D.E.M.O.N.S: Getting Summoned Weekly isn't so Bad

Chapter 580

Chapter 580: Lily’s Morning isn’t Over Yet

Chapter 580: Lily’s Morning isn’t Over Yet

This chapter still is from Lily's perspective


*Now. What would Kat do if she found out I told my mother she was asexual. Damn, who am I kidding Kat would tell Mum in a heartbeat with practically zero prodding despite all the bad will between them. Having me release the information because my mother actually cares about me isn't something Kat would ever be mad at me for. Damn there goes my excuse to just avoid talking about it.*

Lily sucked in a deep breath. *Now how to explain this to Mum… maybe I make her answer the question instead?* "Why do you think she'd take advantage of me? And in what way?" asked Lily.

Evaline sighed shoulder drooping as she realised her daughter was trying to make this difficult for her. Not for the reasons she assumed, for she was thinking this to be punishment for insulting Kat, when it was actually just to avoid answering the questions. Lily couldn't hate her mother, she hardly hated the bullies despite their torment of her. Granted if they'd actually caused Kat any sort of real inconvenience, she might have mustered up some, but Kat found some of it laughable, few a slight inconvenience and most pitiable.

So Evaline steeled herself to answer her daughter's question in the bluntest way possible. "I don't want her forcing you into sex before you're ready" Lily's breath caught in her throat and she half choked at the answer, "as for why, she seems like she's good with people and fairly popular. Even if the sex wasn't a concern, how do you know she isn't just stringing you along? I often wonder if Stella knew the whole time and just waited for an audience so you could admit it and it wasn't just her word against yours"

Lily frowned. *That first part, somewhat expected. The second… not at all. Still that's focus on that. It gets me away from talking about Kat being asexual for at least a bit. I still have no idea how to bring that up properly. I could just tell her… nope avoidance is the name of the game. Future Lily can handle it.* "What do you mean she has a way with people? I've been her only friend for years." Lily paused for a moment then continued, "Actually I guess now that we're dating, if I use the same logic as before neither of us have any friends anymore. That… hmm. I'd like to say that's kinda depressing but I don't really care."

*Though Kat is making friends on her adventures. I wonder if I'll get along with them. I think it'll probably be fine? Wait… did I just accidentally lie to Mum? Damn this might be the only lie I ever get away with because I only realised after the fact. This tactic requires consideration in the future.*

"What about the other kids from the orphanage?" asked Evaline with confusion.

"That's all they are Mum" said Lily slightly exasperated, "Kat's older then basically all of them by quite a few years. I think the next oldest is thirteen. Maybe. Kat's been the oldest teen there for years. She's been there the longest, she's been the oldest for four or five years, she's been practically second in command for the place since around the time she was ten I think. She's never really been friends with them because of that, or at least, not for a long time"

"Oh" said Evaline. And that really is all she could say. She'd watched Kat and the older woman knew the girl carried herself with grace. The sort of attitude that only popular kids could cultivate. That knowledge that people turned to them for a multitude of things. Apparently not though, as if her daughter was to believed it was a role, she took upon herself to look after other children.

Evaline looked back over her interactions with Kat and tried to look at them with fresh eyes. It didn't help as much as she was hoping though. Kat always seemed sure of herself in her memories. The only time she was shocked was the first time Evaline had let her displeasure with the girl known. That had been the only slip she noticed though. She did also notice that Kat was a rare sight after that, likely not to antagonise her.

Still… there was one more thing. "Are you sure she's gay?" asked Evaline 'suddenly'

"What?!" said Lily shocked.

Her face must have betrayed something because Evaline looked at her with a smug smile now. "Well, I was just going over my interactions with the girl and noticed she never looked at me with any wondering eyes"

"MUM!" shouted Lily, "HOW… WHY? Why would you ask that? How is this a thing you feel is appropriate to point out?!"

Evaline shrugged and took a sip from her cup before grimacing. Her drink had gone cold, but it was what it was. Straightening her face out she said, "Lily, it wasn't hard to see you were smitten with the girl but I saw nothing to indicate she was ever interested in you or me. Considering I am in fact your mother and we look somewhat similar because of it, even if you seem to have taken pains to distance yourself from my image, if she finds you attractive, she should have at least glanced at me once or twice"

*I can't believe this. My mother is trying to catch me out because Kat didn't lust after her enough. Past me, you suck. Why did I need to have the image of Kat trying to flirt with my Mum burned into my mind? I should have just told her the truth at the start. Why did I avoid this? Not to Future Future self, don't avoid questions from Mum. It ends badly.*

"Right… um… Kat is asexual" said Lily just wanted this to be over.

Of course, with that as her answer it couldn't be. "Oh? I suppose that does make sense…" mumbled Evaline. "Why would she want to date anyone though?"

"Not aromantic asexual…" mumbled Lily in return.

Evaline looked over at her daughter and sighed, before saying, "You've chosen a hard road you know. I'm not saying this won't work out for you but… sex is a big part of healthy relationships. Even if I didn't want you jumping into that, because it can also destroy a fragile one, it does help if you know you both enjoy having nightly activities together.

"Still, I suppose that would be just your luck with red heads. Picking the straight girl the first time meant the only way it could be weirder would be to pick the asexual. Are you sure this is what you want Lily? Would it not be better to try and find a nice girl that was a lesbian at least? Or bisexual if you have to."

"Why did you say it like that? What's wrong with Bi people?" asked Lily confused

Evaline rolled her eyes and said, "Nothing is wrong with them but they would certainly be more prone to wondering eyes. I suppose that's at least something that will never worry you with Kat. Anyway, it's not like I have any personal issue with them, it's just that… well, they tend to be adventurous types and even if they can find both sexes attractive, you are lacking certain equipment for the standard act."

"MUM!" growled Lily.

Evaline just shrugged again at her daughter. "What? You're the lesbian here not me. You should be fully aware of your body and your tastes." josei

This wording of course forced her to image dicks for a split second and gag. "Gross Mum."

"You're the carpet muncher not me. I think that's worse" said Evaline with a smile.

"MUM! CAN YOU NOT!" shouted Lily.

"Well it's not like Kat is going to take up the role of embarrassing you with sexual comments." Said Evaline snidely, though internally somewhat glad. This was perhaps the realist conversation she'd had with her daughter in nearly twelve months. It wasn't what she'd wanted to talk about wither daughter either but if she could share the suffering a bit… well… she knew she was a bit of a sadist at heart. Her husband never minded.

Lily groaned and let her head 'rest' loudly on the table. "Is there anything else you want from me Mother?" said Lily into that same table.

"Oh Lily dear I still have plenty of questions… let's start with if you actually did talk about things properly with Kat. How will you take care of your more… carnal needs later on in your relationship? I doubt she'd be happy to see you go see other people to take care of that…"

Lily felt like she was dying. "Mum" she said weekly having already used up her quota of yelling for this conversation. "Kat… ok I don't even know where to start. OR if I should tell you. I mean what kind of mother asks about her kids sex lives?"

"You have a sex life already and didn't tell me?" said Evaline with false shock. Lily lifted her head up slightly… just to slam it into the table again.

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