D.E.M.O.N.S: Getting Summoned Weekly isn't so Bad

Chapter 658 - 658 Team Performance Review Part 2

Chapter 658 - 658 Team Performance Review Part 2

"Seeing as this is Kat's first real helping of team combat, especially since it was in an enclosed space, I'm sure there were quite a few mistakes. I'd like everyone to point out what they believe to be the most critical mistake that was made, and then we'll have Kat speak on what caused her to make that decision," said Gareth before turning to face Kat, "Now Kat, don't worry too much. While we are going to be pointing out mistakes, I think for your first real fight with us you did well, so nothing we'll have to say is a big condemnation. Who wants to start?" josei

Green waved her hand like an excited child in the classroom. Seeing this, Gareth just waved a hand in her direction. "Well, I think Kat was a bit slow on the uptake really. She should have charged in and started attacking that insect straight away rather than waiting for Kress to tell her. She's pretty fast and doesn't need to wait around."

Gareth frowned slightly at the 'mistake' suggested by Green but didn't say anything, simply looking towards Kat for her answer. *So… am I trying to justify why I did it or explain what I was thinking in the moment? Perhaps both? Hmm…* "So… something you should know is that I can speed up my thoughts a lot. So much that it makes it look like everyone is moving slowly. My mind can spin up to be much faster than my body so I did spend quite a while thinking about it.

"At the time, I was unsure if I should be watching the back, or moving up to fight with Green. Kress seemed to be on the defensive, but at the same time… I wasn't sure he could really defend against a second millipede. Green also seemed to be doing somewhat well, and with Gareth to help there wasn't a lot of room nearby. I wasn't sure if that space was more valuable than a third attacker…

"And I suppose the big one is that my demonic fire, the purple flames that took out the second one, are quite vicious. I'm not entirely certain I could keep them from damaging you guys. That being said, they are my strongest weapon against most things. With enough demonic fire and some time, everything can fall."

Gareth nodded at Kat's response. "Well reasoned. I think in the future perhaps keeping Kat on the backline might be the best… though I'll admit Green has a point. With the speed you can move at, letting you roam around the battlefield is ideal… this tunnel isn't really the best place for it though. I think in this instance, standing back or moving forward were equally valid options. I don't disagree with Green's statement, but Green, that's how YOU are used to fighting. It might not be the best way to use Kat's talents."

Green gave an easy shrug at the answer, not overly worried. She'd pointed out where she thought Kat had gone wrong from her perspective, and that's really what it was, her perspective. It's how she fought, and seeing Kat, someone with a similar level of speed, not make USE of that speed was a rather big hang up for the Fae. Still, Kat had plenty of other talents and her speed was great, it wasn't her best asset.

While this was going on, Kress was eyeing Gareth and Nixilei, as if hoping they'd speak up. As the group walked and nobody else made a move; Nixilei because she noticed Kress' gaze and Gareth because he was planning to go last. Kress let out a sigh, "I suppose I'll have to be the bad guy in this then. The real problem happened before the fighting even started, you brought your girlfriend along," Kress could see the others starting to bristle but he raised his voice. "NO. You lot CALM DOWN. Just because I'm the only one willing to say it, doesn't mean it isn't a problem. Kat was down an arm for nearly the whole fight. That's a costly mistake, and the little cat didn't even wake up!"

Nixilei glared, "They are magically bound. Kat can't just leave Lily behind, not right now anyway. Taking her along is the ONLY answer."

Kress nodded alongside a shrug, "Ok, I can accept that, somewhat. If that is the case, the issue is that she didn't plan for it well. A backpack or a sling or just… some way to carry around the cat without using her arms is necessary. Or even just a box or something to put off to the side during fights. Or heck, just wake the girl up? I don't want you to think I'm saying this because I don't like her. This is a major problem and hampers her, or after passing Lily off, someone else's combat potential."

Nixilei grit her teeth but didn't argue back knowing he was right. Eyes turned towards Kat who seemed relatively unphased. "I agree with Kress on this one," said Kat, "I didn't really plan for it at all. I thought Lily would be awake more, I also thought she'd be fine on top of my head, but I probably move too fast for her to stay there safely. I also never bring anything with my on Contracts. I just bring my Attire which is something I can summon back to me. The idea of bringing along a backpack or something similar never crossed my mind, and even if I did, I don't think I'd really have thought about putting Lily in one. It would just feel… demeaning perhaps? I don't really think that anymore. Now I think it would be a useful idea… but it's not like I can just conjure a backpack into existence"

Kat paused. Right? I mean… no I doubt it. My school backpack is still in the cupboard… I guess I could try though? Kat focused on her hand trying to summon up her backpack like she would her fans. About thirty seconds past and nothing happened. "What are you trying to do?" asked Gareth.

"Oh… um… I did say 'its' not like I can just conjure a backpack' but I can in fact conjure my fans, and my clothes so I thought I'd give it a try. I didn't think it would work, but I didn't really have anything to lose," said Kat.

Gareth nodded and didn't say anything else, turning to face Nixilei, waiting for her to take a turn at addressing Kat. Nixilei saw this and sighed. "Well, I don't really think you made any serious mistakes Kat. I'll admit, reluctantly, that I agree with Kress but that's not really something you can improve or change, you'll either find a backpack or you won't. Green might be able to weave a basket for you if we find some long grass… but that's not really something you can do. I suppose I could just repeat things…

"Hmm… I suppose if I was to say anything perhaps your choice of cutting through the rock barrier would be it. It was a decent plan, and the bug did follow you, but there was no reason to assume that it would. It could have just as easily turned to go after us, and while the wall didn't fall until the bug crashed, I doubt it would have stayed standing forever. In a cave, it is imperative you stick together if you can. Semi-intentionally stranding yourself on the other side of one is almost never a good call. I get why you did it… but perhaps keep it in mind for the future."

"Sure thing," said Kat. "I mostly just didn't want to try and fight it in such a small space right next to you and Kress, but yeah. I think a smarter foe wouldn't have been tricked."

Nixilei nodded and looked over towards Gareth, who spoke easily. "Well, taking a note from Nixilei's book, I don't necessarily consider this a problem, but perhaps you could tell us more about your demonic fire and why you chose to use it the way you did?"

Kat sucked in a deep breath. "Ok, sure. Well… the thing you have to understand is that while demonic fire is usually different, it is also quite similar. It'll 'burn' for lack of a better example word, anything it comes into contact with. Now, I can change that, but it's hard. It likes to spread and consume and cause problems if it can. I sent it onto the wall because I knew I could hit that, and then I simply held onto the stray pieces afterwards.

"That was actually a lot harder than I thought it would be but I don't regret the move. The big problem with my flames is that… while technically they only burn what I want, and I have indeed had a friend stick their hand into them unharmed…" Kat glanced pointedly at Kress, "I wasn't really consciously doing that. I'm only just now learning to control it. So… it was mostly a way to make certain the bug was the only thing that got hit.. The wall was a nice target and it very kindly dove straight into the flames. Even that small amount that first covered it was a nice to be its end…"

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