D.E.M.O.N.S: Getting Summoned Weekly isn't so Bad

Chapter 587

Chapter 587: Glimpses of Heaven... or is it Hell?

Chapter 587: Glimpses of Heaven... or is it Hell?

This chapter is from Lily's Perspective


"Well. Thank you for that horrifying demonstration," said Evaline taking a side glance over at her daughter. Lily wrapped her hand around Kat's to find the determination to glance right back and show that she was serious about her action, and it wasn't something she'd done on a whim. Seeing this glance Evaline set her lips into a line and continued, "but I think it would be best if you left for now. I have some things to think about."

Everyone glanced around the table unsure looks on their faces. Evaline knew about magic now sure, but she didn't really know about the choices Lily was making. Lily knew that she would be wanting to get the process started sooner rather then later to get it over with and perhaps to start practicing. Still, seeing everyone ensure as to how to respond Lily decided to take charge and stood up.

Evaline's face soured at the action but didn't say anything just yet. She let them all make confused glances and follow Lily to the door before saying. "Lily, I'd like you to stay behind. I have a few more things to discuss just with you."

Lily frowned at the ground not wanting to scowl directly at her mother and certainly not anyone else nearby. When Kat pulled her face up carefully by the chin though she was already smiling by the time their eyes met. When Kat kissed her that smile felt like it was glued to her face. She was still reeling from the sensation of Kat's soft lips and the slight taste she had yet to identify but was distinctly Kat. "You'll be fine Lily. You can come over as soon as you finish with your Mum. Besides, if things get bad and you yell enough I'll be able to hear you" said Kat though Lily hadn't quite recovered enough to pay proper attention to the words.

So she just nodded with a smile on her face and turned slowly to let her mo- no, Evaline for the moment. To let Evaline see her face, which was flushed and gave a good indication of the feelings she was experiencing at the moment. She found it was good payback for the moment. Kat gave one last pat on her arm before walking out the door.

*I wish they'd stay.* Lily resisted the urge to lick her lips as she turned back and watch Kat leave, shamelessly staring at her legs as she walked away and taking a few glances at her ass. Lily knew what she liked, especially on Kat and now that it was out there in the world… well she still felt shame. Considerable amounts of it for what she was doing. Her burning desire to engrave every inch of Kat's mind into her impressive memory was much much stronger though.

When Kat started to wrap her tail around one leg and squeeze slightly Lily wondered if her girlfriend was trying to kill her. However, double she glanced at the others for a second and saw Vivian trying not to laugh and was hit by the realisation that… Kat didn't realise what she was doing.

*I don't know how I'm supposed to feel about that. I mean I know I feel really turned on at the moment, but the fact Kat's not even trying… I have such mixed feelings about that part. I wonder if she even knows that her tail moved at all? It seems to have a mind of its own a lot of the time… and I wonder if this is part of it. Shit. Now I have to go brave a serious conversation with my mother while I'm horny. This is… dammit I can't say I regret the staring but I do wish I had time for a cold shower first.*

Tearing her eyes away from Kat she closed the door. Much slower then needed, but nobody was going to call her out on it. Well, Evaline still might be that would likely be less painful then whatever else she planned to confront Lily about, or so she thought, so Lily considered it an easy risk to take. Marching back towards Evaline like she was heading for execution she nearly sat down, but decided to keep walking and get a fresh glass of water.

Proving Kat couldn't hurt her with demonic fire was one thing, trying to drink that water though was a bit of a risk and she wasn't willing to push those limits before she became a Memphis and no longer needed to worry about it.

"Well I see she's already ensnared you rather well" said Evaline with slight bitterness in her voice.

"MUM!" Growled Lily scandalised, "I've been smitten with her for years! You know this. You saw this. You worried she was going to be another Stella. She ISN'T. Why are you now so annoyed with this?"

"Well I might have liked to know your girlfriend was an ACTUAL DEMON LILY. How can I be sure she hasn't done anything to you," hissed Evaline in response.

"Mum…" whispered Lily shocked. "I… I don't really know why you think she'd need to if I'm completely honest" Evaline gave her daughter a scandalised look. "Oh don't you look at me like that. You know I have a type and it's hot red heads with legs to die for. Stella doesn't have half the beauty covered in professionally done makeup as Kat does with no effort at all. josei

"Even if I believed for a second Kat might have done something. Which I don't by the way. In case that isn't more than clear. What difference would it make really? She is the most beautiful girl I've ever seen. She's so nice and caring and puts so many others before herself. Her adopted sister Sylvie is adorable and I just want to keep her safe like Kat. Then she just… gives away the ability for me to practice magic because I'm her friend.

"For all that alone I'd do whatever she asked of me. Mum…

"Mum look. If she did use anything to snag me, it would be such a complete waste. She doesn't need any fancy succubus magic to have my heart because I gave it away LONG before now. The fact that it keeps getting better means I probably have no chance to ever reclaim it. She's the one for me Mum and I don't understand why the fact that she's a demon would change anything. She barely acts any different!"

Evaline growled in response and got up to have a drink. Angry at her daughter. Angry at herself. She didn't want to admit how true the words Lily spoke were. She knew her daughter had a crush on the red head. She knew that with the same certainty she knew the sun was going to rise in the morning. Even if she believed Kat actually was using powers to ensnare Lily… she knew her daughter was right. If Kat was bothering with any magic at this point it was massive overkill.

"How long has she been a demon" asked Evaline softly but still with a hint of tension.

"Um…" Lily thought on it. It was a little hard because thinking too specifically on when Kat's appearance changed just gave her flashes of Kat walking away again with her tail… Lily shook her head. While she didn't really want to dismiss the image she was supposed to talking to her mother. "Um… like… a bit before school ended?"

"You think it happened then?" tested Evaline

"I KNOW it happened then. She came straight to me when she woke up one morning with a tail. Oh god… I… shit" Lily couldn't help but stop talking to drool a little as she remembered Kat showing off her tail and how it connected to her back. *How I managed to avoid drooling at that sight I'll never know. I got an eyeful back then.*? "I can't believe she didn't notice me staring at her ass when that happened. She was pretty panicked though… um never mind. The point is Mum… I watched the transition happen."

"Could it have been faked?" asked Evaline seriously.

Lily glared at her mother in response to the question. A larger and larger part wanted to tell her mum to fuck off, but that wasn't exactly appropriate but she actually had an answer for this one. "I watched her balance get completely shot is why. Having a tail and a new set of instincts involving it were just one thing. The fact it completely changed her centre of mass another. Then she started wrapping it around her stomach to hide at school and it got worse because her tail was jerking this way and that to try and balance her despite being wrapped up. It was a tough week that one"

Evaline tried not to look like she'd swallowed a lemon but it was a good answer, one that she couldn't confirm of course, but did sound like something her daughter would notice. She certainly spent enough time staring at Kat. Unknowingly Evaline mirrored her daughter as she wondered how Kat had never noticed Lily staring at her ass all the time.

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