D.E.M.O.N.S: Getting Summoned Weekly isn't so Bad

Chapter 608

Chapter 608: Habits and Changes

Chapter 608: Habits and Changes


Lily's perspective


"… and that's about everything for the minor habits that may or may not show up. Any questions?" finished Nira.

Lily swallowed as she tried to keep in mind everything she'd just heard. It was hard. Her memory was exceptional for a normal human but it wasn't up to demonic standards. She had been provided a stack of papers with all the potential habits but she wasn't just going to keep referring to it forever. "I do have a question actually. Some of those habits I already have. How will that effect things?" asked Lily

Nira gave a so-so gesture. "Some of those habits are based in your mind, and some are based in your body. We're taking your mind and soul along for the ride while leaving your body behind, but, you'll still remember having a lot of those habits so they'll be easy to do away with in some cases, or easy to keep them up if that's what you want. Is there any in particular that you want to ask about?"

"Well, um… chewing my nails is a big one? I was able to mostly get past that habit but it would pop up every now and again. Am I likely to be stuck with that one?" asked Lily

Nira inclined her head slightly as she reviewed the information on that particular habit. "Perhaps…" said Nira slowly, "you will need to keep your new claws sharp and maintain your nails even in humanoid form. It's a habit you WANT because while human nails growing isn't a terrible thing, failing to take care of your claws can actually cause a number of issues. So… you will probably feel the need, but be careful trying to ignore the habit completely, taking off old claw layers is important."

Lily sighed but nodded. "Ok I can understand that. Um, what about… right um… so this isn't a habit that I have now… well not really… um… see… the one about strong scents…"

Nira bit down hard on her cheek to stop her instinctive response. Knowing Kat, and knowing about Lily personally was making it hard. "Would you care to elaborate?" asked Nira, almost in physical pain from asking a normal question.

"Um… maybe? Are you alright?" asked Lily

"Fine" said Nira in a shockingly even voice. For someone with Lily's level of hearing it was impossible to hear the straining in it. Lily still looked carefully at Nira for a few more seconds, as if she was still able to hear something was off. Sadly, she had no proof and let it drop.

"I'm not sure I do want to voice it. I… the way this is worded isn't… overly specific and… it's just a minor concern really…" said Lily trying her best to hide her concern.

*I can't just blurt out that I'm worried I'll start sniffing around Kat all the time. It says I might be inclined to seek out powerful and pleasant smells to investigate them and I certainly know what I'd want to search out if I could. I don't know that I really want to admit what I might do in cat form.*

Nira was a doctor, she had centuries of practice, it was exceptionally easy to tell. The question was if she should call her 'patient' out on it. On the one hand, she was somewhat obligated to, to ensure that Lily had no issues with going through with everything. On the other hand, unlike most other clients for this procedure she did not have that choice any longer, so if it was decided this was a bad idea, it was too late.

In the end though, Lily was friends with Kat, the first friend of her youngest daughter. She needed to do right by them. "You can tell me anything Lily. Not only is what you are saying covered by patient-client confidentiality, I have seven daughters of my own across a most of the sexuality spectrum. I've been a succubus my entire life, one in MEDICINE. The amount of weird or embarrassing things I've been told or seen likely eclipses the number of WORDS you've read.

"I can't guarantee you won't be you won't be embarrassed talking about this, or that it won't cause you embarrassing meant in the future. Heck, I spend most of my time making questionably appropriate sexual jokes around my children because I find them funny for some bizarre reason and their reactions funnier. If you really want, I can even give you a few examples of some of the things I've seen and heard."

Lily frowned at the last part. "Why can you give me examples if it's protected by client-patient confidentiality?"

"Can't you figure it out Lily? You're a smart girl," said Nira with a soft smile that suddenly seemed exceptionally sinister.

*Why can she tell me? I don't know anything about demon law… but the really obvious way is if they gave her permission. Why would they though? Surely if it's embarrassing or humiliating they'd want to hide it… but she sad a few… not as many as I want… wait… there's… they wouldn't…*

"No." said Lily

"Yes" said Nira grinning.

"I… they… Why?" asked Lily struggling to discard the idea and the truth it presented.

"Lily, you've clearly figured it out. They get off on the idea. We have a checkbox on a special form just for these kinds of people. Some of them even get royalties from pictures taken during exams," said Nira.

"Perverts" said Lily as red creeped up onto her face.

"That part is debateable. They do however all have at least a small voyeurism fetish and normally a humiliation one as well. Trust me Lily. I've heard and seen… well I won't say it all, every now and again someone manages to surprise me with something knew… but I doubt you have it."

"Fine," said Lily body drooping. She didn't exactly feel compelled to talk, more that she knew she should and she trusted Nira not to say anything about it unless she gave permission. "I'm a little worried I'd be… chasing after Kat's sent in a number of inappropriate ways."

"She's your girlfriend though," pointed out Nira, "so I think the line of what is and is not appropriate is further along then you might think Lily. Well, that and Kat is a heretic that wears her demonic attire everywhere so it's not like you'd feel compelled to go through her used underwear."

Lily went bright red. "I… that's not… ok yes that's kind of what I was worried about. You make a valid point though"

"Besides Kat will always smell better then her clothes. She's a Succubus, the smell doesn't linger unless we want it to, and I doubt Kat will ever develop the instinct for that level of control over her scent, and I doubt she'll get proper pheromones anyway so in that regard it's not an issue," explained Nira.

"Right. Ok. So. We've gone through the potential habits. That's all fine. What's next on my list of humiliations doc?" asked Lily.

"Well we can either talk about the fact you'll have to live as a Memphis for a while, or go over any changes you may want to make to your new body. Which would you rather go over?" asked Nira.

"Let's go with changes, I don't want to make too many of them," said Lily. "Actually, can you tell me what features will carry over from my Memphis form? So that I can get an idea of what things I'll need to deal with."

Nira nodded, "Right well, ears and tail are a certainty. It just… IS part of the beastkin blueprint. Some have more, but none have less. They can only escape it if the animal heritage is one without a tail or they physically remove it… which we COULD do I suppose, but it would not be comfortable, you'd also lose your tail in Memphis form. It would be like chopping off an arm. Possible certainly but should never be a first resort."

Lily gulped, "Yeah no. I… I like the idea of a tail." *I can wrap it around Kat's arm, or her waist, or her tail. I love her tail. I want one of my own.*

"Ok, good, ears are in the same boat so I imagine you'll be happy with them as well," Lily nodded, "perfect. Now, after that are things you can sort of control, but we could make default. See, something beastkin can do with enough practice in bring out aspects of their animal form. A common one is they transform their eyes for better eyesight, or hands to get claws, things like that, but we can make one or more of those things default. Technically you'd be able to go 'further' to get your 'normal' appearance back, but it would take continuous effort. On your behalf to do."

"I have a few ideas about that. Let's talk…" started Lily

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