D.E.M.O.N.S: Getting Summoned Weekly isn't so Bad

Chapter 593

Chapter 593: Messages Messages Messa-

Chapter 593: Messages Messages Messa-

It wasn't until the next morning that Kat read the replies she'd been sent. She did have a slight expectation of getting a response before she let herself fall asleep the day before, but there was no such luck. Sylvie had decided to join Kat in bed and was surrounded by her wing. Sylvie had joined Kat and quickly fallen asleep but Kat had stayed up staring at the ceiling for quite a while. She just wasn't tired and a full eight hours of sleep was more than she needed.

Whatever time she eventually managed to nod off, Kat hadn't received any messages the last time she checked, so to see one from everyone was a great surprise. There was a temptation to check them in order, starting with Kamiko's but Kat wanted to know if her training trip could go through first so she looked into the one from Minor.

"Hi Kat, it's good to hear from you. It's also really nice to hear what you've been up to. The weird flaming text thing did tell me you were unable to contact me for a bit and the punishment sounded pretty bad so it's nice to know I was worrying about nothing.

"In regards to your training I actually have great news. Grandma's friend was invited over soon after you left. She should be here either tomorrow or the day after actually. So I guess send a message through when you want to be summoned? I don't mind if you just want to hang out or something until she arrives. You're more than welcome to come visit. Only if you want though. Um… yeah… Anyway. Your teacher will be around for a while, she might even be teaching the rest of us at some point. She should be available for a few months while she hangs around if you have to put things off…

"Oh, and if you're wondering why I don't name her and keep calling her she all the time… it's because Grandma made me promise not to mention her name over the messages. I don't really know why. Clearly, it's attached to my mind or maybe even my soul. If it wanted to get the name it could no trouble but that's what Grandma wants so… yeah.

"Actually also. I don't know if it's important or not but when I see your messages, I see them. Not Major, ME. Even if I'm in her head and not watching her eyes, I see them. If I am watching through her eyes, then she can't see them even if I can. Though I can push the memory to Major and she can see them that way. It was actually pretty fun to play around with. Gave us something to do.

"Though I don't really want to get started down that tangent. I feel like I have so much to tell you but I'm not sure how much Grandma would be happy with me sharing. I feel kind of bad about that. You've told me all about your wonderful adventures but I can't even talk about the few things I've been doing in Major's head.

"So… ah… by by I guess? I don't know how to end this. Actually I also don't know how to send this. Wait… no I should remove that. How do I remove things? Um… bother. If you see this I guess I did figure out how to send it. By? Hi?"

Kat found herself giggling a little as she imagined Minor's panicked expression at the ending before clamping her mouth shut and glancing over at Sylvie who just shifted slightly and buried her face deeper into Kat's side.

*Note to self. Do not laugh at funny things while Sylvie is sleeping next to you. In fact, don't do it while Lily or anyone else is sleeping. Though… if it's Xiang I don't think I'd have cared. Anyway, it's good to see Minor isn't having any problems and despite not having a body she seems quite cheerful still. Granted she didn't want a body but it was still worth worrying about I think.

Still, good to know I can come over whenever. I wonder when this was sent? Like… is today 'tomorrow' from the perspective of this note or not quite? I think not because of time zones. When I showed up at Minor's the first time it was late in the afternoon. So… she's probably asleep right now? I think? I guess it depends.

The question is, when do I went to go? I guess as soon as Minor summons me? I just have to let everyone know. I'll tell Lily when she comes over today or I'll go over and tell her if it looks like she isn't showing up. Do I need to take anything? I don't think so? Just my fans and I guess be ready to practice my but off.*

Pushing Minor's message out of her mind Kat looked between Nira's and Kamiko's. She wasn't sure which to open first but Kamiko's was sent first, or at the very least received first, and that was enough for the tiebreaker.

"HI KAT! Oh I'm so happy to have my first letter. Also you work really fast. I'm surprised between you me and Sue it was the asexual one of us that got a girlfriend first. Though… I guess I don't exactly want a girlfriend, I want a boyfriend and Sue… I'm not sure what she wants. She seems very happy to keep sleeping around and I mean… if that what keeps her happy I guess.

"Still, I can't believe you and Lily got together. It was kinda obvious. I mean Mum did give me some big hints when you weren't looking, but still it wasn't hard to guess. I'm glad it worked out for both of you. Or well… it's just the start of things and Mum likes to say every relationship is a journey… but I've watched enough movies to know that sometimes the other person slaps you or spits in your face and you can never be friends again.

"Wait… speaking of friends… does that mean I'm your new best friend? I know you tried to avoid saying it before but it's very clear that Lily is? Was? Your best friend. How does this sort of thing count? I feel like the best friend spot is now open for me, but I can't be sure. Still, if I get to claim best friend by default I have no regrets or shame. None. I suppose I shouldn't get too excited but… well this is just adorable to hear about really. I can't wait to tell Sue. Though maybe you want to tell her? Hmm, I'll hold off for now but if you leave it for more than a month… no a week! I'll tell her.

"Mum isn't here at the moment so I can't ask her about whatever the other thing is but I hope nothing is wrong. Mum being a doctor makes me worry that's what it is… but I also feel like you would have told me if something was wrong with you or Lily. I can't really think of why you would ask. I mean, it can't be 'The Talk' because not only are you both girls, but because you're asexual you probably won't get into that any time soon.

"I could maybe see it being about handling your strength… but you don't seem to have issues with that. Some demons do, but you don't. Most of us have a sort of inbuilt limiter that makes sure we don't hurt our friends and family accidentally, even when they're quite fragile. It helps a tonne. Not sure where we picked it up though. Anyway, message me back when you can spread the news I guess. Oh and good luck with your training when you start that."

Kat smiled at the letter and didn't let any laughter out this time, she made sure of that. Still, it warmed her heart to think of Kamiko animatedly speaking out the letter in her mind. Kat was mostly glad her friend still sounded upbeat.

*Though I guess she is my best friend now. If I don't send her a longer message before the end of the day I'll send her one letting her know she's now my best friend. At least she's not suggesting Sue for the spot. That would be a little too self-deprecating considering I hardly know Sue and definitely share no hobbies with her. josei

Well, now I have just one letter left. Nira's.? I wonder what she's going to say? Maybe I should have asked Kamiko for permission to share what was going on… but I think this is a nice thing I'm doing for her. Nira has a lot of knowledge and I bet it can be useful here.*

As if sensing Kat's slight unease one of Sylvie's hands moved over Kat's stomach. It didn't really make it that far over because of her size, but it was very comforting none the less. Letting the doubts fade away Kat opened the last message.

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