D.E.M.O.N.S: Getting Summoned Weekly isn't so Bad

Chapter 583

Chapter 583: It Went a Little Somethin’ Like This

Chapter 583: It Went a Little Somethin’ Like This

"It was weird…" said Lily carefully, "My mother and I had a proper conversation with you as the subject for perhaps the first time… maybe only time in two years. It ended somewhat awkwardly or it was about to then out of nowhere she asked for you to come and chat with her at some point… and she implied anytime in the next few days would be fine"

*Yeah that really does sound out of character. She never really wanted to spend time with me before.* "Why?" asked Kat

"Well… I might have mentioned a few things like the fact we're dating but I'm really not sure what triggered the request to meet you. At the start of the conversation it didn't look like she had any intention of meeting you. More like… she was planning to continue ignoring you existed for the most part if she was allowed. Then something happened and she seemed to just decide she needed to see you" explained Lily. josei

Kat glanced down at Lily and hugged her slightly tighter for a moment. "I'm sure your mother knows you quite well. Was there anything else that might cause it?"

Lily winced at the question and said, "I was actually thinking about explaining magic or a bit of it. I was planning to just go through with the Memphis stuff without telling her as punishment but when I saw her real sadness at the joke I made of us not being friends anymore because we're dating instead, well… I just felt a bit bad. Then she embarrassed me for a while…

"Oh that's what it was I remember now!" Lily eye's lit up for a second before dulling drastically her body practically radiating annoyance. Kat decided to stop that spiral by giving her another kiss, this one right on the edge of her lips. The difference was as astonishing as it was immediate. It was like a lightbulb lit up behind Lily's eyes to chase away the darkness. Lily let herself bonelessly slide down so that she could bury her smile into Kat's chest. "Thanks

"I needed that. Ok, um…" Lily breathed in the scent of her girlfriend happily to stabilise her mood a little further. Lily was very happy with the fact Kat didn't really get other smells stuck to her anymore. She always smelled the same way now and Lily was all for it. "Mother" a slight bite to the word, "was talking about how you weren't so bad after I'd mentioned a few other things, and how we really should have tried to explain earlier…

"But I nearly lost it hearing that. I spent so much of those first few months we were friends subtly giving her hints that you weren't like Stella" Lily couldn't see it but Kat's eyes darkened slightly at the name, a promise of vengeance in them should they ever meet. "and she just didn't listen. I then tried to make things more obvious. Talking about how you dealt with the bullies, talking about all the work you did at the orphanage.

"Didn't make a lick of difference to her attitude but I tried very hard to convince her you were a good person for me. Apparently though, according to what I heard this morning, we'd never done anything to convince her that you were different from Stella at all and I just about strangled her, or slapped the coffee from her hand and left her to deal with the burns. I… I just don't understand how she could say that?

"Now I'm not sure if I want to bother telling her about the transformation again. Oh and I AM NOT telling her about the magical binding part of it. Honestly… I probably should but I don't want to get into the fact you're a demon really. It would complicate things so much and then we'd probably have to talk to Dad as well… but I probably should. It's the right thing, even if she might not deserve it. Oh and can you promise not to tell her about the magical binding either?"

"If that's what you want" said Kat easily, "I promise not to tell her unless you ask me to. As for if we should tell her or not… I have no idea. I only care about her so far as she's your mother. I don't really respect her much as a person but I also don't care if she knows I'm a demon. If she causes too big of a ruckus then that's just how it is. I doubt she'd spread it around because you're dating me. A bit of a bitch yes, but from what you've told me still attempting to be a good mother. I doubt sicking the government or whatever on your daughter's significant other would be considered good manners or that you'd take it lying down."

"Yeah, until she thinks it's for my own good" grumbled Lily, "If she thought you were ensnaring me or something she might. Then again… considering she has eyes she can hopefully tell you're my type physically without any magic involved. Mentally as well of course but I'm not inclined to give Mum the benefit of the doubt there."

"It'd be her word against Vivian's though" said Kat with a slight tinge of worry, "if things really did get that far Vivian and Callisto would back us. I wouldn't be surprised if Callisto knows enough to be a semi-competent Lawyer. Actually I wouldn't be surprised if she has qualifications for it…"

"Nah I doubt she'd have those. They take a fair bit of busy work to get. Even if she was good enough to get one I doubt she'd want to waste the time" said Lily.

"Ok fair," responded Kat.

With that the pair just relaxed for a while. They didn't mind that the conversation had drifted off. In Kat's case she didn't have anything else to do and hugging Lily was a great experience that filled her with warmth. On Lily's end it was similar, though she could enjoy the experience for more reasons. She was also still a little tired and happily took the chance to take a short nap.

Eventually lunchtime came around and the two were forced to split up. It was surprisingly hard to convince themselves it was a good idea. Kat didn't need to eat lunch and had expressed as much to Callisto when she'd come downstairs and dropped Sylvie off with Vivian before Kat settled back into a doze.

Lily just didn't want to get up. Lunch smelled nice of course, but Kat smelled better, even if that smell wasn't food. She might not have been tired anymore but she wasn't going to let anyone know that even if Kat could probably tell. Still, Lily's stomach started to rumble and Kat decided her girlfriend would eat.

Of course, then the temptation was to just sit down and let Lily stay on her lap but the pair knew that way led to trouble. Sylvie would want to join in, and they wouldn't be able to deny the little girl then there would be three people in one spot and the arranging the food on the table would be an issue. Especially if they made it a habit and Kat was eating at the same time for once. In the end they settled for a bit of a compromise.

They took up seats next to each other, much closer then was normal, and Kat wrapped her tail around Lily just the once. It was long enough to do that without too much of an issue despite the distance the chairs forced them to have but the pair were quite happy with the compromise. Kat thought it the strangest though, because she could feel the act tickling part of her demonic instincts. The fact she could tell that specifically was part of what made it strange.

*Why do I practically feel like purring? I've wrapped Lily up in my tail before and while I've had similar reactions before it isn't quite the same. What is causing the difference… is it because we're doing something else? That doesn't make much sense. I doubt I'd want to develop the habit of dragging Lily around attached to my tail… I have to be missing something. Should I ask? This is a little strange but I might need to know why I feel so content… and maybe slightly smug? Why do I feel smug about this?*

Kat glanced around at the table and nothing was out of the ordinary. Callisto had prepared a small platter of sandwiches for everyone that looked quite nice. Nobody was acting strangely except for her as far as she could tell.

*Perhaps this is something to investigate another time? We do have that other issue…* "Hey Lily…" said Kat slowly, "are we going to visit your mum or not? Also do you want it to be just the two of us or drag along the everyone else to lighten the load so to speak?"

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