D.E.M.O.N.S: Getting Summoned Weekly isn't so Bad

Chapter 603

Chapter 603: Meeting Mai

Chapter 603: Meeting Mai

Back to Kat


After talking about Mai things settled down again. This time though, instead of letting the silence extend forever Shizuka asked for Kat to go over her adventures in more detail. Kat responded by asking if Shizuka was interested in all of them right from the start including her adventures with Minor.

Shizuka had to think about that one for a while. Minor had of course shared that information with her, but it isn't just a one to one transfer. Minor forgets things, and because she's the lesser individual in the relationship Shizuka can't easily go wandering around Minor's memories. So it was a lot more like she'd roughly described the parts she knew, and as Kat had mostly provided that information over D.E.M.O.N.S messages the information wasn't even that detailed to start with.

So Kat agreed and Shizuka moved them all to another room. This one was filled with pillows practically from top to bottom and Shizuka dived into one as soon as the door open before digging through them for a bit and stopping. "Oops" said Shizuka

"What's the problem?" asked Kat confused as she threw herself backwards onto another pile of pillows.

"I… um… sort of forgot you were there. Grandma doesn't use this room so I sort of just… jumped in and started to dig around. It's a bit unseemly for someone of my stature and promotes bad stereotypes about Kitsune. I really shouldn't allow others to see me like that" explained Shizuka

Kat shrugged, "I don't really care. You still want to hear my stories?"

When Shizuka nodded Kat got started, deciding to begin with the first story and explain her first week with a tail, not even leaving out the fact that she was human. It was something she'd sped up her mind to think about before speaking but in the end, she decided that she trusted them, and even if she didn't, there really wasn't anything terrible they could do with that information. Well, Kat didn't think so even if it would give certain individuals terrible ideas should the hear of it. Luckily the people she told were the daughters of a demon summon who knew well the dangers of demonic energy and had hammered that into their minds.

So she started at the beginning, with the dream that wasn't a dream and learning how to deal with a tail. Kat wasn't prepared for the commiseration that generated. Apparently it took some getting used to growing an extra tail. A little easier perhaps when they've gone through it before, but relatable certainly. Then Kat described her other small adventures, meeting with the king, skipping lightly over the favour she did and then eventually talking about her first encounter with the twins.

There was actually some discussion at that point, Shizuka talked about the other options their mother had considered before turning to demons. It was a surprisingly long list but it mostly boiled down to the desire to keep the tunnels a secret. Someone couldn't reveal, intentionally, accidentally or under duress, information they didn't know. The assumption on the Queen's part was that she'd summon a random demon from the countless, contract them to help her daughter, and then never hear from them again.

That particular part of the plan didn't exactly work out, but when she later found out about the time Kat saved them both by delving into their mind, the Queen decided it was one of the best decisions she'd ever made, even better then she'd initially expected.

Then it was the tournament and all the people she interacted with there as well as Thyme. There were a lot of questions about Thyme. Still once those were all answered and the tournament was one the girls new what was coming next when they heard about the gem Kat had gotten. So Kat lightly touched on the testing Callisto had her do before jumping into the journey through the twins' mind. This time Minor actually contributed a few extra words through Shizuka. It was also at this point they realised they'd missed lunch so they had an late lunch, earlier dinner combination which Enuko was missing for.

Once that was tidied up and the plates were put away the stories resumed with Kat talking about Xiang and his quest for revenge and finally her punishments off on the demon Hub. The twins were quite surprised at how lax they all were. Even the combat didn't seem so bad for Kat especially when she outclassed them all by so much. Kamiko was a big hit with them, and both expressed a desire to meet her at some point.

After that Kat debated if she should continue her story, but something must have shown on her face because the pair, mostly Shizuka, managed to drag the answers from Kat who didn't notice the way her eyes lit up, literally, when she started talking about the Lily's confession and some of the events afterwards. The twins didn't feel the need to point out Kat was glowing at that point, and thoroughly amused themselves with the fact Kat didn't notice and the contents of the story of course.

Minor thought it was adorable, and Shizuka wanted to tease Kat about it but Minor shut that down by mentioning a certain beastkin, and pointing that it was already dark out, something neither of them had really noticed. There was a short, 'silent' debate between the twins over if it was better to find a room but the idea of finding and then preparing extra bedding for Kat was declared to be too much effort.

So they just decided to sleep in amongst the forest of pillows. It didn't take anyone long to fall asleep and soon it was morning. When they started stirring it was to find out that Shizuka had someone found the one patch of floor in the whole room with no pillows and was curled up around her tails. Kat just smiled at the sight before they left to make breakfast.

Enuko still hadn't shown up as far as they knew, but just before Shizuka had finished eating the sound of a rooster crowing echoed throughout the compound. Shizuka paused food halfway to her mouth, and gained a look of confusion for a split second before bolting out of the room. Kat glanced at where her friend had left and quickly finished her juice before heading out after her. With Kat's speed it wasn't hard to catch up and she managed to see Shizuka bolted across the grounds at a giant rooster.

As soon as Shizuka got close the figure transformed into a large man with bulging muscles who swept Shizuka up into a hug before transforming again into an old women and then splitting in half down the middle leaving just the tips of the figures toes joined to become a copy of Shizuka and Minor. "Oh I'm so happy to see you dears. I can't wait to get to know Minor. I didn't even get to see her when she was a baby I was so busy at the time!"

As Kat approached the figure let Shizuka go and joined back together to become a copy of Kat before charging at her and wrapping her in a hug. Kat wasn't sure what she thought it would feel like, but feeling completely normal skin wasn't one of her guesses. As Mai wrapped her in a hug she felt their wings bumping against each other and a tail wrapping around her own. "And you must be my student! I'm curious to see what I can make of you. I hope you're ready for some hard work"

Mai then spun out of Kat's grip and took a glance at herself checking out every corner of Kat's body. Poking and prodding various areas. "You know, I was expecting you to be a bit more stacked. You are a Succubus right?"

*I'm not sure how to respond to that? I mean… yes?* "Yes I am but… why would I be stacked? I don't understand what you mean?" asked Kat.

Mai got a lewd grin on her face, which was Kat's at the moment. It looked somewhat odd to Kat who simply didn't get those kinds of thoughts. Before she could say anything Mai started to transform. She added two cup sizes to Kat's chest and increased the size of her but… without making the clothing any larger. Now it hardly fit on Mai's fake body and left little to the imagination. "More like this! See this is a real sexy body now. I mean, you are perfectly fine as you are, but not like I'd be willing to strip naked and have sex with you in the middle of the road hot you know?"

Kat decided the best answer was, "As someone who's asexual no. No I have no idea"

Mai literally deflated at that, returning her proportions to match Kat's again. "That explains it… or maybe it doesn't? Cool though. Little strange, but quite cool." Mai then looked herself over again, "Still, you got great legs. Nothing needs changing about them"

This of course caused Kat to get a bit red and look away. "Oh? What's this? Why did you react to that one? You didn't even blink when I inflated your tits or ass. Normally that gets a comment or two, but it's the legs, is it? How can you be a leg girl if you're asexual?"

Kat looked away pointedly. "Better tell me or I won't train you" said Mai with a cheeky grin.

Kat grimaced at that, not really believing it but considering the worth of the information. In the end she quietly muttered the answer. Which Mai didn't hear, "What was that dear?"

Kat mumbled it again. "What?" yelled Mai sliding right up next to Kat.

"Fine… I'm not a leg girl but my girlfriend is. Happy?" grumbled Kat with a smile on her face and red in her cheeks. Based on the fact the Mai spun herself away cackling Kat was going to say she was.josei

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