D.E.M.O.N.S: Getting Summoned Weekly isn't so Bad

Chapter 670 - 670 Undercover Martyn

Chapter 670 - 670 Undercover Martyn

Kat glared at the rubble for a few more moments before a lightbulb went off in her mind. Gareth! Kat ducked out of the fallen house and looked for Gareth. It took a few moments but soon Kat was running over. "Gareth!" the man in question turned to face Kat and she continued, "Gareth I think there are some people trapped in a house. I'm not certain though. There was a glowing light under the floorboards but I left it for later not wanting to waste time then the wall collapsed. Can you move the rubble?"

Gareth frowned, "Not easily. I can only really cast the one spell with my shield… and I can't mess with it too much. I could lift the rubble I suppose but then you would still have a stone slab in the way. I don't really think I can help you."

Kat frowned. *Surely there is a way? I can't really believe that there's nothing to be done… then again, I suppose I don't know all that much.* "Ok, I guess… is it worth trying to dig through?" asked Kat.

Gareth just shrugged. Despite Kat's desire for answers, it's not as if Gareth was a firefighter. This scenario was just as foreign to him. Gritting her teeth Kat dashed back to the fallen rumble as she struggled to come up with a plan. More or less the entire kitchen was covered in loose bits of debris. Kat could certainly still see the light through the floor, but now the issue was clearing a large enough area to not only get down, but also to make sure the debris didn't just fall on down the hole after it was made.

Looking around the edges were the amount of debris was smallest Kat found there was no light. Clicking her tongue she moved over towards the centre and found the light was still there. Cursing she moved over to the corner where the wall had came down and found more light. *Just great. It had to be under the place where the most rubble is. Now how do I deal with it…*

Kat started to clear what rubble she could nearby but the other debris filled in the space nearby. *Dammit. Maybe start at the edge?* Kat moved over, once again starting. The debris wasn't piled too high and with Kat's speed and strength it was easy to get into a rhythm and starting clearing things away. Not even thirty seconds later Kat had a nice little area cleared out… but was it enough. Kat shrugged that concern off, and started to pry up the boards.

They were no match for Kat's strength and a few snaps later and Kat could just barely fit her head into the hole. The nearby rubble was a bit closer than she'd like, and her horns would be a bit of an issue, but that was fine. Craning her neck so that she could fit properly Kat poked her head into the area below and found a well lit room with a man crouched behind a shield with a sword shaking in his hand, and two children standing behind him. *Well do I feel like the bad guy all of a sudden.*

"Back foul demon, you will not invade our sanctuary," said the shaking older Thyme. *Ok now I really feel like the bad guy.*

"Right…" said Kat awkwardly "The thing is, there's a fire going on and I'd really like you guys to leave before your house burns down,"

"You dare threaten me? In my own home?" said 'Dad' with such conviction that if Kat couldn't see all the shaking she might actually believe they had some bite to that particular bark. They spoke as if she was a great evil to be slain instead of a head sticking into a basement asking them politely to leave.

"Um… no? I don't think I'm even trying to threaten you. The street is currently on fire and I've been looking for any survivors trapped inside… so… can you come with me?" asked Kat calmly.

"You shall not take us this day!" shouted 'Dad' "I am ready to defend myself and my family! Come, strike me at your own risk!"

Kat narrowed her eyes. "Look, I don't want to make this a fight. The fire is real, and it's dangerous to stay here."

"More dangerous then going outside and facing more explosions?" asked 'Dad'

Kat's eyes could not narrow any further lest they close. As she was currently just a head to them she really lacked other non verbal means to show just how unimpressed she was getting with this conversation. *The hole is large enough to get the kids out… not sure about the 'dad' but the more he talks the less and less I find that to be an issue.* "There was just one explosion in the bakery. The fire is the only concern now."

"Bakeries don't just explode. Why should I believe you?" asked 'Dad' somehow managing to sound slightly snobby with the question as if it was obvious already she was lying. Don't smash anything. *Don't smash anything. Even over the fire they can hear it. Don't smash anything so the idiots have a chance to complain.*?

"While I'll admit it isn't a common thing, bakeries can explode. It's called a flour explosion and it occurs how you'd think," explained Kat exasperatedly.

"Don't be silly. Flour doesn't explode," said 'Dad' confidently.

*If these were real people… would I feel more or less annoyed? At least I know this is all an act and Thyme isn't actually this dumb… but I can't shake the feeling that some people ARE this dumb. If I didn't have this limiter on, I'd dash in, knock him out and then grab the three of them regardless of what they want. The problem is I don't trust myself to get the strength right because of the limiter. Hmm… do I explain how flour explosions work? Nah.*

"Right, whatever. Let's say it wasn't a flour explosion if you really want to believe that. What I want to know, is why you aren't willing to leave the basement? Currently you are at risk from the fire," explained Kat slowly.

"Well we're making sure not to get hit by the other explosions. I said that already ain't you listening?" retorted 'Dad'.

*And now we're back here.* "I just explained that there was one explosion, it set the fire. There will be no more. It's just a fire now, taking out all the houses on this block. Can you please start evacuating now?" asked Kat trying not to let the anger leak into her voice.

"Now you listen hear missy. I know what I heard, and it was an explosion. I won't be swayed by your sweet lies. We need to stay down here while it's safe!" said 'Dad'.

At this point Kat thought it was pretty clear the idiot wasn't going to actually listen, so she turned her attention to the two smaller Thymes. They were both 'female' Thymes, or at least that was the guess. Never could tell with Thyme, but their main differentiating factor was the long ponytail on the taller one and the pigtails on the younger. "Well, seeing as your Dad doesn't want to listen, how about either of you girls? Just because he's been stubborn doesn't mean you have to stay here where it isn't safe," said Kat softly.

The younger girl simply slid behind her father not saying anything though the elder one looked somewhat interested. So of course, 'Dad' Thyme had to step in. "You won't be corrupting my daughter demon scum. They know better!"

Kat rolled her eyes. "Really? Scum? I'm trying to make sure you don't burn to death and you think I'm the scum? I feel like forcing your daughters into a locked room that's about to be overrun with fire is much worse behaviour," said Kat snidely. josei

*Though that's actually a good question…* Kat missed the evil eyed glare she received in return because she'd pulled her head out of the hole to look around. What she spotted wasn't ideal. The fire was just one house over now. "Come back here demon!" said 'Dad'

*Oh NOW you want me back.* Kat put her head back down the hole and said. "You called?"

"Fuck you," said 'Dad' Thyme.

"Ok, now you're just being rude. The fire is ONE house away. We can do this the easy way or the hard way. I'm happy to help you all out of this house and away from the fire. However, I will not have your deaths on my conscience," because you're just fakes but at least I'm able to say it, "so if you won't accept help, I'll knock you out first and THEN drag your ass out of the damned hole whether you like it or not!"

"You'll harm my daughters over my dead body," said 'Dad' Thyme while slapping his sword against his shield. *That's what I want to avoid you absolute moron!*?

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