D.E.M.O.N.S: Getting Summoned Weekly isn't so Bad

Chapter 572

Chapter 572: An Affinity for Kats

Chapter 572: An Affinity for Kats

"Oooh, what about Kat?" asked Sylvie suddenly.

"What do you mean what about me?" asked Kat in response, confused as to how the topic had turned to her.

"Everyone else has talked about the three affinities they want. If you weren't a demon what affinities would you want?" asked Sylvie. "Checkmate as well"

Lily whipped her head away from intently studying Kat's face to the board only to realise that while it wasn't actually checkmate, she only had one move available to her and then it would be checkmate, and there was an understanding that the game was over between the two of them. For Kat's part, she found herself surprisingly stumped.

It had never been her dream to become a wizard. Not that the concept wasn't cool, but in her old daydreams if she had truly entertained any, were that of the gentleman thief. A strange mix of catwoman and Robin Hood. Sneaking into high tech buildings and taking the special jewel they had hidden past dozens of tripwires and cameras.

Of course, Kat 'grew out' of that dream a long time ago. When she'd taken on a bigger role in the orphanage her thoughts were filled with how well she was doing at that. With what kids needed extra attention and which would be good on their own. How to spot a breakdown about to happen and making sure to stop it before it spread to the other kids. One should never underestimate the waterfall of crying that could be invoked if even one child started crying. josei

It made her smile as her mind glanced over the way she'd gotten overly attached to the strangely perceptive child. The one that noticed things and had started to point out, mostly correctly, who needed extra help and who would be fine in the company of their new friends. Of course this eventually had led to Kat thinking Sylvie was desperately trying to make herself useful to prevent her own collapse. Kat had been wrong on that.

Oh sure, Sylvie had grieved for her parents once, but when she arrived at the orphanage she'd actually already been adopted out once. One of the couple, the woman, for Sylvie had never given their names, had fallen quite ill. The couple had sat her down and asked what she wanted to do. She was given the option to stay, but likely on the edge of starvation as they desperately tried to cover the necessary medical bills. Of how they'd not really be able to spend time with her because she woman would be in hospital and the man would be working to pay for his wife's stay there. Sylvie had chosen to leave.

It had been an easy choice, from what Kat had seen. Sylvie didn't really KNOW them, and from what little Kat had managed to pry out of the little secret keeper, hadn't been particular interested in leaving the orphanage anyway. She'd said yes in hopes that it could be better, not with the expectation it would be. So when things came crumbling down she took the surprisingly mature path to return to an orphanage, a different one for sure, but an orphanage none the less. Sylvie had said it was so she could find another home that could take care of her at the time. Looking back at it now though, Kat wondered how true that was. She didn't know then. She still didn't know now.

Still, Kat hadn't wanted to be a thief in a long time, and now that she looked back at the idea found it didn't suit her anymore anyway. To be a wizard then… what did that mean? What did she want? Kat didn't know and decided to bite the bullet and let time slow down so that she wasn't just staring at the others and thinking. Was it cheating… well… Kat wasn't breaking any rules or laws. So she wanted to say no it wasn't.

*Still I have no idea what I could possibly want from magic. I love what I have already. I'm not sure I'd have chosen ice but it's really quite nice now that I have it. I like it a lot. Would I chose it though? Given the chance. My ice is great but is ice what really calls to me?*

The answer was yes, even if she wanted something more complicated and interesting to answer with then ice. Perhaps that was one of the reasons why she had the affinity with it already? The fact that it just felt right to have.

*Ok so ice is a must. I couldn't bear to give it up. I also don't want to just answer with Sylvie's build but focused on combat so I'll scrap light magic. Won't even consider it. What about time though? That's a really fun one honestly. Even if I know it would be expensive, I won't just rule it off my list. What about space? Another interesting one. Though… I think I'd rather pick gravity then space. The abilities I think I'd get from it are slightly more my style.

The ability to lighten myself, maybe fly, make my enemies slower, heavier, maybe take a big ass hammer and make that weigh a tonne more when I slam it down on people. Oh yes that could certainly be fun. Might let me tap into space a little bit at the higher levels as well. Ok so Gravity is a must for my second pick… what about my third?

I don't really know. Maybe healing? A bit of a cop out… I know you can get regeneration as an affinity but without diving too deep into my memories doesn't that kill your ability to use any other magic? I think Minor mentioned that and I'm too lazy to find the memory and check so I'll believe it for now.

As I am now… I think healing might be necessary. I take too many hits to trade blows. Something that I really should get in the habit of not doing… but it just works. It just works. Why does it matter if you trade a huge gash across your chest if they take the same damage but permanent instead. Then again… in this hypothetical scenario I'm not a demon and I wouldn't have gotten into the habit of taking those hits. Maybe I can skip on healing then? I'm sure I could group up with someone who did take it, even if that person isn't Lily.

Kat felt herself cringe internally at the idea that she'd ever be doing magic by herself without Lily. She didn't even want to think of being a Succubus without Lily to talk to. Living her dream without her was anathema to Kat's wishes. So Kat decided to lock that thought in place. Lily WOULD be her healer if that's the magic she wanted. Kat would not contemplate a scenario in which she became a mage and Lily did not. A small part of Kat snipped that she had sort of done that in the beginning before there was hope for Lily but Kat slammed it down. She'd never wished for this, as great as it was, and she had always kept in mind that Lily would want a chance at magic.

So no healing magic. Ok that's fine. What would I want in its place? Gravity would be my second magic I think, with ice as my first. So, what do I want as a third? It doesn't need to be space or time, because I think gravity is enough of a powerhouse element to count as a strong finisher. Shadow perhaps? Seems useful enough and if the whole shadow pocket thing really works that could be invaluable.

Plus if I take at as I final one it would be powerful. I could use gravity to bend light and give me more shadow to work with, or create ice walls that cast deep shadows as well. Yes, while it might be a little closer to the other suggested builds then I really like, I think I'm happy with these.*

"I'd take ice, gravity, and then shadow in that order" said Kat as she came out of her slowed perception. "I can't see myself without ice so that had to be first. It just doesn't feel right to me not to take it. Gravity is next for its utility and power. The likely ability to fly later of course, but more than that, slowing people down or making my weapons really heavy when I attack would be wonderful. Finally shadow for the useful abilities it'd bring, especially the shadow pockets. The fact I can use my ice to make shadows or gravity to bend light and create darkness is just the icing on the cake"

Kat found herself getting a variety of enthusiastic nods from the group. It was clear they thought it was at the very least a decent build. Still… nobody seemed to think of as anything more than a good idea. It was clear from their faces that while it was an interesting set of choices, and quite suiting, it didn't stand out the way the others had. Of course, going last didn't come with the surprise factor as a benefit.

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