that Kat wasn't hung up on it, but the casual dismissal as if she was saying she'd run out of cereal hurt. "I suppose so. Still, with how it all went down I couldn't exactly do the same with my kids."

Kat nodded. "So, you just aren't going to tell them?" asked Kat

Nira sighed. "Well, that's difficult to say. I do want to tell them. I don't exactly feel like I have the right to keep them out of the know about something so heavily involving their lives once they pass there fifth decade" Kat's eyes widened at that, pretty sure that demons matured at the same rate "Elmony especially likely deserves to know… but I can't just tell one and not the others. Elmony would certainly tell the triplets at least, and perhaps Kamiko, and I guess after today Aslena as well. My husband doesn't even realise the full implications of what I know, though I don't monitor him like my kids, just a warning if he's about to die, and he knows about that one.

"To further complicate things… I also still might want more kids? I mean… not right now, and I'll probably give it a few hundred years for all my daughters to move out properly, or at least everyone except the youngest two. I think it'd be nice to have a son but I doubt that'll ever happen."

*Ok I don't know what I want to ask about more. Should it be the son thing or why she's waiting? Let's go with waiting first.* "Why wait? I mean, if you are waiting that long is it really an issue?" asked Kat confused

Nira bit her lip before explaining. "A little? As I said, I'm waiting for my little two to get older certainly. I also know that Kamiko would tell any other kids I have the second they turned their puppy dog eyes on her. As good as her own pair is, she has a hard time resisting her older sisters. I think she'd be nearly as bad as my husband with any younger siblings"

*I hate how right she is… but she's right. I can see why Elmony would mention it. She probably thinks they are old enough, and Nira doesn't necessarily disagree intellectually just emotionally. If she has more kids she worries that they'd find out real quickly and she would experience what Copper did.*

"Ok, I guess I can understand. I'm still not sure I can agree, but I understand at least. Why don't you think you'll have a son though?" asked Kat

Nira, to Kat's surprise, actually brightened at this question. "Oh that one is actually very interesting. So, first off, Incubi are just male Succubi, or they are male and female names for the original Lust faction species. Now, Succubi are predisposed to have girls, and Incubi are predisposed to have guys. This isn't something we figured out till later though.

"Anyway, this meant that, growing up, I'd always sort of accepted I'd probably have daughter's until I met my husband. I was excited because well, there are a lot of other demons, and even if Succubi are some of the most… prolific, it still didn't seem likely I'd have an Incubus husband, or not one with strong Incubi blood like I know my own is.

"So low and behold, Trigrath comes along, I got rather excited at the prospect of having a son. Then I had adopted a daughter, she was adorable, had one of my own, still adorable, then I had three more, still very adorable then two more… and while they were definitely adorable, I was asking questions.

"Being in Medical, and a researcher meant that I could do a quick project that involved checking my husbands… material… and I found out that he actually inherited the predisposition towards daughters. I don't think this has happened before, or if it has, it's not been recorded. This means that we have double the predisposition towards daughters and that the chances of us having a son is probably less then one in a million."

"Why do you seem so happy with that?" asked Kat with a raised eyebrow

Nira shrugged still grinning, "Well, I don't really care that I'll have daughters. I was happy having daughters before, and while a son would be nice, I'm not going to be upset with more daughters." Nira's grin then stretched wide reaching her ears nearly and showing off all her teeth "But, it's a great excuse. 'I'll stop when I have son'. I can give that as my answer when people try to but in on my business and ask how many kids I want."

This is where Nira's brows furrowed and she actually looked slightly angry, "I get enough people bringing that up you know? Demons don't normally have many kids. This is because of a number of factors but a lot of them don't bother because it's difficult and the ones that enjoy the act, like myself, don't normally want kids around in that sort of environment. I like to think I'm a bit tamer then them but… eh, it's mostly just that I have soundproofing on our room."

Kat coughed awkwardly. "I thought we already went over the fact I feel that's rather personal information…"

Nira grinned again, reverting perfectly to her previous posture as if she'd never been angry at all. "You asked for it rather literally my dear. How could I not take the chance to gauge your reaction, especially when it's so interesting. Aw well, I guess you don't want to hear about what this old lady does in bed…"

Kat rolled her eyes. "Yeah, maybe you're older then any person on my home dimension but when people call themselves old it's because they look it. You could pretend to be Aslena's sister easily with the right look. You're eyes give you away a little when you're not trying" josei

"Not Kamiko?" asked Nira pouting

Kat grinned without really feeling it, "The hair makes it harder to notice how similar your faces are, so it seemed more fitting to name your other daughter"

Nira nodded pout removed to be replaced with a fake look of profound understanding. "Yes, yes indeed. I'm rather glad Trigrath's hair colour seems to be a dominant trait, I think it's much nicer then my own."

"Not sure you have the sample size for that. The way things work with triplets I don't really know how to count for that sort of thing" responded Kat

"More than you might think Kat" said Nira "Unlike humans, which I assume you're using as the basis for that, demons born at the same time are more likely to look the same even if they are fraternal. It's a weird quirk I might bother studying properly one day. We do know they almost always look the same but not much more research was done there. It wasn't important or anyone's pet project"

"I see. Still, you've avoiding the subject a lot now. You've given your reasons as to why, at least somewhat, for your actions, but not specifically why you never did anything for Kamiko and Aslena."

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