D.E.M.O.N.S: Getting Summoned Weekly isn't so Bad

Chapter 503

Chapter 503: To the Victor goes the Spoils

Chapter 503: To the Victor goes the Spoils

Kat and Kamiko had to push the large rat back a bit so that they could make their way into its room, but once they did Kat realised a few things that were rather concerning, if for very different reasons.

The first was the demonic fire that she'd used. It seemed to have at least some will of its own. This was quite clear because it had coated the side of the rat they'd hit and then worked its way up to the rat's spine before trying to coat as much of the structure as it could. It didn't seem to have reached the rats head before it passed out, but it was clearly making its way there. That wasn't to even begin considering the chance that fire had started taking out the rat's internal organs. Sure, for the amount of energy used the effect should be suitably deadly… but knowing the extent was another thing altogether.

On top of that, the other concerning thing was the size of the room. It was just barely larger than the rat itself. Its clear now why the thing didn't run away or back off and force them to come to it. The rat didn't have any way to do so. Now that Kat was just barely inside the room, she could see the rat filled it nearly to the brim.

*Could we have taken this thing if it wasn't so boxed in? Would it have just been a matter of buying time for the ice to run its course? I mean we couldn't tell how well it was doing before so… maybe? Dammit, the whole thing was really tough though. Wasn't as fast as us, but with its size it doesn't really need to be. The tail was very strong, and as much as it pains me to admit it on some strange level, my tail isn't as strong. Really wish I knew why that bothered me.* The small part of Kat that did know and wanted to provide the answer was swiftly ignored by the larger part of her that really didn't want to think about it.

*How would I have fought this if it could move? Would hit and run tactics work? The thing's tail is long enough that it can probably hit me when I try to come in… maybe I'd just have to take hits from it and let Kamiko go after it… and what about Sue? Would we have been able to keep her safe? I don't really know how smart this thing is. Would it go after the two things clearly fighting it first?*

"So what now my captors?" asked Sue.

Kat whipped her head around surprised at the other Succubus, not realising that Sue had managed to sneak up on her. "Oh… um… I have no idea? Is this worth skinning or something?"

Kamiko shook her head "I doubt it…"

"Kam's right" said Sue eliciting a slight wince from Kamiko, "I see, not a fan of that one… perhaps I'll keep using it. Anyway, she's right regardless of her distaste for my new nickname."

Sue pressed into the fur and watched as she made a proper dent into it, which surprised Kat a little before continuing, "See, so much of its strength was from the energy spinning around inside of it. Now that it's down for the count that's all draining out and it ain't moving anymore.

"Even if we had the tools and knowledge to keep it locked into the carcass, it still wouldn't matter because its all in the fur, and this furry bastard has course fur that nobody would want even if it wasn't from a disgusting rat. So… it's pretty much useless for us. Maybe we could find something good in its guts that Gluttony might want. I've heard that they eat pretty much anything, and a rat this size is bound to be worth something to them… but Stoney will probably deal with it. This is a mining outpost though, so he might have to call in someone else to do it. We'll just have to remember to mention it to him."

"Really?" said Kamiko "There's a lot of fur here. Surely it's worth something?"

Sue shook her head, "Clearly getting to Rank 2 didn't help your mind much. Fabric needs to be comfortable first and foremost before its strength even starts to come into play. Our Demonic Attire is just so much better otherwise. It always fits, it's always comfortable, and it's normally on par with the better materials you'd expect to find around your Rank unless its made with the fancy shit from the start. Though I've heard that can cause weaker demons some problems.

"Anyway, not only is this rat fur, which is fairly useless, its SWARM RAT fur which is nearly worth a negative value. Even if this one is a clear mutant it just isn't worth anything. Maybe… MAYBE you could get an ember for it if you handed it off to a researcher who wanted to study the mutation but really any other part would work just as well for that. We might as well move on."

"Yeah um… how exactly?" asked Kat looking at the room filled with rat. From where they were standing there was no obvious way out and the rat was scarping the ceiling as it was, with barely enough clearance for it to move around let alone enough for someone to climb over it easily.

"I guess we'll have to climb, or more likely, I'll have to do it" said Kamiko

"Is it safe for you to do that?" asked Kat "I can go first if you need me to"

Kamiko shook her head. "I'm the smallest out of all of us, and even though I'm pretty sure my boobs are a little bigger then yours Kat, that's completely offset by the small size of my wings. Your horns are possibly the biggest issue because of where they are on your head. I should be fine, and worse comes to worst I can just come back"

Kat bit her lip. *I don't really like sending Kamiko off on her own… especially not when she'll likely be out of range for Sue to help… but I guess I should let her do this.* "Alright stay safe" said Kat

Kamiko nodded and dismissed her weapon before she started to climb the rat. As soon as Kamiko made it to the top, Sue turned to Kat and said, with a thoughtful look on her face, "I think you might have the bigger ass though. Would you call that a win?"

"I'm sorry what?" asked Kat confused

"Well, we all know I beat you guys handily for T and A but, comparatively, while Kamiko has bigger tits, you might have the bigger ass. It's close though, much closer then the tits." Said Sue studying Kamiko as she climbed up the rat. "Hmm… no actually you guys might just be the same size"

"Is this really appropriate?" asked Kat "She's doing us a favour and checking things out, should you really be checking HER out?"

Sue shrugged, "She can take it, and so can you. We're Succubi, surely she's aware of what she looks like. It's just the truth anyway. Don't feel bad about it. Plus she can hear us. Kam would tell us off if she wanted"

Kat rolled her eyes internally. *I don't really care at all Sue, it just seems unprofessional. Must you really compare us like this?* A second passed and Kat realised, *actually maybe she does? Maybe she HAS to compare everything like that.*

"Fine. I like your hair then. The length is impressive and while I don't think I could ever take care of mine well enough if I let it get to that length I do think it's pretty cool" said Kat trying to move away from crude topics josei

"You don't take care of your hair? With red locks as nice as those I'm actually surprised. Surely you got a few secrets for it…?" said Sue with wiggling eyebrows

But Kat shook her head. "I mean, I clean it properly but I don't really do anything more than that. I've always had good hair, and I'm proud of it honestly. Still, I've kept it about this length for as long as I can remember. Well, proportionally you know? Just past my shoulders has always felt right to me. What about you?"

"Well…" said Sue dragging it out, "This is actually my Mother's style. I… I've always loved her hair and so as soon as it was my choice and I could properly push the matter I put down my teeny tiny foot and said 'Mama, I wanna have long hair like you' and she said 'it'll be a lot of work to take care of' and I did not listen or understand at all.

"I thought it would be a bit of work, but having hair this long, especially if you want it around your arms and strong enough not to just break if it gets cut? That takes effort… hang on. How does your hair work with your regeneration?" asked Sue suddenly very curious.

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