D.E.M.O.N.S: Getting Summoned Weekly isn't so Bad

Chapter 585

Chapter 585: Magic is Real and the Delusions are…

Chapter 585: Magic is Real and the Delusions are…

"Hi Mum I'm home," said Lily as she kicked off her shoes and stepped into the room.

Evaline was watching something on TV from the sounds of it and as Kat stepped in she saw the woman in question leaning backwards and saying, "Hell- Oh, I see you have guests. One moment and we can sit in the kitchen I suppose."

Evaline quickly turned off the television and made her way over towards the kitchen. Unlike Vivian's much larger two-story house, the lounge room for Lily was rather small. It was attached to the kitchen and dining area and only had the one couch that while enough for a family of three like Lily's to squeeze onto wasn't really appropriate for guests to sit on, not when there was so many. Lily's family did have a large dining table though. It sat six people normally and could be extended to fit another four if needed.

Evaline took a seat at the head of the table and looked out over the group as they filed in. Callisto and Vivian taking the back seats forcing Lily to chose to either sit opposite her mother or next to her. Lily grimaced at the sight and was annoyed she wouldn't be able to sit next to Kat because of it. Still, she took the next best thing which was one of the two front seats where Kat took the other one near Evaline. This meant Sylvie sat at the other end of the table and it was somewhat funny to look at in Kat's mind, as if Evaline and Sylvie were the two heads of the respective houses. Shame it started make more sense the longer Kat thought about it.

As this was happening, Evaline couldn't help but glance between Callisto and Kat, mostly focusing on Kat. The made outfit was weird of course but that really did pale in comparison to demonic features. Seeing Lily starting to panic a little Kat moved her tail so that it snaked under the table and rested lightly next to Lily who instantly snatched it up in her hand to help calm herself down. "Well?" asked Evaline, "What's this all about" though she was facing Lily her eyes were locked on Kat.

"Um… so… eh… I was going? to mention it this morning but… you also kinda annoyed me a bit so I didn't but… right… well… magic is real?" managed Lily.

Evaline glanced over at Kat then back to her daughter. "Right… but why is that one wearing a maid outfit?"

Lily jerked backwards as if struck. "Are you… um… is that really your first question?" josei

"Yes" said Evaline firmly. "I'm currently choosing to ignore all evidence magic is real for the moment while I desperately try to process the fact that my daughter is trying to date what looks like an actual demon and that magic is real. So, Callisto I believe, what's with the maid outfit?"

"Well I am Vivian's made so what else would I wear?" asked Callisto with the fakest expression of innocence, she'd ever seen. Perhaps the fakest expression she'd ever seen in general.

"Callisto! I have told you a hundred times you are not my mind. Stop telling people that!" said Vivian with slightly mocking horror.

"But I cook, I clean, I watch the house when you are out. I have my own room for any projects I wish to pursue when not waiting for orders or cleaning, you have not cooked since I moved in except for that one time you tried and nearly blew up the kitchen, and I occasionally do the paperwork involving the bills. Does that not make me your personal maid or at least assistant?" asked Callisto with the same fake innocence.

"You know damned well I'd let you live there for free and that you clean so often that I've never so much as seen a speck of dust let alone needed to clean up the place. You tend to dust everything when I'm asleep. MANUALLY. Instead of using a damned vacuum cleaning like a normal person" said Vivian.

"I do use the vacuum. Occasionally" said Callisto.

Vivian just sighed and looked over at Evaline as if to say, 'you see what I have to deal with?' but Evaline was perhaps more confused and just as much in denial as she was at the stat of the conversation. "Right," Evaline said hesitantly, "I suppose that addresses the maid in the room." Evaline glanced quickly at Kat once more, "Yeah… I'm not ready to deal with that yet. Though… let's say that I am. What kind of demon IS Kat? And has she always been one?"

Lily looked desperately at Kat as if praying for her to answer, seeing this Kat just nodded and looked over at Evaline and said, "The first part is easy, I'm a Succubus, but not a normal one. The second question is a bit harder to answer. I've certainly always had at least some demon blood in me otherwise I wouldn't have the well… the wings and stuff,

"But, other things are a little less clear. Like… demons can only be demons if they can use Demonic Energy. It's the demon equivalent of Mana, which is also real, and so is Qi if you know what that is. They're both different. Anyway, the to be a demon, you must be able to use Demonic Energy otherwise you just aren't one.

"However I know younger demons can't really control it. I'm not sure if the 'rules' for being a demon is just that Demonic Energy can't corrupt you, or if you need to actively use it. As I said though younger demons can't even full blooded ones, so I'm not sure when exactly along the timeline I count as a real demon.

"It is worth mentioning though, that I'm considered a Nondem because my demonic features didn't come in until later and I don't have a demon as either one of my parents. They were both human as far as I know and as far as everyone else knows. What this means… honestly I don't really know"

"How can you be a Succubus if you're asexual?" asked Evaline, "And have you done anything to my daughter to ensnare her?"

"No" said Kat. "Also it's worth mentioning I am now incapable of lying. Which now that I think about it, is a point towards me only becoming a demon recently because I remember the first day that I could no longer lie. It was the day I met Vivian actually. Um… right anyway…

"It will probably also put your mind at ease that because I'm asexual I can't get pheromones to attract people because they work based on what you like. So a straight Succubus would have it work on most men, a gay one would have it work on women, and because I'm asexual even if I did get them it wouldn't do anything to Lily because I'm not attracted to anyone that way"

"Hmmm… how do I know about the lying business?" asked Evaline curiously.

Kat just shrugged and said, "I don't really know how to prove it. It's fairly noticeable because I'll get cut off in the middle of something but I suppose I could be faking it if I knew enough about what it's supposed to look like. For example I can't say that the sky is pink without context like this. Watch I'll try. Evaline, did you know the sky is p-"

Kat coughed lightly and cleared her throat after the answer got stuck in her mouth. Evaline didn't seem to be willing to just accept that as the answer though. "Why now?" asked Evaline. "Sure you can say it's because these pair are dating now, but I doubt it. Why am I just now being told about magic?"

Everyone in the room looked toward Lily who groaned. "Right… um… well… so Mum you know how magic is something I've always wanted?"

"I don't like where this is going but yes, I do. You never really grew out of it even when you said you had. It was something you quietly hoped for always. Why…?" asked Evaline with concern lacing her voice.

"Right well… um… Kat did some favours to some… thing? I guess? That's fairly powerful in demon society and she got two favours in return. She can use them for pretty much anything and well… one of those things is to turn me into another race, one that CAN use mana if I want." Said Lily.

"Right… I'm not even going to pretend that makes sense. However, because I can see everyone taking this seriously I'll return the favour and try. For now. I don't necessarily believe you Lily… not that I think you'd lie about this but… give me some time. And don't give me proof any more than you already have. I want to wallow in my delusions a little longer once everyone leaves for the day"

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