D.E.M.O.N.S: Getting Summoned Weekly isn't so Bad

Chapter 595

Chapter 595: Soothing Silly Suspicions

Chapter 595: Soothing Silly Suspicions

When breakfast had finished and Kat saw no sign of Lily… nothing happened. It wasn't unusual or strange in the slightest. Lily wasn't known for waking up early like Vivian's household and even then, getting up, showering, and walking around to Vivian's house was simply too much effort in Lily's mind for a better breakfast. Callisto was a great cook, but didn't really have the chance to flex overly much for breakfast so if there was a meal to take elsewhere that was the one.

However, when Kat was nibbling on a sandwich slice that had been shoved into her hands to stop her from wringing them, Kat might have been willing to admit she was starting to worry. Maybe. It wasn't as though she hadn't gone longer without seeing Lily, heck just recently while on she was summoned to other worlds it was sometimes over a week away. The difference was that it was always Kat that was more at risk.

The rest of the house politely ignored Kat's clear angst. They didn't need to guess what had Kat so worked up, and while Vivian was slightly concerned herself, Sylvie trusted Lily was smart enough to escape to their house if necessary and Callisto was unconcerned. She knew very well the signs one should look for when dealing with… questionable… parents and despite Evaline's clear distaste for Kat, Callisto didn't think she was actually a bad parent and as such wasn't worried about Lily's lack of appearance.

At some point Kat started to use her expanded hearing. Something she mostly ignored on Earth and wasn't all that effective anyway. The noise pollution was considerable and with the suppression of demonic energy it was hard to focus on just one spot. So really all this did was assault Kat's ears with countless additional sounds few of which she could make any sense of at all increasing the pressure on her mind and not helping her worries at all.

So when the doorbell rang Kat practically teleported to the door to open it. The house would thank the fact she brought her wings out to fly up and over things in her way as that saved her feet going straight through the floor when she started to move. Kat opened the door swiftly and as soon as the door opened, she scooped Lily up into a hug.

Lily found her cheeks hitting up just slightly at how forward Kat was being. This didn't feel like one of her normal hugs, this was a lot more possessive and Lily decided she had no complaints. "Um… Hi? What's the rush?" asked Lily

Kat felt her own cheeks heating up as she realised how silly she was being when Lily answered so calmly. "Sorry" mumbled Kat directly into Lily's hair, shifting it slightly and tickling her ears. Lily didn't know what Kat was apologising for but whatever it was, Kat was certainly forgiven because this was awesome.

Still, it was probably a good idea to ask what she was forgiving Kat for. Just to know… mostly so she'd have some idea of how often this sort of thing would happen. "What for?"

"Mostly for just leaving you with your mother… and maybe your dad later as well… I dunno. I know it was best I left, so you could have a calmer conversation but I still kind of feel bad about leaving" mumbled Kat, tikling Lily's ear some more.

It actually took a couple of seconds for Lily to stop enjoying the moment and remember she was supposed to respond. "Oh," was the 'intelligent' response she managed for the first few seconds as her brain reboot. "No… no it was fine. I mean, my conversation with my mother was fine. Not painless, but fine. My father… well I just threw it in as he was heading to bed and I know he didn't really pay attention but I spent like…"

Lily tried to add up how long the conversation was while removing that section where she was completely dazed thinking about what Kat liked about her. Her thoughts threatened to return to those questions but feeling Kat's arms around her drove them away just as quickly as they appeared. So Lily's mind returned to trying to work out how long she spent talking to her mother… but it was hard. It wasn't like she'd checked a clock right when they started. "At least an hour? Probably more?" was her best guess in the end. "It was fine though Kat. Really I'm fine. I don't mind that you left. Why would you think that's something that would bother me?"

Kat bit her lip and hesitated. *Do I really want to explain my strange worries? I don't know if I should or not… then again it's probably better to discuss this sort of thing.* Swapping her hold Kat traded a hug for a princess carry and pulled Lily upstairs to her bedroom so that they could chat. With the others around the house Kat didn't really want them overhearing her lack of knowledge, while she knew Lily wouldn't mind. *In fact she'll probably enjoy explaining it to me. She loves to chat about topics she's researched.* josei

When they got to Kat's room, Kat set Lily down carefully on the side of the bed and said, "Look, I know it's kind of weird but I… hmm… how do I want to explain this…" Kat tapped the side of her mouth with her tail. "Ok, stop me if this sounds strange but… I'm your girlfriend now and I know that changes thing… but I'm not sure about all of those things. Like… friend Kat." Lily got a bit of a strange look in her eye but did say anything. "She…

"Well, yesterday she would have left easily. I trust your judgement, and what happens between you and your parents wasn't her problem until you made it. Now though… I mean… it feels kind of callous to think this way but at the end of the day, your family business wasn't her business unless you wanted it to be.

"I mean, don't get me wrong, if you'd asked for anything a week ago I'd still have said yes but now… I guess it's much more 'your problems are my problems' and… I just feel like maybe I should have stuck around? Even if your mum wouldn't have been happy with it… we're that much closer to being family I guess?

"So… I… I think what I'm trying to say is that I want your parents to like me? Is that what I'm saying? Maybe but not just that." Kat trailed off as she realised she was starting to lose the thread of her thoughts. "So yeah. That." Finished Kat making it clear she was done.

Lily looked up at Kat with big eyes and debated internally what to do in response. She knew what she wanted to do. She wanted to kiss Kat for that sort of question. It soothed her heart to know that Kat had different but similar ridiculous worries. In fact, she knew she was having one now. Kat had said she wasn't put off by kisses or the idea of sex. Kat was her girlfriend. Lily should be allowed. So she did.

Lily was already bright red by the time her hands lightly grasped the side of Kat's face and pulled her down. When their lips met she might as well have been a neon sign in the dead of night. The kiss was awkward. Largely attributed to Lily having no idea what she was doing, and somewhat attributed to Kat's surprise but her mind was fast enough to catch up before long. Lily's mind stuttered a bit when their lips met and she pressed in a bit too hard teeth clicking together.

Of course, for Kat this was hardly any pressure at all, but somehow she instinctively recognised this wasn't ideal for Lily. Pulling back just a slight tad to relieve that pressure, but wrapping her arms around d Lily tightly to make sure her shorter partner knew this wasn't from disgust or a desire to end things. Kat let the kiss go on until Lily ended it, which was a few seconds later and felt a lot of her worries drift away.

In fact both came out happier and less worried, despite the difference in experience. For Kat it was a physical sign that she was loved. For some reason having Lily kiss her was much nicer then simply kissing Lily, if it could really be called simple. For Lily, this was one of the few kisses she'd initiated. It wasn't great, her technique was bad and even she knew it as inexperienced as she was, but her mind was just as fogged over with pleasure and her smile wasn't going away.

"You should kiss me more often" blurted out Kat not really thinking.

Lily though, was completely on board with that logic. "Yes. Yes I shall"

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