D.E.M.O.N.S: Getting Summoned Weekly isn't so Bad

Chapter 643 - 643 Thinking On The Future And The Past

Chapter 643 - 643 Thinking On The Future And The Past

Chapter 643 - 643 Thinking On The Future And The Past


With that, Nixilei gave a short bow to the pair before opening the door and checking for Kress. When the hallway had shown itself to be clear Nixilei didn't even glance back, and just left the room. Kat stared at the door after it had closed for a few moments before saying. "Did… did she just give us permission to maim someone?"

[Possibly? I think it's a much lesser deal when you consider the fact that they have healing magic. I mean, a broken bone back home is weeks or months of recovery time. Here it's just a matter of mana. Still… it does seem a little extreme. She mentioned that she works for Green's parents… do you think they've given her the ok to try and… well I don't even know. Was that encouragement? Nixilei is probably strong enough to beat Kress in a fight so… I really don't know]

*I don't know either Lily. It also puts us in an awkward place. I can ignore insults towards me, I've done that for a long time and they've never bothered me much at all… but if he takes too many shots at you I'll be tempted to fire back… in very direct and painful ways. Especially when I know he can take it.*

[Why is that? You never beat up the bitches back at school. I know even before becoming a demon you certainly COULD have. They didn't have much muscle on them at all, and if memory serves one of them basically starved herself for a couple months so she could have been beaten down. Why the rush to violence now? Not that I disagree.]

Kat considered that question, asking herself if she was no more prone to violence. The answer was… unclear. *I… I don't think I'm more prone to it… but I also think it's more often the answer. When I'm out on a Contract the rules are different. There is magic around. People are tougher, fighting is a bigger part of life and recovery is considered a minor inconvenience for everything short of death… and even then D.E.M.O.N.S has implied a few times that resurrection isn't uncommon. Like… right now. I don't see anything wrong with giving Kress a good punch in the face, especially if he wasn't on a team with us.*

*Maybe I'd go far enough to knock him out on top of that. But… Nixilei could have him completely healed before the day is up. The definition of 'permanent harm' is completely different and… and my pain tolerance has kind of become ridiculous. I don't know when it happened exactly but I stopped seeing pain the same way. Oh, I was always good at dealing with pain, but that's nothing compared to now. I've had some really painful stuff happen and hardly reacted. Maybe I think others are the same automatically? Hmm… something to think on…

Anyway the issue with the three girls was escalation. If I beat them up, they'd call in friends, and if I beat up those friends as well, and I wasn't particularly injured, they'd just get more people. At the end of it I'd always be overwhelmed and it's not like I'd have be able to move schools if I got expelled. Getting them in trouble might have been possible, but with three against two if they never got caught repeatedly… I doubt anything too bad would have happened.

So I mostly just kept things where we were. I didn't see a way to get them to stop permanently and getting called fat or ugly was practically a joke. Water was nothing to be concerned about and the few times they attempted food I dodged that and turned it around, sort of… putting a upper limit on what I'd let them do to me. I don't even know if it was really bullying at that point. Is it still bullying if it doesn't bother me or hurt me in anyway?*

[Well, I don't care. I will NEVER forget the fact you took their harassment so they didn't come for me… I feel kinda bad about that fact sometimes, but I also know I was NOT in a place to deal with their shit when I first moved. By the time I managed to pull myself together properly I knew you well enough to know it really didn't bother you and you weren't just saying it to make me feel better. It… it also when I decided you were the only one for me. It really helped me get over Stella destroying my heart.]

[Like… I could have taken rejection. A simple 'I'm not gay' or 'you're like a sister to me, sorry' I could have lived with but… dammit what she did to me… No. Not going there. Just… I really do wonder if you hadn't come along if I'd ever be able to trust anyone ever again really. You… you just defended me. ME of all people for basically nothing. We didn't even start as friends! And… and that will always mean everything to me.]

[In fact, I don't think it matters if you're more violent now or not. I trust your judgement Kat. I wouldn't have bound myself to your forever if I thought you were anything less than perfect so please don't worry so much about it. If push comes to shove, we can just beat Kress up and carry him around in box or something. Get him out of the way during the tournament.]

[At the end of the day, we're doing this as a Contract. We, don't have to put up with Kress' nonsense if we don't want to. We didn't even agree to anything this time. We can literally do whatever we want if that struck our fancy. Though… I do admit to wanting to see Thyme. They sound really cool]

*Yeah Thyme is awesome.* Kat finally took the time to look around the room. She'd been a bit lost in the conversation with Lily, and Nixilei before that. It was a simple room with two bedside tables with a lamp on each, and a bed in the very centre of the room. There was a cupboard set on top of a set of drawers on the left side of the bed and on the right there was a door.

Kat walked over to it as she continued the thought. *I wonder though… is he the announcer for the whole tournament? Or just the round we were in. Actually… how many rounds are there? How many entrants are there? If I knew how many times I'll have to put up with Kress, going through with this whole thing might be easier.*

Kat opened the door to reveal a small bathroom with a shower in it. It felt a bit like what you'd find in a hotel, though it was a bit of a surprise none the less. [Nope. I refuse to consider the idea that anyone other than Thyme will be the announcer. I want to see the person that made the cute little doll of you! Maybe I can get another one…]

*Oh? Well I'll have to get one of you as well. Have a nice little Memphis plushie to snuggle to with in bed when you aren't around.*

Lily felt a sense of distaste at the idea she wouldn't be around or that Kat would opt to use a plush version of her instead. She knew it was a joke, but it still annoyed her for some indescribable reason. [Nope. I will not be leaving you. You're stuck with me now, and you are very comfy.]

Kat let out a laugh that set Lily purring slightly just from the sound of Kat's happiness and the feelings across their link. *Spoken like a true cat. What about when you can turn back into a human though?*

Lily growled at the idea she'd have to move back to her own room once she had a proper body again. [Nope. I refuse. I don't know if it's part of the bond but I refuse.]

*Wait… just like that?*

[Yup. I don't know if I'll stay in humanoid form while sleeping with you for a while… but at the very least I'll stick around in Memphis form. The idea of going back to my own bed is deeply irritating and the idea of being away from you for a night more so. Which… I think has a least something to do with the bond. I mean… I had it BAD before but things sort of stabilised a bit once we started dating. I wasn't worried you'd reject me obviously and sleeping together that time was nice but also a bit much… I… I think human Lily wouldn't have minded sleeping by herself for a bit as I got used to dating you and slowly worked up to that… but… the Lily I am right now really doesn't like that idea.]

*Well, I said we'd go at your pace. If your pace has changed with your race I don't mind.. Well, I mind that your mind seems to be changing at least somewhat along with your body, but I suppose that's to be expected. I… don't think it's a problem but maybe keep an eye on that?*

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