D.E.M.O.N.S: Getting Summoned Weekly isn't so Bad

Chapter 540

Chapter 540: All the Rooms!!

Chapter 540: All the Rooms!!

After the heavy conversation in the bubble wrap room, Lillian managed to convince Kat to focus more on relaxing and decided that showing off the other options would be a good way to do that. It meant she didn't really get to troll anyone like planned… for now. Still, spending time with Kat was enjoyable, mostly because Kat still didn't really grasp how powerful she was or how important. Lillian decided it would be best to keep it that way.

After leaving the bubble wrap room the next room was a surprising one to Kat. It was a fake hillside with real grass and trees and a fake sunset off in the distance. The grass wasn't quite normal and felt more like a nice carpet then normal grass but it did prevent the need for a picnic blanket. The sunset was a nice redish yellow with a hint of purple lining the horizon. Their were a few trees at the edges of the room and near the door to try and make it feel more natural, but the outcropping was quite bare. Lillian mentioned the room's main purpose was for romantic dates and for screaming off mountain tops. Kat tried the second one a bit but found she wasn't all that stressed and it didn't make her relax any further.

The next room was filled with sensory deprivation tanks. There were hundreds lining the walls in a few different sizes. They seemed to start at a 'medium' size clearly meant for people of around Kat's height, before going to a 'large' one that was about three times the size, then an extra large about five times the size of that. There were only three of the largest size all lined up at the back, and Kat knew she could go deep sea diving in them they were so large. Still… Kat found them… underwhelming. Mostly because shortly after entering them she started meditating and once you got to that point it really wasn't any different to meditating somewhere else. Sure it was relaxing and she felt better, but floating around didn't encourage it much.

*Honestly, it's a little surprising that it wasn't more effective considering how closely linked my meditation is with water. I'd have assumed it would have done something more than just let me meditate.* "Is that normal Lillian?" asked Kat after explaining the experience.

Lillian had joined in using the tank next to Kat, and was currently on fire to remove the water. It didn't feel hot or cold or anything really. It was a testament to Lillian's control that only the visuals showed up past her skin, with the surroundings being completely unaffected. "It's not uncommon. Some people love these though. Anyway ONWARD" said Lillian happily. Kat smiled, and found the small giggles Lillian was letting out as she pointed forward was more relaxing then the previous to rooms. It was just nice making someone smile and Kat was happy to grin at that thought.

The next room, Kat was ready to veto almost instantly. It was a mud bath, and apparently good for the skin. *I do NOT want to be anywhere near that. Getting a bit dirty is one thing but… just diving in there… I feel unclean just looking at all that mud.* "I'd really rather not… plus isn't my skin basically perfect already?" mumbled Kat

Lillian just shrugged and let Kat lead them back to the elevator. As she did so, Lillian mentioned, "You either love it or hate it… but yes unless you go to the higher end areas where Kamiko currently is the treatments don't do much for Succubi other then relax them. If mud isn't your thing, we have plenty of other places."

The next area was just an open box. Sure, the box was huge but nothing stood out about it at all, and Kat was wondering what the point was until Lillian jumped out of her hands and started flying around. This prompted Kat to join in and she actually had a lot of fun. Their were air currents in the room that allowed for you to drift around but Kat knew them to be specially programmed somehow.

They provided just enough lift for Kat to turn her mind off and just sort of float around randomly. The currents shifted and guided her around the centre of the room for the most part, making sure she didn't run into any of the walls. Sure she did have to flap her wings occasionally but it was all automatic. Before long she found herself smiling, flipping over occasionally and following Lillian around when she needed direction.

It ended up being by far the longest time spent in any of the rooms so far, but it didn't involve a lot of talking. *I wonder if there's a way to change my meditation to something where I just fly around. Sure my pond is nice and it's a lot calmer feeling… I get submerged in it and I appreciate that… but this brings me a hint of joy alongside the relaxation. Hmm… doesn't really matter. This is fun. I can come back here when I want, or just fly around somewhere else.

Letting her mind drift further Kat considered something else. You know… this is one of my longer flights at this point and that's kind of sad actually. Sure I got to fly around at the Tournament a bit but for the most part I was with other people and it didn't really count.

I've been stuck with people for all of my Contracts and I'm not strong enough to carry them along properly. Maybe in the future I can get a monster hunting Contract or something and just fly around. That would be really cool. I do also need to use my dream walking ability more… well… maybe not. I spent quite a while in Major's head with Minor… plus I need to learn to use my fans first.*

Eventually, Kat's enjoyment started to wane as more and more things she hadn't noticed properly came into mind and she didn't want to just dismiss them. So she gave each thought a bit of consideration before finally landing and letting out a long sigh. "Didn't you enjoy this room?" asked Lillian confused.

"No no no… I mean yes? Wait how did I say both… damn English…" mumbled Kat

"The intention comes across easily with the Translation Kat, please continue" said Lillian josei

"Oh right" said Kat with a slight blush on her cheeks. "Forgot about that. Um… so… I did enjoy it. Quite a lot actually. This is probably my favourite room, if we don't count how cool your office, especially the door, was. The issue is that I started to think on a few things after my mind had wandered and they weren't all great. Mostly things I need to do"

Lillian jumped towards Kat and allowed herself to be caught easily. "That's fine Kat" said Lillian as she gave Kat a 'big' hug from within Kat's arms. "It's clear you enjoyed yourself, but it does mean this wasn't truly the best room if you were still unable to really just relax and ignore your other thoughts."

Kat blushed and admitted… "I think I was distracted the most when I started thinking this would be a better meditation base then my water one but… maybe not?"

Lillian shrugged as the pair headed for the door. "I'm not sure. I don't tend to recommend changing meditation types if you can even manage it. The one you get first is normally the best, especially if you manage it organically. Perhaps you should try swimming in your mind more?"

Kat shook her head and explained, "No it isn't quite like that… it's more like I separate INTO the water"

"Oh that one" said Lillian, "I'm afraid I don't really know anyone very personally that uses that specific meditation type so I can't help you there"

"No problem" said Kat just as they hopped back on the elevator.

The next room they came to was a mixture beach and tanning area. Lillian assured Kat that it wasn't the fake sun tanning people in reality, it was a specialty mix that could be used in place of sunscreen that really did all the work and was activated by the light source. Still, Kat wasn't interested in that, and the idea of swimming wasn't that appealing at the moment after coming down from flying around. The sensory deprivation tank wasn't doing the idea any favours either.

So in the end, Kat picked up some slices of what looked like watermelon, though it tasted much sweeter, and hopped on a beach chair with Lillian under one of the umbrellas. It was at that point, Kat noticed she was actually pleasantly warm, and a thought crossed her mind. *Wait a second… how hot is the room?! I can feel the temperature change! Note to self… DO NOT bring Kamiko here, she'll get cooked.*

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