D.E.M.O.N.S: Getting Summoned Weekly isn't so Bad

Chapter 556

Chapter 556: Lily’s Answer

Chapter 556: Lily’s Answer

This chapter is from Lily's perspective again

This perspective starts just before Kat saying "I don't know if I'm attracted to anyone"


Lily sat enraptured. Her emotions had already been going all over the place before Kat spoke any words. The loving way she was being held was taking her mind places that certainly weren't appropriate for two friends. *Is this a sign? Is this part of Kat's answer?*

Lily didn't know. She also didn't know if she wanted to know. When Kat finally spoke though, she had Lily's full and undivided attention. So those first words "I don't know if I'm attracted to anyone" hit her hard in the stomach. Even though just before this Kat had said to listen to everything before making judgement, she couldn't stop the sharp stab of pain that occurred.

Still, Kat continued speaking and the words were not welcoming. Despite this… Lily couldn't help but find a spark of hope building. As counterproductive as it was Lily could feel that Kat was building to something. She knew her friend well, and knew this wasn't the end. If Kat was going to simply shut her down she knew Kat would have been blunt about it.

When Kat spoke about how she'd never considered being with anyone that pain returned but it was subdued. Lily knew there was still more to this story… perhaps much more. So she listened, and tried not to let her heart be stollen by the girl she'd been placed upon. Blushing deeply when Kat brought up the fact she had only played with herself once. Lily's mind started all sorts of fantasies based off that one line even as she dragged her focus back to Kat. This was important and she was now determined to seer this conversation into her mind.

When Kat passed back into deep though, Lily saw only an instant where Kat's face morphed through a dozen different emotions, perhaps more before Kat's eyes went wide and settled into determination. When Kat started to speak, there was a sad finality in them and Lily felt her own heart breaking as the words spilled out of Kat's mouth.

Until Kat stopped. Until she was stopped. Lily couldn't help but find her heart soaring and she didn't know why as Kat said her final piece on the matter. "I wanted… I wanted to say that you should find someone who can return those feelings to you… but I can't say them honestly. I don't want you to do that. I don't know when it happened but I really do love you as well. I don't know if I can be what you want but I'm yours if you'll have me."

Lily hardly heard the words. Her mind panicked horribly when she felt Kat's tail leaving her. When the arms no longer supported her she wanted to cry and scream at the world… until those words finally caught up to her. "I'm yours if you'll have me" Lily felt her mind explode in that moment. Tears sprung unbidden from her mind.

*Oh Kat. This is more than I could hope for. I don't care. I'm not even surprised. I love you Kat and this is enough for me. I can see… I can see that you love me as well. I can only hope that our love is compatible.*

Lily leaned forward unsure. Eyes locked on Kat's for a moment before darting to the Succubus' lips and back to her eyes. Lily continued to move in slowly giving Kat practically an infinite amount of time to stop her. To push her away. Even if this wasn't something that Kat desperately wanted as she did. Lily felt it in her bones. This was something she NEEDED. This was a moment she'd never forget and it needed to be sealed.

When Kat made no hint of reproach, no movement away, Lily watched as Kat moved her arms up and felt the tail starting to wrap around her own midsection once again. Heat and joy bloomed within her and finally she made it to Kat's lips pulling the Succubus in tight.

Light exploded. Lily felt perfection well up within her. From an outside perspective. It was clumsy. Their faces pressed together too much, teeth pressed against each other when the appropriate response would be to open their mouths a bit. Noses crushed slightly by each other, Kat's own giving way a surprising amount for the moment. It didn't matter. To Lily it was the greatest feeling she'd ever experienced.

The feelings burned within her and she knew, whatever else may come in the future. She had made the right choice. Kat had responded. Likely using her instincts as a Succubus and not following her own lust… but Lily cared not. Kat had responded in what was to her the most beautiful way possible and Lily already loved it. Wished things to never end.


Lily pulled back eyes flying wide as Kat's did the same… but now they were bright purple and glowing. The voice had been strange to her. It was clearly Kat's and yet… it wasn't. *How did I… how did I hear that? What was that?*

Lily tried to take things in around her but couldn't help but feel a further surge of joy that made her feel like bursting when she tried to think about the words. Something ancient had decreed her Kat's… and she felt no fear. As if things were now as they always meant to be. Of course… then she realised she was on fire. Literally.

Purple flames surrounded her and Kat, linking them both together yet it didn't hurt. It felt like the gentlest embrace shared between two lovers that have a lifetime of love tying them together. Lily felt the future, the past, and the present in these flames. They were a shock, but she had no fear from them.

Of course. The questions burned in her mind and despite how much she dearly wished to savour this moment. To try and recall what Kat tasted like as she'd been too distracting in the moment to figure that out… the question wouldn't stop. So she asked. "Um Kat… not that I don't absolutely love this but… why am I on fire?"

Kat's eyes unfocused slightly in the way they always do when she's asking D.E.M.O.N.S something. It was a look Lily could recognise anywhere… alongside a dozen other faces of Kat she'd engrained into her memory. So she knew an answer would be forthcoming… but it wasn't the one she thought. "Um… so… apparently it's a thing that Asexual Succubi have… there aren't a lot of details on it but… it's apparently a thing to help us deal with love? I don't have the details on it but… it's basically confirmation that yes we can be together. I asked it a follow up if it meant we were the only ones for each other… I… I couldn't help but asked and it said no. All this means right now is that we have potential… but I'm ok with that I think. Lily… I said it before but I love you. I don't want some instinct driven thing to force that. I want to work on it together with you"

*I dunno Kat… I think I'd be just as happy if I knew we were the only ones for each other… but I understand where you're coming from. You don't want magic to force it. You want us to just love each other. And I… I can get behind that. Of course… I get to be magically bound to you forever anyway because of the Memphis transformation… so I suppose we both get what we want.*

Lily sighed in joy as she pulled Kat in for a hug burying her face into Kat's hair and taking in the precious scent of grass, the slightest tinge of smoke, and the fresh morning breeze and it was wonderful. "I want nothing else Kat. I love it, and I love you, and I'm so happy." Lily felt herself tearing up again.

*As if I haven't cried enough on Kat today… but I can't bring myself to care. I'm still so happy that I really just can't imagine an issue with it.* "I was so scared Kat" said Lily softly into the bundle of red hair she'd commandeered. "I'm not any more… but I was so… so scared Kat. I don't know how I managed to finally tell you but I'm so glad I am."

Kat shifted in place slightly so that she could press Lily's body into her. Lily instantly got several more embarrassing thoughts that she tried to squash on reflex before pausing. *No. We're together now. I CAN have these thoughts.* Lily nearly laughed out loud when the realisation hit her. "What does this make us Kat? Are we… are we dating now?" asked Lily hesitantly.

Kat answered in her typical fashion. "I don't really care Lily. I love you, you love me. I'll call this whatever you want."

Lily felt herself practically purring in Kat's arms. As silly as the answer was, and as much as she may have wanted something more concrete. It was a very Kat answer. It was perfect. She wanted nothing more.josei

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