D.E.M.O.N.S: Getting Summoned Weekly isn't so Bad

Chapter 645 - 645 Early Morning Training

Chapter 645 - 645 Early Morning Training

Chapter 645 - 645 Early Morning Training

Kat woke early the next day. She'd had plenty of rest recently and while Lily was still asleep, likely due to her feline nature, Kat was not in need of rest at all. Kat glanced at Lily sleeping on her stomach and wondered what the best course of action would be.

*Hmm… I really want to get up and just burn off some demonic energy. I haven't done that too much recently even though I know I should have. I don't feel sluggish but I didn't really feel all that bad when I first got around to it. It just sneaks up on you. I don't really want to wake Lily up though…*

Kat debated internally over the chances of successfully escaping bed without waking Lily. In the end it was clear she had no idea. This wasn't a common occurrence and with Lily in Memphis form that threw things off even further. It was simply something she was going to have to take a chance on. Kat carefully shifted in place, turning to the side so that Lily would slide off onto the bed slowly. This… didn't quite work because as soon as Lily's body noticed the shift her claws started to dig into Kat's kimono.

Kat wanted to let out a sigh at this, but held her tongue knowing how sensitive Lily's knew ears were. Instead she used this to her advantage, slipping out of her outfit somewhat and depositing Lily on the bed. Kat quickly dismissed and resummoned the attire and watched Lily as she shifted around searching for something. Seeing this, Kat moved the pillow she had been using next to Lily who instantly latched onto it and curled back up.

Kat nodded and headed for the door before pausing once again. *Hmm… this isn't a modern house… so they probably don't have fly screens. Maybe I can just go out the window and practice in the backyard? Not sure if it would be quieter than opening the door… but I like this plan.*

Kat walked over to the window and unlatched it. The window itself pulled upwards and revealed a gap that was more than large enough for her to slip through. She couldn't walk through it, and with her wings it required a little bit of manoeuvring but it was still rather large for a window. Nodding at this Kat flung herself out of the window and spun to land gracefully on her feet. Once there she took in a deep breath… and then released as much demonic energy as she could.

A large pyre of purple fire surrounded her, freezing the nearby grass and casting shadows over the house behind her. It only took a few seconds for a fire of such large size to drain all of her demonic energy and Kat let herself drop to the ground. She wasn't completely exhausted, and could still move in truth but the desire to just lay down was strong nonetheless. Kat remained there, enjoying the sounds of nature until her demonic energy reserves reached full again. Which… wasn't all that long.

She could feel the flow of energy from Lily quite clearly. When she was completely empty it felt like a flood rushing in to fill the void. It tapered off as she reached one hundred percent again. *Hmm… I wonder how large a reserve Lily has. It didn't take long at all to refill mine with her help… I don't know how fast she produces it though. Wait… do I have to do this more often because I'm actually releasing demonic energy for two people? Or does it not bother Lily like it will me? Hmmm…*

Kat waved off the thought and started to practice control. She focused on trying to move her flame around in an increasingly larger circle away from her. An interesting fact she learnt while doing this was that her tail helped a massive amount if she allowed it. It would flick around behind her and guide the flame while it was out of eyesight, easing the drain on her more significantly than simply watching the flame. It was too the point she had near perfect control of it BEHIND her as long as her tail was free to follow the flame around.

Kat kept up this training, simply going through the motions and getting more comfortable with it until she felt Lily starting to stir at the end of their link. Kat glanced up at the second floor window she'd left before dismissing the idea of just jumping back in. As mean as it might seem, she wanted Lily to experience her not being in bed when waking up.

A good thing she did, as the first thing Lily did was try to snuggle deeper into the pillow and go back to sleep. Only to realise it was not Kat at all. Lily was instantly awake and Kat could feel the slight edge of panic setting in and chose to intervene. She wanted Lily to have a bit of experience with it not a panic. *Morning Lily. I'm just practicing out the back.*

She felt Lily instantly calm down before gaining a slight edge of annoyance. Lily could sort of feel the direction Kat was in though and hopped across the bed onto the window sill and looked down to see Kat now waving back up at her while a small purple flame orbited her body. Lily wanted to pout but her lack of human lips made the idea pointless. [It wasn't fun thinking something had happened to you]

*I'm fine Lily. Come on, maybe you can practice flying with me or something.*

Lily wanted to remain annoyed but the idea of flying around with Kat was much too tempting to pass up. Still, she did want at least a little revenge. Lily leapt from the windowsill and purposefully kept her wings tucked in. Her instincts were more than good enough to aim right at her girlfriend. Kat, seeing Lily's trajectory dismissed her demonic flame just in case and held her arms out to catch Lily as she landed perfectly.

Kat made sure to move with Lily for a few moments to bleed of the momentum rather than just stopping Lily in place with her enhanced strength. *That could have been dangerous you know. If I caught you wrong that might have really hurt.* josei

Lily puffed up her cheeks the best she could as a Memphis and glared at Kat. [I trust you. Besides, you needed a bit of punishment for just leaving without letting me know. We aren't on Earth at the moment what if I thought something bad happened to you?]

*Lily we have a permanent mental connection that lets us talk to each other. Plus, I thought you needed the practice. What if I need to get up and do something during the tournament or another Contract and can't stay in bed with you? As a cat you seem to need more sleep and that's fine. I don't even mind just hanging out in bed with you most of the time, but on Contracts I don't want to lock myself into that.*

[I understand]

Kat nuzzled into Lily's side, making sure to be careful with Lily's wings and her own horns as she did so. Kat felt that Lily really did understand even if she wasn't happy with the result of things so Kat let her own feelings flow down the link to try and raise Lily's spirits. "Now. Let's fly!" said Kat cheerily before winding up and giving Lily plenty of time to realise what she was about to do. Lily had a split second of panic before glee took over which signalled to Kat she was ready to be launched.

Kat let Lily go and the Memphis was thrown into the air. Kat followed up by jumping afterwards and stretching out her wings. Lily led the way with Kat following behind as they flew around the house. Lily wasn't really confident enough to try flying between the tree branches or doing anything fancy but Kat was happily doing flips and twists behind her.

"Mind if I join in?" Kat and Lily turned to see Green waving at them from the balcony at the front of the house. Her wings were glowing and much more clearly visible to Kat, though for Lily this was the first time seeing them at all.

"Sure!" said Kat.

Green smiled and jumped up behind them to follow the train. "I can't fly all that long but this looks like a lot of fun. I'm a little jealous you can fly with your girlfriend. Maybe I need to look into something for Gareth. Maybe a fancy bit of armour or a whatever really."

Kat gave a shrug and sped up to twist around Lily and grab her out of the air to pull into a hug. "I think that's a great idea," said Kat before placing Lily on her head to allow the Memphis to launch off again. Lily was tempted to just stay there but jumped off anyway.

In the end the three only flew around for a few more minutes before Green was forced to land.. Unlike Kat and Lily who could fly pretty much indefinitely, Green wasn't really old or powerful enough to use her wings in a similar manner.

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