D.E.M.O.N.S: Getting Summoned Weekly isn't so Bad

Chapter 606

Chapter 606: Lily’s Leaving Part 2, Because Apparently Pacing is Beyond Me

Chapter 606: Lily’s Leaving Part 2, Because Apparently Pacing is Beyond Me

Lily's Perspective


"Fine whatever" grumbled Evaline. "I'm sure that something like this can't be moved. When is it?"

"Ten thirty. And yeah… the checkbox for accepting was weirdly insistent that once I accepted I had no choice but to go through with everything" said Lily.

"Oh? How so?" asked Evaline curiously.

"There may or may not have been implications that I'd be hunted across the multiverse to ensure that I went through with things. It seems like the favour token I'm using to get this done is a really big deal. Now that I've made the request the implication seems to be that nothing could stop the process now. Even if I haven't really started yet IT has," explained Lily.

"Right…" said Evaline not exactly happy with the information she was receiving but filing it away for later. "In that case I won't go on about it. Now, what about your appearance? Will I recognise you when this is done?"

"Probably?" said Lily who received a glare in turn. "Sorry it's just… well… I don't really know? You should be able to. I don't plan on changing much" Lily switched to a mumble, "especially not after Kat complimented me" before returning to normal speech, "but things will be different. I'll almost certainly have cat ears for example. I won't be able to change too much though. The more you change the less likely the soul is to be comfortable moving over. I'm getting a whole new body Mum but I can't just go wild with it."

"Oh? How many of these changes are you making for Kat?" asked Evaline who clearly didn't hear the mumbled words from before.

It was enough to cause Lily to go bright red though. "MUM! Kat would NEVER ask that of me. I actually did try to get her advice though. It was like pulling teeth to get her to give me any information at all." Lily grumbled slightly annoyed with just how hard it was. "Even then, most of what I got were things not to change. Like my height. Keeping that the same, and my hair. Apparently Kat actually likes my bushy hair. I don't know if you can understand how happy I was when I heard that!" josei

"Why your height? Does Kat have a thing for small girls? I thought she was asexual so it can't be a fetish right?" asked Evaline confused.

"I thought the exact same thing," said Lily with amusement. It seemed that she still had plenty in common with her mother. "but it's not about it. It's about the practical side of things. It turns out that we just happen to be the right height for a lot of things when compared to each other. Like if I sit on Kat's lap our heads are about the same height. I'm short enough to burry my face in her shoulders or chest, but we can both easily kiss each other even if I need to be on my toes for that. It just works."

Evaline grinned back finding her own amusement from the situation. "That is almost disturbingly practical. I can see it too. Well, not really, but I can understand the sentiment. Sometimes people just fit together in more ways than one. Now. Why did you really stay over? I doubt Kat's bed is that much more comfortable then your own. And you say she wasn't even in it… so what was the point?"

*Oh god. Do I want to admit to my mother that I did it because Kat's room and especially bed smells like her? Is that weird? I think that's pretty weird… but Mum is married, and she does sleep in the same bed as Dad… maybe she will understand? Should I mention Sylvie? Nah that will just complicate things.*

"Well… it IS better but you're right not by that much. It was a combination of that, the fact it was late when I finished eating, and well… I mean… Kat's stuff just smells nice. It smells like her and I really like that and I didn't realise just how comforting it was for a while but it is just… it's just nice Mum" explained Lily awkwardly.

"Gee you got lucky then," said Evaline with a wry smile.

"What do you mean?" asked Lily

"No offense to your father… but he stinks. Well, when he sweats he does. It's not often and he can handle the heat well… but sometimes on hot nights when I'm nearby as well it does reach that point and the smell… you can't get it out of anything. I have no idea why or how it happens. It's honestly a pain. Even washing everything doesn't really help, it just takes the edge off. I wonder if it's a lesbian thing?"

"What?!" shrieked Lily shocked at the question.

"Perhaps I wasn't quite clear. Though, does Kat like how you smell?" asked Evaline with an overly serious expression.

"I… I… I've never asked? Or thought to ask? Why would you say that? Why… why would you ask that?" asked Lily confused.

"Because I know your father has said the same thing about me. Likes the way I smell apparently. Which makes no sense to me because I where perfume all the time, even switch it out occasionally. Though he says even without it I smell great. I don't really believe him, but… maybe it's just a thing I don't get as a straight woman? Maybe it's only other people that think we smell nice? What do you think Lily?" said Evaline.

"I think I want to run now. I can't believe you'd ask me that Mum. You've made this whole thing really weird. I mean, I guess it'd be interesting to know. Kat's input would be especially important because she's asexual, and we'd need more test subjects to find out- WAIT. NO. No it IS weird and I don't want to know if the reason I think girls smell nice is because I'm a lesbian. Or if it works for men too. That's such a weird thing to test Mum. We are not going there" exclaimed Lily.

"But now you're thinking about it, and how to test it?" asked Evaline 'innocently'

Lily growled but couldn't deny her mother was right. Finding men to survey would be easy. The hard task would be to find more lesbians to ask, and then also finding gay men to see how that changed things and finally acquiring information from a group of bisexual men and women and seeing if it was a big deal for them, or something they didn't even notice.

*Then again, finding a hangout would give us a bunch of people to survey. If we told them what it was for they'd probably happily answer… but really to do things properly it should probably be hidden in the survey. Damn. Wait. Why am I thinking about this. NO. I am not doing this. Mum can find out on her own if she really wants to. Although… I wonder if someone has already looked into i- no. Nope not thinking about it.*

"Nope. Nope I'm not doing it. I do not want to know how that works. It's weird and I don't want to find out it's just a weird fetish I have," said Lily with finality.

"What like your leg fetish?" asked Evaline.

Lily levelled her eyes at her mother. "That's a more serious accusation. I'll stand behind that one."

Evaline sighed, "You probably got it from your father…"

Lily glanced at her mother's legs and raised an eyebrow. Her mother was about average height and certainly did not have the kind of legs that fell within Lily's strike zone. That was of course ignoring the fact Evaline was her mother, but it was easy to do. She really wasn't Lily's type. "I can see you eyeing my legs daughter. Just because your father isn't as obsessed as you are doesn't mean it isn't one of his fetishes."

"Yeah… well… I don't think I want to know about your sex life Mum… so now that we've established you don't have amazing legs, what next?" asked Lily trying to shove the topic in another direction by making her mother mad.

It didn't work though. "Well, defend yourself. You said you'd stand by it. So why is that a proper fetish?"

Lily sighed. *Mum can't we just let it go?* Lily matched Evaline's gaze for a few seconds before she lost. "Look, it just… it just IS ok Mum? Plus, Kat has the best legs I've ever seen. The look nice and soft and you can squish the slightly and their silky smooth like the rest of her. But what really makes her legs top tier is the fact that there is steel underneath. Push hard enough and it's solid muscle. You can see it very slightly when she flexes or she's running." Lily had to wipe the slight drool on her face away when she finished explaining only to realise her Mum had left and was in the kitchen. "HEY!"

Evaline gave a shrug. "I regret nothing" said Evaline as Lily sprinted after her mother who was dancing around her daughter while holding a glass of water and cackling.

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