D.E.M.O.N.S: Getting Summoned Weekly isn't so Bad

Chapter 591

Chapter 591: The Weight of Eternity and Permission to See it

Chapter 591: The Weight of Eternity and Permission to See it

This chapter is from Lily's Perspective


Twenty minutes later Evaline was finishing her third cup of coffee and most of the pot at this point. She couldn't help but sigh at her daughter that was clearly stuck in her mind. Quite a few times she considered just getting her daughter's attention and snapping her out of that before deciding the potential for a fight wasn't worth it. On Lily's side of things, she was wrapped up over analysing ever physical aspect of herself and trying to work out what things Kat might like. That was until a strange thought struck her.

*Wait… after I have a Memphis form would Kat prefer that I stayed like that? I'm not sure if I prefer that or not…* Lily started to picture herself curled up in Kat's lap and started to salivate at the idea. *Oh yes. I have found the greatest benefit of this transformation, being able to envelope myself in Kat's thighs without people thinking its weird. I'll just be like a normal cat. Totally not because I have a leg and thigh fetish.* josei

Lily let out a small giggle that caused Evaline to sigh heavy into her latest cup of coffee. She also decided that if Lily started giggling again it would be time to snap Lily out of her thoughts. Whatever place she'd ended up was clearly far removed from the issues she'd raised. "At least she looks like she's enjoying whatever it is now," huffed Evaline. The giggling however, reached Lily's ears and started to clear her mind slightly.

*Ok whatever that was… I think it was a bit too far. I mean really Lily laughing is fine but giggling like a pervert is not the way to go about things. I'm surprised you didn't drool over everything. Yes I know Lily I'm you and complaining to myself but you know what. We deserve some criticism for it. Or I do? Not sure how I want to word that. Um… what was I supposed to be doing?*

"Hey Mum…" started Lily

"Oh? You're finally back Lily," said Evaline cutting in, "I thought I lost you there"

Lily was about to retort before her eyes slowly glanced over to the rather empty coffee pot then over to the mug in Evaline's hand. "Oh" said Lily.

"Oh indeed" said Evaline with a grin.

"Um… how… how long was I out for?" asked Lily

Evaline smiled and fought down the temptation to say that it had been days as a joke Lily would never believe… then fought down the harder temptation to answer with an hour or two to humiliate her daughter a bit. "Twenty minutes" answered Evaline honestly though with some regret.

Lily winced. "Sorry Mum… I got distracted" as the words left Lily's mouth her mind started flashing back to her most recent fantasy and her eyes started to glaze over. Evaline wasn't having it this time and slammed the coffee mug down onto the table with decent force and snapped Lily out of it before she got too wrapped up in her fantasy again.

Giving and awkward cough Lily turned to the side in order to not be looking directly at her mother as she blushed. It didn't help too much but it was something. "Soo… what were we talking about?"

"Getting you ID" said Evaline. "We were talking about how hard that would be. As well as the potential for invalidated medical tests and vaccines. I mean… I can't take you to the hospital after this, or the doctors. Even if I was willing to blow your secret or you found some way to hide things it's not like they could actually help you. You wouldn't be human anymore and we hardly understand how to fix ourselves. What if you picked up some sort of magical disease? Then we'd really be in trouble"

*ID shouldn't be too bad. I can probably hide my features for that somehow. Maybe do my hair up or wear a bow or something to hide my ears. On the medical side of things… that could be a bigger issue. Do I get healthcare as Kat's familiar? Actually, D.E.M.O.N.S do I get healthcare.*

That information is not currently relevant to Acquaintance Lily and as such Acquaintance Lily cannot access it.

*What does that mean? Maybe? Why isn't it relevant? I want to turn myself into a Memphis and bind myself to Kat… unless that isn't considered a familiar bond? Dammit I'll have to ask Kat. Now how do I answer Mum about everything…*

"ID shouldn't be too bad" said Lily, "I'm sure I can figure out a way to look human for that… but medical stuff… well demons have good healthcare, and they would be doing the procedure so maybe I can get on that? If I can that would sort all my issues out."

"What are the chances they allow you to use their healthcare? You aren't a demon," asked Evaline firmly.

*Well because I'll be magically joined to Kat I imagine the chances are decently high. Maybe like seventy, thirty, in favour of healthcare… but I really don't know I'd have to ask Kat. Or maybe Nira? She'd definitely know if Kat can't find the information though I'm not sure if Kat can contact her or not.*

"I think it's likely?" said Lily uncertainly, "I mean, if I do go on Contracts with Kat, I should at the very least be covered for injuries or sickness I pick up while away from Earth but I'm not sure about more standard healthcare things. So… I definitely wouldn't die but if I had consistent migraines I'm not certain they'd help. I think they would, but I'm not certain"

"I suppose that's better then I was imagining. You really think demons of all people can be trusted with healthcare though?" asked Evaline with honest curiosity and a slight hint of distaste.

"Yes I do," said Lily easily, "I… I'm not sure why demons have such a bad name but they mostly seem like decent people. A little indulgent some times depending on what their vice is, but overall, quite decent. Their society seems more advanced than ours but also quite stable. I think it's because of how long they live. They got to a tech level that let them do practically anything easily and then slowed right down after that. Or that's my guess anyway.

"Kat doesn't exactly know a lot about them but based on what I know of history it's the only think I can think of. Otherwise, they should outstrip us by so much that it isn't funny. Unless Kat just went to a low technology area which… I suppose that's possible? A way to make sure nobody gets overwhelmed. They do seem to have older stuff as well. I think they keep multiple tech levels around so that everyone can use something."

"That's an interesting thought… and I admit I hadn't considered jut how far ahead technology wise they might be. Medical care is probably much better for demons then…" said Evaline thoughtfully.

"Oh it's much better" said Lily, "mostly because they can use demonic abilities to heal people. Actually, I don't think we ever went into Kat's regeneration did we?"

"You brought it up briefly when lifespans came up" answered Evaline.

"Right well… um… Kat can take a lot of damage. Like… dammit I don't want to picture bad things happening to Kat. Ok, um… I'll use one that did actually happen. So, back before her wings were stronger she had to glide while carrying someone. Kat got up to speed and then crashed right at the end of the flight… into gravel." Evaline was already wincing, "yes and with Kat the way she is, she protected the other girl with her body.

"Kat broke multiple bones but the real icky part is that the gravel shredded her front and the skin around her throat. She had to spit up rocks for a bit" Lily shivered just thinking about it, "but she was fine. Completely fine, no scarring even though her throat and a good chunk of her face was torn up. So… yeah. And demons have skills to heal others that much"

Evaline sighed. It was a lot to take in and one of her few remaining reservations. Knowing just how easily Lily could get help if something happened to her eased quite a few worries. Evaline knew her daughter wasn't properly thinking of the long term consequences, but harping on too many of them would probably have Lily point out that these consequences really weren't that long term and she'd live more than long enough for them to be forgotten by the rest of Earth.

Evaline twinged at that thought. The realisation that Lily, if she went through this, would probably outlive not just people on Earth, or humanity, but EARTH. The whole thing. The solar system as well if she was careful. Seeing such a long life ahead of her daughter Evaline felt weary. "I wish you good luck Lily" said Evaline softly. "I give you my blessing… but you'll have to explain it to your father"

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