D.E.M.O.N.S: Getting Summoned Weekly isn't so Bad

Chapter 610

Chapter 610: Build-A-Body Part 2

Chapter 610: Build-A-Body Part 2

*That's really not what I wanted to hear. Getting used to it later on sounds like a massive hassle… even still…* "Put it on the maybe then. I don't want to waste on of my two changes on them when they can cause issues like that if there is something else I want later on. Still, if nothing else takes up those changes I think I'll take it in the end…" said Lily.

Nira nodded and made a note of the request on her data pad, "Sure that's no problem we can come back to it. While I remember though, do you want your teeth changed? This is actually so minor of a change that it won't take any space up… on the other hand, because its so minor a change it will be stuck like that. No 'further humanoid' in this case like with your eyes, where as if you don't take the change, you can sharpen your teeth with practice," explained Nira.

*Well… that sounds interesting… but I hadn't even thought about this. Damn, I wish I could ask Kat… but based on her previous responses she'd just smile and say whatever I wanted was best… but as Lily thought back to Kat's smile she realised something. KAT'S TEETH. They've been sharpened. I forgot about that. It's also pretty subtle but… hmm… yeah I want this.* "As long as my teeth will fit in my mouth, I'll take them. Though… will they be an issue to wash?" asked Lily.

Nira shook her head, "No your spit is corrosive enough to keep them clean without issue, not like your current mouth. Of course, you can still clean them if you want, but no it won't be an issue at all," said Nira. "Now so far, that's yes on the teeth, no on the claws, maybe on the whiskers, yes on the eyes, black hair. Is there anything I'm missing?"

"That seems like everything," said Lily.

Nira nodded and swiped her tablet, "Ok in that case we can look at your Memphis form. You said you'll keep the black so that's fine, you went with orange eyes which is also fine… do you want to keep apposable thumbs? That's an option for your Memphis form but it'll take a point." Lily shook her head, having no desire for thumbs in cat form. "Right no problem… um… ah, of course how could I forget. Your horn or horns. By default, a Memphis only has one horn, but you can use a change to mess around with it a bit. Do you have anything in mind?"

Lily gulped and gave Nira what she hoped was a defiant look, practically begging her to just make the assumption. "You're not getting away that easily Lily. Didn't we have this discussion just a few minutes ago? Sure, I'm almost certain what you want to ask for, but from a professional standpoint I shouldn't know that information, and I NEED you to say it out loud if you want me to note it down."

Lily gave out a long sigh, "I want horns like Kat."

"See was that so hard?" said Nira slightly snarkily before her faced soften. "That will take up a slot for changes. Memphis aren't supposed to have two horns, it's just how things worked out. Still we can do that so no problem" Nira noted down the request.

"Anything else for your Memphis form? Perhaps humanoid taste buds?" asked Nira

"Why would I want that?" asked Lily.

"Cats, and Memphis as well, have significantly less taste buds. A normal housecat has about five hundred, a Memphis has one thousand, a dog has just under two thousand and you Lily, have around ten thousand. So, if you wanted better taste buds for your Memphis form, that's a thing I can do. Can't change your tongue though because Memphis do groom themselves with their tongue."

Lily sighed at the reminder of that particular habit she'd be stuck with. *Do I actually want better tastebuds for my Memphis form? Surely it would cause issues when eating meat or whatever… actually… that raises a good question.* "Before I make a decision on that… what exactly can I eat as a Memphis?"

"Oh basically anything," said Nira with a dismissive wave of her hand, "that's actually one of the few things the demonic energy you produce can be used for without causing corruption. Your new stomach will be able to break down almost anything just like a demon's. You could eat a steel bar and have no trouble digesting it. Granted it wouldn't have a lot of nutrients, but you CAN do it."

"Well how about nutrients? What should I be eating as a Memphis?" asked Lily.

"Well, it's worth noting that eating in one form does actually transfer over to the other, so a healthy diet with one is a healthy diet for the other. That being said, with the feline heritage of a Memphis taking in a bit more protein would probably be good. Especially if you're going to take the sharper teeth. You might feel the need to chew on things to keep your teeth in good condition," explained Nira.

"I think I'll just leave my Memphis tastebuds the way they are…" said Lily trying not to picture the issues it could cause.

"Are you sure?" asked Nira as she hovered the hand over the change, "all the other changes have been at least partly cosmetic so you could get things to alter their look here but adding tastebuds is just not something we've had work. The issue is how they connect to the brain and trust me if Gluttony was putting any more money into that research…" Nira shivered slightly. "Let's just say we're already working on it but it currently isn't possible ok. The only way to get more is right now."

*It just doesn't sound that important. Plus, if I don't like something in Memphis form, I can just transform back. She did say that nutrition is shared.* "Let's not go messing around with the tastebuds, it just seems like a bad idea." josei

Nira nodded and finished noting it down, "Ok with that I think we've covered everything. The ears and tail obviously need to stay on the Memphis form, the horn will be changed to two with a unique style, no opposable thumbs, ok looks good to me. We just have to make that decision about the whiskers."

*I still don't really know about those. Without knowing how the look it's hard to say if it's a thing I wouldn't mind. Plus, how sensitive are they? Would they get annoying when I'm laying down in stuff? Maybe? Cats tend to just go places without much regard for them…* "Is there a way to see what they look like?"

Nira gave a so-so gesture, "Not in this room. We need to scan you and then input the changes before we can create an accurate idea of how everything will fit together. I can give you a rough description but not a perfect picture."

*Well that's annoying.* "Can I say yes to them for the moment and have a look once I've been scanned? I think… I think it's a useful addition that I really should train with, and if I can get use to it will be very nice to have. I don't want to have to spend ages training just go summon them up. The appearance is just a bit of a hang up for me. If they don't look great or are quite noticeable from a distance it might not be worth it," said Lily after some thought.

"We should be able to get permission for that. It would be a minor change… as long as you don't want anything else I can probably approve that request. Still, it will either be whiskers or no whiskers, not say… no whiskers but claws instead. It would take too much time and power to run the simulations for something so different" explained Nira with a slight tinge of concern.

*I think that's fine? Right? I don't want anything else and this was really the only thing in contention. Eyes, teeth, tails, ears, hair… wait. Hair?* "What will happen to my other body hair?" asked Lily suddenly slightly concerned.

Nira wiggled her eyebrows for a moment before pausing and realising it isn't quite appropriate to answer the question the way she wanted to. She gave a light cough before answering with a proper explanation, "Well, the colour change will effect your more… prominent hair… but not the lesser stuff on your arms and legs. The thing to note though, is you might need to be careful when shaving if that's a thing you do. All of your hair will be tougher so while your regular equipment will work for now, you'll damage it, and eventually become too strong for it."

*Well, that's something to keep in mind then. Still, not too bad. I'm quite lucky in that area because my body hair grows so slowly. One of the things I'm most thankful for. I might not have the best skin, or red lips or smooth hair, though that might get fixed a bit, but I do have slow growing body hair. Truly the peak of beauty.* Lily couldn't stop the little giggle that came over her. Nira raised an eyebrow and pouted a bit at missing the joke.

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