D.E.M.O.N.S: Getting Summoned Weekly isn't so Bad

Chapter 641 - 641 Kress’ Confrontation

Chapter 641 - 641 Kress’ Confrontation

Chapter 641 - 641 Kress’ Confrontation

The entry hall for the cottage was remarkably small when you compared it to the last time she'd been to a house owned by one of the group. It was basically just an area to separate the rest of the house from the doorway and allow people inside. There was a set of boxes stacked up against the wall with a few shoes in them. Only a few, most of the boxes were empty at this point in time. Kat vanished her own shoes while the rest of the group put away theirs. Lily felt unreasonable smug about the fact she had no shoes for reasons she could not articulate.

Through the next door was a large combination dining and sitting room. Against the right wall was a large table to sit twenty four people easily. On the left there was a few bean bags, two large couches and access to the fire place that was currently empty. "The kitchen is that way," said Green as she pointed over the table, "and if you really need food you can find a snack there. We don't have any servants at the moment but Nix can cook so that's fine,"

Nixilei just gave the barest twitch of her lip at Green's statement volunteering her for the work, Green completely ignored it and pointed the other way, "Over there is the door to the staircase. We've got four rooms at the moment, so you'll have to be fine sharing with Lily, Kat. Gareth and I have the master on one side with the three other rooms on the opposite side. Kress is in the one closest to the staircase, and Nix claimed the one next to it, so you'll have the one at the far end."

Green looked around as if checking for something important. The fact she nodded afterwards seemed to indicate she'd found the thing in question. Once that was done she darted over to the bean bags and collapsed like a puppet with her strings cut, instantly falling into a deep slumber. Kat could feel Lily's disbelief at the action through their bond, but after last time Kat wasn't all that surprised.

Gareth gave a glance at the other three before shrugging and making his way over to join Green. He had to pull over another bean bag because he was a rather broad shouldered man and they weren't overly large. If Green had waited they probably could have squeezed on one together but with her spread out over the one there was no chance of that.

Nixilei sighed at the actions of her two party members and glanced at Kat. "I'll likely get started on cooking in a moment. Do you wish for me to accompany you both to your room?"

"It should be easy enough to find, I think we'll be fine," answered Kat with a slightly dismissive wave.

Nixilei's mouth thinned for a moment before she said, "That is likely true and I have no doubt in your capabilities to navigate a through the building. I simply believe it likely Kress will make himself known once you climb the stairs. Perhaps if I am with you the confrontation can be… limited in scope."

*What do you think Lily? It's a reasonable concern I suppose…*

[Is he much of a threat?] josei

*No not at all, remember I beat him handily back when I was Rank 1 and I imagine I can do so again. The issue would be throwing him through a wall or damaging something if he attacks me. Mai taught be a lot about force control especially in regards to my fans… but that was in an open field with nothing to damage other then her. Kress, as weak as he is, isn't baseline human so trying to take him out quickly and without destroying anything… might be beyond me.*

[Hmm… I guess we might as well accept? It's not like Nixilei has to go too far out of her way.]

"Sure, that would be nice," said Kat. "I'm not sure it'll be enough to avoid fighting completely but I do think it will help."

Nixilei nodded and headed for the door with the staircase behind it. Kat followed along with Lily still sitting on her head. The door revealed about what was expected, a staircase made from a nice brown wood with a storage space off to the side and under the stairs that loop around halfway. Currently there was cleaning supplies in the area. Nixilei took the steps two at a time, something Kat noted and copied.

Nixilei glanced back as she rounded the corner and noted that Kat had copied her but no words past between them and they reached the top landing in silence. Nixilei looked around. The corridor was wide enough for three people, or one Kat with wings extended, to walk down it comfortably. There was actually two doors on the right, one right near the stairs and another about halfway down the hall.

On the left there were three evenly spaced doors, and Nixilei was glaring heatedly at the nearest one as if it was about to attack her. As the group walked past though, nobody came out and Nixilei visibly relaxed. Kat perked her ears up to try and hear anything but she couldn't. In fact, she couldn't hear anything except for their footsteps through the hallway. Which didn't seem right…

*I think the walls are enchanted for silence. I should be able to hear more than this…* Lily didn't comment, but the observation was likely proved accurate during the oncoming confrontation…

When they reached the second door to the master bedroom, it flung itself opened and Kress strolled into the hallway like he owned the place. He still had noticeably wet hair but he was wearing a basic shirt and pants combo now. "Well look what the Kat dragged in," sneered Kress before glancing at Kat properly and noticed the 'cat' on her head and did a double take. "Really? Two of them this time? Was one not enough?"

Nixilei sighed, "Kress, why were you even in that room?"

Kress gave a shrug, "Much better bathroom obviously, and you ignored my question."

Nixilei glanced back at Kat and signalled this was her question to answer. She wasn't going to explain who Lily was to Kress of all people. She was clearly leaving it up to Kat. Kat however… had no great ideas. It was fine telling the others who she was, and had Kress been there with them, she'd probably still have revealed exactly who she was. Now though…


[Not really? I mean… we might as well just tell him. It'll come out at meal times or if he checks up on any lie we give him. Wait… you can't lie. I guess you just tell him and deal with the consequences.]

"That's Lily, she's just as cat at the moment," answered Kat.

Kress narrowed his eyes, "What, couldn't keep innocents from getting hurt around yourself?"

Kat gave him a strange look. "No… she's my girlfriend and I had minimal involvement in the cat thing. Technically she's a Memphis and it's partially for her safety for the time being as well."

Kress clicked his tongue. "Oh yes, I'm sure that was completely consensual considering you're a Succubus. How many other girlfriends did you pick up since we last saw you?"

[Oh my god he's an idiot, isn't he? I mean… who says that? Let's not even get into the fact you're stronger than him… just… who says that to someone they're about to enter a tournament with?]

*Kress apparently.*

"I have just the one, thank you very much. I don't have plans for more either. On top of that, I was rather surprised when she asked me out, but I've been quite happy with it," said Kat trying to keep her voice level. Not wanting to start a fight still held true at the moment.

"Bah, it's not like you didn't tempt her I'm sure. I didn't take you for a lesbian but that doesn't mean I'll be letting my guard down around you either," growled Kress.

*I really hope he's not implying what I think he's implying.* Kat glared at him and Lily hissed from her perch atop Kat's head. Nixilei, realising what he'd implied slammed the base of her hand into the back of his head. Kress wasn't expecting it and didn't even notice in time to try and dodge. "Too far Kress. Too far. Kat's handling this much better than you and yet you make such an insinuation? Keep your damned fantasies to yourself."

Nixilei paused for a moment before walking forward and signalling Kat to follow behind her. Nixilei hoped to end this confrontation before Kress recovered and was walking as fast as she could without just breaking into a run. Kat slid after her as Kress rubbed the back of his head. He had just recovered when Nixilei flung the door open and started leading them all into Kat's temporary room. Kress noticed this and snarled but Nixilei slammed the door before he even got moving. "Sorry about that.. I'd hoped he'd be better… but it's not a surprise."

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