D.E.M.O.N.S: Getting Summoned Weekly isn't so Bad

Chapter 665 - 665 To Be Bound Or Not To Be?

Chapter 665 - 665 To Be Bound Or Not To Be?

Thyme clapped their hands together once more just to get everyone's attention. They took a few extra moments to make sure they had every eye in the room before continuing. "The first task will take place in two hours. You have until then to prepare yourselves. Only the things you are carrying currently can be taken out of the tent. You cannot grab the extra supplies from here. Once your task has started you may use and hold onto anything you desire. Oh, and I need to speak with each team individually for a few minutes just to make sure there are no misunderstandings. I'll start with 'Hats our Life', then 'The Numbers' before talking with 'The Wild Ones' and finally 'Demon and the Misfits'. Yes I gave you all new names, deal with it."

And with that Thyme popped out away again. Kat was really started to wonder what exactly that was. *It doesn't seem like teleportation. Perhaps the clone was on a timer?* Before she could think on it too much though a green glow surrounded the 'Hats our Life' team and they vanished as well. Seeing this, Kat wasn't really sure what to do. Nixilei however, was already speaking. "Right I suppose that was fast. Do you have any suggestions for when it comes time for us to work together?"

"Not really…" said Nell, "I suppose we could go over our skills… but I'm not quite sure I'm willing to trust you with that sort of information without knowing when we'll work together. We could end up fighting a 2v2 and I'd hate to give you that sort of thing then end up on the other team…"

Nixilei nodded in understanding and looked prepared to drop the issue but Gareth spoke up. "Perhaps, but what if we go over our main skills? The sort of thing that you can get after a few moments of combat but could waste a few minutes speaking about if we had to explain it all before things started. No real details, all generalities."

Nel looked a little torn for a few seconds before nodding and beginning the explanation. She was obviously the tank using her gauntlets in place of both a sword and shield while Ellenell was their healer. The two wolf siblings were focused on synchronising up their attacks and working together. Technically Bonas was their scout but she rarely actually filled that role. In turn, Gareth spoke of their team and the basic roles they filled, with Kat at the end as 'really whatever she wants to be' which got a few chuckles.

Kat felt the desire to point out that she couldn't in fact fill any role… before realising that with her flight, speed, strength and regeneration… the only thing she couldn't do was heal the team. Before the discussion could continue 'Hats our Life' were returned and 'The Numbers' were taken in their place. *Still not a fan of that name. I get it's supposed to be a bit of a pun but it just feels clunky. Maybe it works better in whatever language everyone is actually saying.*?

Realising that their turn would be coming up shortly, T.W.O excused themselves to fill themselves with more water and food, knowing now that whatever they didn't eat would be left here, they tried to make the most of it. Eating what they could now before resting as best they could before the challenge started. Kress and Gareth grabbed some extra food as well, while the two Fae just grabbed some more water. Kat decided that was a good enough idea and grabbed some water of her own. Eventually the next team was taken away and everyone sat in silence for a while until it was finally Kat's turn.

The Thyme that summoned them had a long beard and a walking stick, blacksmith overalls filled with various tools and a set of tongs on a nearby table. "Welcome. For the others, I spoke to determine a few things. For you, I have an offer instead. The challenges ahead of you all are based on your combined power averaged out. Normally this would be fine, allowing for your skill to carry you… but with Kat on your team the power scale is heavily skewed. She brings the average up quite significantly.

"I can give you two options for this. Option one is that I do nothing. You can take that information as it is and know it will mean the challenges are likely more difficult for your group. Kat will find her jobs quite easy, while you all will find them quite taxing. Some parts may actually require Kat to complete because the challenge would be too much for someone else."

Kat could already tell this likely wouldn't be the option they took. Kress looked practically murderous at the idea she was making things harder for them, and only held his tongue because time clearly had a second option. Gareth didn't look terribly pleased about it either, though he had slightly more thoughtfulness in his gaze, there was still a frown on his face. Green seemed unconcerned and Nixilei was nodding along, seemingly ok with the idea for some reason.

"The second option is to make a band for Kat. Because she's a demon I can't really seal her abilities as I could someone else's… but this will limit her strength. She will almost certainly still be the strongest of the group, but it will no longer be by such a large margin. Additionally, I'd ask that you refrain from using demonic fire. I can't stop you, well, not easily, but a promise to not use it and a penalty for breaking your word would be acceptable. It would make things… perhaps not even but close enough. Kat would be limited to purely physical abilities that have been reduced, and not having a mana equivalent is enough of a drawback to offset the still rather impressive physical strength and the regeneration." josei

Kat could already see Kress getting ready to accept, but she had to ask, "What about my True Sight and ability to enter dreams? One I can't really turn off, the other I can of course."

Old man Thyme shrugged at the question, "They are of little consequence. None of the trials that are coming up have any illusions in them. Anything that might require them will be using… alternative options, because I knew about your True Sight ahead of time and didn't want it to be too big of an bonus for you. Balance remember. Teamwork and skill is what counts here…

"As for the dream thing… while it isn't something I've made allowances for, I don't think it has any applications in these tests. Still, I will accept the same, 'promise to refrain and penalty for using' like with your demonic fire. Feel free to talk amongst yourselves"

Before Kat could really think on it too much, Gareth turned to her, "Do you mind being restrained? Before we even speak on the merits of either choice we need to know if both are acceptable."

Before Kat could answer Kress jumped in with, "Does it matter? Obviously the second option is better. We don't need her causing more problems for us,"

Gareth winced at Kress' attitude but didn't correct him. Despite the crude words, Gareth did feel like the second option was the better one. Green decided to check out of the conversation and was looking around the room. Kat hadn't really done so, but there was a number of tools and a fake forge. Well, likely fake as the bellows weren't actually connected to the fire pit.

*It doesn't sound… pleasant exactly… and with Lily the way she is… actually I suppose I should ask about that.* "Before I say yes or no… what exactly will Lily be doing? Am I keeping her with me? Should you watch over her…?" Kat asked unsure.

Thyme glanced at the Memphis in question and tapped a 'withered' finger to their chin. "Well… no offence meant when I say she seems about as much a positive as a negative. I do not doubt she can be useful in some ways, but her clear need for sleep and lack of proper training means that her inclusion won't really effect your teams average score. As she is magically, or at least bound by some higher energy if not mana, she counts as part of Kat's… I do not wish to say tools for even bound beast companions should never be considered that… still it means she would be allowed to participate alongside you all without counting as an additional member."

Kat glanced at everyone else, "I… I think I'd like to leave Lily with Thyme if that's ok. If I do… I don't mind being bound. I wouldn't be comfortable with it if she was around though.. I can't imagine trying to do anything other than use everything to protect her… and I would feel extremely stifled if I had to care for her while bound in whatever way Thyme is going to suggest."

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