D.E.M.O.N.S: Getting Summoned Weekly isn't so Bad

Chapter 577

Chapter 577: Black and White Review

Chapter 577: Black and White Review

After the short explanation of why Black was representing her Kat realised something else that should have occurred to her before. "How is it any of you can speak on the matter? Wait that sounds insensitive… I mean… um… how do you know what happened? I guess? Sorry for the poor wording"

*I really hope that wasn't an insult. I wish I'd phrased things better there. Or maybe I wish I knew enough about how the translation power works that I could sound formal to them no matter what I say… but it might cause one of those weird double meaning words.*

"That is a valid question Kat" said Judge, "You will find that Black and White were both provided with a detailed account of the Contract. It keeps most of your thoughts private, but it does explain most conversation and all important actions." Kat pursed her lips at this knowledge but Judge continued speaking, "Do not worry Kat. We are under Contract ourselves not to reveal such information outside of a few specific circumstances."

Kat nodded calming down at that knowledge. *Ok that's good to know. I wonder what they think of the Angel encounter.*

"Are there any further questions before we begin and start the timer for the proceedings? If so, I will be speaking much less and Black and White might be unwilling to answer them unless they seem relevant to the conversation." Explained Judge.

*Hmm, that's a good point. I hadn't considered that. Let me think for a moment I suppose. Certainly nothing springs immediately to mind. I kind of want to ask about the Angel but I'm not sure I can do that. Um… hmm… we can get to that later if it's important. Anything else? I don't really think so.*

"I have no further questions. I'm ready to start" said Kat as clearly as possible, but she couldn't quite stop the slight waver in her voice.

Her nerves didn't quite falter, but it was a close thing when the atmosphere in the room completely changed. The three Succubi that had been sitting fairly casually before all sat up in one motion, straightening their backs and raising their arms to the front to rest lightly on their desks. Kat could also feel their aura's expanding. None pressed on Kat but she could feel them thick in the room as the three's eyes started to glow slightly.

"Then by my power as Judge over this court I declare the start of the procedures. Kat the Succubus stands here to rectify a Contract error she believes to have occurred. I formally ask White to start their case." Said Judge in a booming voice that covered the whole room easily in sound.

White shifted ever so slightly to face forward instead of to Kat, as if she was speaking to an audience that wasn't there. "The first point of proof is in the fact that D.E.M.O.N.S did not consider the Contract complete. She was extracted not for completion but for medical aid. This I present as the primary evidence."

The words seemed to hang in the air for a few seconds almost as if they were displayed. Somehow the sound felt like it was continuing though Kat heard nothing else. *Sooo… do I like… wait for someone else?*

Kat's question was answered when Black started to speak, however unlike White she didn't turn to the front but kept her body looking directly at Kat. "My offered counter to the primary evidence is that the exit from a world is not when the Contract is complete, but when both parties, even grudgingly, accept that the Contract is over. It is possible to force the issue but that is the traditional method of leaving.

"In this instance I put forth that because Xiang, the Contractor in this case, was not in control of his mind, body, and potentially spirit, at the time of Kat's forceful departure. As such he was unable to give the credit to Kat, she was due. If he had been in full control, I proffer that the contract would have completed easily. Xiang's state was not due to Kat, and was not part of the Contract. She had no need to return him to thought, or to wait for acceptance from a being no longer in control"

White remained still as she replied with, "That is a guess Black. There was no confirmation that what you described happened to Xiang. While it is a reasonable assumption, and one I might be persuaded to agree with, it cannot be confirmed from what knowledge we have been provided. I move that it does not count as full evidence for the Judge."

Despite being addressed directly Judge didn't move a muscle, almost as if she was a statue. Black however gave the barest of nods that only Kat could have seen because of how the three podiums were positioned.

*Hmm, why is she nodding? I suppose she expected that… but why bring it up? I guess it's because Judge hasn't accepting White's counter argument. Just… acknowledged what they have both said.*

"In that case" said Black, keeping her eyes on Kat, "I motion that despite Xiang's lacking acceptance, which I still hold was due to being unable to act, is not required in this instance. Due to the wording of the Contract and Kat's force of will she was only required to provide assistance in Xiang's quest. When he attacked her unprovoked, he declared that he no longer required her help thus completing the Contract"

White raised her head just slightly at that, "If you posit that Xiang was not in control of his actions then you cannot argue that the actions of this other party taking using his body free Kat from the bounds of the Contract.

"Indeed, however you posited that Judge cannot accept he was acting with anything other than his own mind" retorted Black, "If that is the case, I may argue that if your version of events is in fact true, it still would not matter as his actions would have confirmed the end of the Contract."

White let the corner of her lips raise ever so slightly but Kat didn't feel like it was in happiness at all. "If that was the case then Kat should have been returned to her home dimension. The fact that she remained indicates your assumption to be wrong."

Black however truly smiled at this insinuation. "Perhaps, however I proffer that it was Kat herself that considered her job incomplete. That is why she was not returned. She was attacked at the climax of her fight with the branch sect leader and did not have time to consider the implications before she was attacked in turn by one she thought an ally" josei

White glanced at Kat for the first time since the official start. "What say you Kat? Does Black argue correctly in that you did not consider the Contract done at the time?"

Kat gulped slightly as she felt White's eyes on her. *Now how can I explain this in the best way possible. No idea. Shit. Well, I guess I'll just say the truth then.* "I was not in my right mind. I was in considerable pain and highly confused at the time."

"By her words you hear that she was confused and did not accept the completion of her Contract" said White, "I proffer that while she was confused, that does not change the fact she did not believe the Contract to be completed. If that is the case then surely you cannot argue that it has been completed after the fact"

Black's eye twitched ever so slightly and quite quickly in response to the insinuation. "Kat may not have considered the job done at that moment, but there is nothing to indicate it was out of laziness or malice. Despite the pain and confusion, she went to discover what was going on. A lesser demon would have considered her job done and simply left. Kat stayed despite the pain to assess the situation."

"Only to then fight against her Contractor" said White sharply.

"She was never requested to kill children" said Black in response, "In fact the only reason she was summoned for the job at all was because the runes were broken and Xiang grossly overpaid for the job to summon a demon at all. Even in the wording, she was asked to help get revenge on a sect. The children were blameless in this even if you wish to argue she agreed to help with revenge, she is not required to involve the innocent in that quest."

White lowered her head ever so slightly at this, though not to the level it had started at as she seemed to mull over the words for a few moments. *Well. I think I'm winning? Black seems to have a counter argument for everything White says and while White has countered with other things, I don't find her to be as convincing as Black. Is that my bias or something else?*

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