D.E.M.O.N.S: Getting Summoned Weekly isn't so Bad

Chapter 499

Chapter 499: Prepping the Party

Chapter 499: Prepping the Party

Kat stared out at the mostly empty hallway and pondered as she put Sue down. "So, anyone know why this place is so clean? Is this normal swarm rat behaviour?" asked Kat

"No idea" said Kamiko

Kat waited for Sue to speak up but she seemed much more pre-occupied with 'fixing' her outfit. Sadly, for Kat at least, this seemed to include making sure she was showing less skin, or at least that the coverings were all in riskier areas. Luckily the jacket covered most things, but she seemed to be looking at ways to 'fix' that "Sue?" asked Kat

"Look, I don't really know that much about swarm rats. Gangbang and bestiality are not on my list of fetishes, so I just know the basics about all monsters." Snarked Sue continuing with her 'fixes'

*I… you know what. I might be ok with that answer.* "Well, Sue… I didn't need to know that, but for once, I'll accept that answer because… yeah I don't really think those should be things anyone finds enjoyable…" said Kat

Sue raised an eyebrow and looked over at Kat, "I guess you aren't much of an orgy girl then. I mean, I'm not either, just doesn't tickle my insides quite the right way. Neither assembly line or pile up are things I'd go to bat for" 'explained' Sue

"Can we just focus on the rats?" asked Kat, not quite willing to go down that rabbit hole.

"Oh, I wouldn't have expected that from someone as proper as you. I'm a little surprised, but I won't judge you to harshly!" said Sue with a cheery tilt to her voice.

Kat looked over at Sue confused and said, "I don't follow."

Sue opened her mouth. Closed it. Raised a finger and opened hour mouth again before letting it droop. A few more seconds passed before she finally spoke up and said, "You… you know what. I'm actually a little happy you got lost there. I don't know why but it brings me a slight feeling of joy so I'm not going to explain it."

Kat shrugged, *It doesn't seem important anyway, just likely more of Sue's jokes. If she doesn't want to explain it that's fine with me. Though…* Kat took a glance over at Kamiko who looked about as confused, but was spending more time scanning for rats then really paying attention to the conversation. She was keeping an ear out yes, but she was still in combat mode.

"So…" Kat let the word hang in the air as she looked around. "What are the chances this is the correct way? I don't know enough about swarm rats to know if heading further this way will lead towards the main base or away from it."

"Well it sure is cleaner!" chirped Sue

Kamiko ignored Sue to answer Kat's question, "I'm not sure. I know a little about monster behaviour and this is either completely the wrong direction or exactly the right one. See, some monsters like to group up. Wolves for example surround their leaders and protect them. The leader of the pack is the highest authority and they'll throw themselves at things and work together. They aren't disposable, but they'd attack without hesitation. They work together. Protect each other, but the pack leader is absolute.

"On the other hand, some things, like spider monsters are different. They like to keep the weakest of the swarm towards the edge of their territory. The they all become stronger the closer you get to the centre with the queen right in the middle. Or, sometimes a significant area in the middle or back of territory. Like… if they have a cave the queen will take over the very back of it.

"So… with swarm rats, they multiply quickly, but I don't think they're really pack animals, or at least not like wolves. I just don't know if a powerful swarm rat would push the others out of its territory. I guess it depends on the thought process.

"As I said, spiders get stronger towards the centre. This is because of a few reasons. Firstly, because they actually attack each other fairly often. The young simply can't compete so they don't stick around with the stronger spiders and either hang out on the edge of territory or leave.

"Other spider types all work together. The young stay at the edge not to avoid being killed by the older spiders but because they are less powerful, less useful, and are more acceptable casualties. Sometimes they'll have one decently strong spider protecting them and working as a unit, but that's rare and only for the really intelligent species.

"So… yeah… we could either be near the strongest swarm rat, and maybe some strong guards who've forced the weaker ones to run away… or the rats were pushing into this area and only a few managed to make it. I guess we have to just look around. It's easier then heading back and carving out more ice"

"I dunno" said Sue "I would love it if we headed the other way. I could use that as a chance to sit down on my fabulous ass."

"Well Sue, I suppose you can sit down while we continue but if you aren't on your feet… well… it makes it a lot harder for you to run or for us to pick you up if something were to happen…" said Kat. She wasn't threatening the demon of course… just… providing perspective.

"Are you sure? A big strong demon like you can protect me right?" asked Sue with big eyes gleaming with a slight sheen of fake tears up at Kat.

"I make no promises if you don't want to help yourself. I know for a fact at Rank 1 it's possible to stand basically forever with no discomfort" Kat shot back somewhat more harshly then intended.

Sue leaned forward dramatically, making sure that Kat could see down the opening of the jacket, "But Kat you don't have these…" as Sue talked she swung her breasts from side to side, "… they add quite a bit of weight you know."

Kat rolled her eyes, "Sue, don't even pretend they have any significant impact on your strength. You could easily do a one handed push up, probably even just one finger would do the trick"

Sue huffed and pulled herself back up but didn't actually deny Kat's words knowing that they were completely true. Once you had even a small level of super strength body weight wasn't really a problem. Weight distribution was a bit of an issue when it came to balance, but a Succubus' natural instincts helped out with that part.

"What should the marching order be?" asked Kamiko "Do we have Sue at the back or in the middle for safety? I'm not sure which is safer."

Kat looked behind and back at the hole before looking further back and just finding a wall. "I think that back is probably safer with you in the middle and myself at the front. Even if something was to sneak up behind her, which I doubt, we'll be close enough that we can deal with it. I can take a hit or two for her easily if it really gets to that point. Besides, only an ambush we miss is likely to get her, and if she's in the middle it doesn't really help, we'd still have missed it"

Kamiko nodded and gestured for Kat to lead the way, which she did. Sue gave one more huff before falling in line behind the other two and activating her shielding on both Kamiko and herself. It was instantly noticeable for Kamiko. It was sort of like wearing an extra set of clothes around your entire body with a small help of static.

It didn't quite touch the body the same way normal clothes would, instead floating off the body slightly using some kind of force placed between the shield itself and the body as a form of padding.

As the three made there way forward, Kat and Kamiko came to an unspoke agreement to take one side of the cave each. Kamiko would stab the rats on the left, and Kat the right. They didn't even really put up a fight. Unlike the ones in swarms they just sort of… died. Sure the two were fast but for the moment they weren't using much of that speed.

*This is strange. The rats should be able to react to us at least somewhat. It's like they just don't care… or maybe they don't see us at all? I mean they definitely still have eyes, and they aren't quite glassy and dead but… how much intelligence is really behind them still? Is it because they're alone? Swarm rats rely on the swarm…

Or could it be some other reason? All the other rats are dead or have run away. Perhaps whatever it was scared them comatose? Or maybe it's a mind eating monster or something? I could imagine a swarm rat developing into something with mental attacks or mental control just based on how they do there thing… something to watch out for I suppose.*josei

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