D.E.M.O.N.S: Getting Summoned Weekly isn't so Bad

Chapter 543

Chapter 543: The Big Harrah

Chapter 543: The Big Harrah

When Kamiko finally managed to reign in her tears the first thing she did was apologise to Kat. "I'm sorry about breaking down…. I mean… thank you for helping me calm down a bit… I don't kn-" Kamiko chocked on the words, "Fine. I know that it all hit me that my friend was going away, I admitted it already earlier but… I didn't think it'd hit me so hard."

Kat sucked in a deep breath before her answer of, "It was… shockingly hard for me as well. Not calming you down, that was something I consider to be very worth it. I'll always be happy to help. No… it was… I don't think I'd ever put into words what I felt all those years ago as I pulled and got closer to the other kids at the orphanage.

"I was a little unfair in saying that I distanced myself from them, but it's true enough to be said. While the distance was certainly there, I mostly filled a different role, no longer a friend but more a mentor and guardian. I don't regret that, and it's something that has always been enjoyable for the most part" Kat's mind went over a few specific instances at the orphanage but didn't voice any of them.

"Besides" said Kat as she dragged her mind out of the past "you've got Sue as well. I bet she'd be happy to spend time with you. Even if it's just to tease you a bit. I think she's actually a pretty decent person so connecting with her might be a good idea"

Kamiko nodded in Kat's arms and asked, "I might do that… but when do you think you'll be able to come visit next?"

*That's a good question.* Kat bit her lips and thought over the answer. "Honestly… probably not for a while. First I have to catch up with everyone back at home. Then I have to go to a hearing and sort out getting paid for previous Contract that I had issues with. Afterwards I'll probably start my weapons training if I have time because I really have been putting that off…

"Then I'll have a Contract to do, either before that or after which might take a while. Following that, depending on how things shape up… something important will probably happen with my friend. Not sure if I should mention it. Mostly because I'm not sure what things I'm allowed to mention or what is polite, but… and I'm sorry to be vague, but yeah that's important.

"Not sure how involved I'll be. It might be something I'll help with, maybe spend some time with them to ensure things work out… or maybe they'll have to manage it all on their own and I won't see them for however long and I'll have a bit of free time"

Kamiko twisted around in Kat's arms and returned the hug she'd been getting for a while now. "That's fine Kat. At least I know you're already thinking about it. We can catch up when you're free that's fine." Said Kamiko

"Actually. How do we get in contact with each other?" asked Kat

"If you ask D.E.M.O.N.S it can send a message to me, even if it is a bit stingy about how long it takes delivering them it's very safe and reliable. You just have to have me in mind when you ask and D.E.M.O.N.S will get it right" explained Kamiko.

"Cool" said Kat, "Is there anything else we need to do, or shall we head back to your house?"

Kamiko let out a long puff of air and released her grip on Kat before speaking, "I think we can head there. I'm not sure who will be around though. I think everyone wanted to celebrate when I finished but… not sure if they knew we were going to be done today"

Kat shrugged and linked up with Kamiko's arm, while Kamiko summoned them away. Standing once again in front of Kamiko's house Kat took in the appearance and the hints of the garden on display. Knowing that this would be the last time she'd see it for a while Kat tried to further impress the scene into her mind, hoping it would be easier to find when she next looked.

*It's a lovely house. I'm quite glad I managed to meet the family that live here. It's been a crazy… what week and a half? Still despite how good Kamiko's bed actually is it will be very nice to sleep in my own.*

When Kat stepped in she wasn't really expecting anything special. That was a poor assumption. As soon as the door opened a series of small explosions went off and Kat felt the world slowing down as she took in the scene.

Lined up on the couch, which was now facing the door, was most of the family. The three triplets sat in the middle, all with party poppers shooting out bright lights that looked more like fireworks then streamers you'd expect form them. It was unclear which was which, especially the identical grins that they wore as they looked to the door.

Aslena and Nira were off to the left side, with Nira joining in on the party popper action and Aslena looking slightly off to the side with her fingers trying and failing to hide the smile on her face that managed to peak out of the corners.

Trigrath was to the side of the triplets with a basket of flower petals and was throwing clumps of them into the air. He still was, even with the slowed time actually, the only one that was still moving at all. A more observant person then Kat would note it was to watch the expression on Kamiko's face for as long as possible while giving him plausible deniability.

Elmony stood behind the couch grinning with arms stretched out wide and two rockets on either hand that were in the process of spiralling towards the space between them all. Wings of blood that stretched the length of the couch were spread out behind her to complete the effect.

"Congratulations!" shouted everyone once the world started to speed back up from Kat's perspective and she couldn't help but grin. While Kat was just admiring the chaos, Kamiko sprinted into the group and threw herself at the triplets that took her weight easily and surrounded her in a big hug.

"Thank you guys so much" said Kamiko

"Anything for our littlest sister" said the Triplets "we were surprised you got on Punishment detail anyway… but it happens to the best of us, so we're just happy you made it through… though… you seemed to be glowing a bit"

Kamiko's cheeks coloured slightly. "Yes… I had a good time at Lust"

"Ooooh" said Nira with a massive grin, "my sweet baby girl is growing up!"

The slight colour on Kamiko's cheeks exploded, coating her entire face and part of her neck in red as she stammered and tried to answer Nira. "W-w-what? N-no… no. MUM! No I… I wouldn't! It's not like that!"

Meanwhile Trigrath was being held back by Elmony so that he couldn't get up and start ranting about how Kamiko was a hundred years to young to think about that sort of thing. The Triplets looked slightly torn between saving their sister and earning some points, or letting this play out. In the end they just grinned and squeezed Kamiko harder.

It was actually Aslena that spoke up. "I doubt it. She's so pure I'd be surprised if the doors for those rooms would even open for her. I bet she'd scare off all the degenerates by showing just how nice she is."

"Oh but dear Aslena" said Nira, "how would you know what I'm implying if you haven't gotten wrapped up in such things? Does that mean you deserve the same praise?"

Aslena just stared her mother in the eyes. "I've had no more or less sex then Kamiko." josei

Kamiko practically chocked when she heard Aslena's answer. Nira though, didn't take the answer at it's obvious and instead said, "So you've been exploring together? I little outside of my own tastes but I suppose if that's what you both like I won't stand in the way. No children can come from it without assistance so it's fine for now"

Now it was time for Aslena to join Kamiko in being bright red. She didn't even consider Nira going that direction in her teasing and was woefully unprepared. Trigrath was taking more damage, now collapsed against the chair back while Elmony was rolling her eyes at the antics.

*I suppose that's one way to silence the room. Not sure that was quite the effect you were going for Nira but… well good job I guess. Now I need to figure out some way to remove the mental image you've provide me from my mind. Hopefully there's a dedicated way to remove memories when you have perfect recall because I did not need that idea in my head.*

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