Demon's Virtue

Chapter 473 - Healing

Chapter 473 - Healing

Eiro watched the body of this huge Imp slump down onto the ground, unable to move. The first part of the venom that took effect was a paralysis venom, and the second was one that increased one's sensatory sensibilities. The Imp wasn't able to move, but he was able to feel every little thing that was happening to it, while Eiro stood there, calmly watching this being's body fall apart.

The tail was slowly just rotting away in the most hideous manner, and it was climbing further onto this being's body bit by bit. It was something that certainly wouldn't stop anytime soon.

"P-Please, don't do this! I'll give you my treasure! Anything you want! Just don't kill me!" The Imp yelled out, and Eiro rolled his eyes as he took a step closer toward this pathetic creature. They locked eyes, and Eiro's face slowly formed a light grin, "Hm, after that, it's not like I can just leave you be like this..."

A bit of hope appeared in the Imp's eyes, as Eiro placed his hand on his forehead. Eiro not only saw the Chaos that the Imp was emanating, but he also felt it. He felt these thin threads of chaos twirling around the Imp, floating between his fingers. And slowly, this Demon just grabbed those threads, and pulled on them without thinking about what might happen. He was moving the Chaos around, well, chaotically, like it was supposed to be, basically.

And as he did so, the Imp in front of him soon experienced a different kind of agony. He could feel his muscles spasm, his airways close just enough, as he lost absolute control over his body. It was something that most wouldn't wish on their worst enemies, but Eiro was rather enjoying this beautiful moment that was unfolding in front of him. And the people that had been chained up along the walls seemed to think similarly. They were staring at their dying captor as manic grins formed on their faces. They were ecstatic to see what was happening to the being that had tortured them for this long.

That was when Eiro started speaking, "I just want to make one thing clear to all of you. I am also a demon. One far more powerful than this puddle of shit you see cowering in front of me right now. But well, I am going to free you, of course. However, if I hear any of you speak of my true nature to anyone, I will hunt you down and make you hope that I never rescued you in the first place. Do you all understand?" The Demon told all of them, strengthening his spoken charisma so that his words would get through to even those that were very clearly distracted by the death of this huge Imp in front of Eiro's feet.

But even then... they soon started to yell their thanks at Eiro. After all, he did still save them. He would set them free, and would allow them to return to their normal lives, at least to an extent. Considering that there were children here that were born in captivity, it would be particularly hard for them to find a place to live. Eiro hoped that their parents were still alive, at least. He didn't just want to throw some orphans out into the world.

Not that this mattered for now, since Eiro wanted to focus on the death of his brother for now. Most of his body already rotted away, simply crumbling away into dust or turning into some kind of weird sludge that then mixed with that dust.

"Now, do you have anything left to say?" Eiro asked with a smile on his face, and the huge Imp locked eyes with Eiro once more, "Don't... think you'll... get away with this..."

"I already did." The Demon replied bluntly. And this was the last thing that the huge Imp seemed to be able to hear, since the rot now reached his heart. At that point, he went into absolute shock, and his head rotted away within the next few seconds. Nothing was left of this Imp's existence. Even its horns fell to dust. It had died so... easily, despite supposedly being so strong. Eiro let out a bit of a sigh, as he turned around and walked toward that man that was nearly ripped in half earlier.

Eiro quickly stung him and injected an anesthetic into him, but all these people started freaking out immediately.

"Ah..." Eiro let out, understanding their concern, "Don't worry, this isn't the same venom I pushed into that Demon just now. This is just an anesthetic, a pain-killer that's going to make him sleep while I treat him." As he explained this, waiting for the venom to take effect in this man's body, he quickly went around the room and cracked the chains that were holding these people up.

"I'm going to be removing the rest in a bit, for now, just... you know, sit down or something, I don't care." Eiro said bluntly, as he cracked his knuckles, seeing that this man was finally unconscious. Since his condition was rather serious, he tried something out that him and Nelli had only roughly discussed, and never actually tried before, although it should theoretically help them out a bit.

They fused, and then began with their healing. Both of their abilities were heightened to an extent, and the two were able to work in much greater unison and at higher speed and power compared to before. Luckily, it seemed like everything was going to work out.

The first thing they did was heal his bones one by one, something that showed them that this method of healing seemed to be working quite a bit better than before. It was surprisingly quick, which showed just how serious this man's condition was in the first place.

Due to the way that the huge Imp had crushed this man's body, plenty of his bones were misplaced or shattered into smaller pieces, piercing different parts of his flesh and internal organs. It surprised Eiro that this man had been able to stay conscious for this long considering all of this, it must have hurt incredibly to have gone through something like this. For a human, he held out incredibly well.

And since he seemed to have a rather decent build, even though he was clearly starving right now, he was probably a decently strong warrior before he was captured. josei

Eiro grabbed the man's shoulder and pushed it back into its socket, and then pressed down on his shoulder while fixing the position of certain parts of his spine. Now that that was done, Eiro quickly started healing his internal injuries. His ripping skin was something secondary, something that just really wasn't that important compared to imminent organ-failure.

It didn't take too long, though. By the time that Eiro was done healing his internal organs, most of the people had already gathered around him, watching him heal one of their own. Not that Eiro really cared. He took a deep breath, as he finally moved on to the man's skin. Eiro tried to heal him as much as possible, but he still ended up with some scars along his torso, upper arms, and thighs, as one would expect after this sort of damage.

"Alright, I'm done. Who else needs imminent healing?" Eiro asked, looking around at the group. And immediately, one of them came forward. With a glance, Eiro was able to tell that she had incredibly internal damage as well, and her body was covered in numerous wounds, many of which were clearly incredibly old. It was just that they were re-opened every time they nearly closed.

Eiro immediately walked up to her, but the woman moved away, "N-No, not me..." She said, pulling forward a young boy, maybe five or six years old. He was covered in wounds as well, but they weren't nearly as serious as that woman's. He had some broken ribs, but that was the worst of it for this one. Eiro sighed slightly as he rubbed the bridge of his nose, "I don't think you all understand that I will heal every single one of you. You don't need to have me prioritise some of you. You will all be healed to the limit of my capabilities." Eiro said bluntly, and the people all just stared at him, tears forming in their eyes. It was slowly hitting them that they were actually being saved right now.

So, Eiro did as he said, and he healed everyone that needed healing right now. Some of them he could heal practically in passing, others needed a bit more attention than that, but either way, he was able to heal all of these people here as much as possible for Eiro at the moment within the following half-hour.

At that point, he split off of Nelli and proceeded to look at all these people around him, "Alright, this isn't a place where you all should stay for now. I'm going to bring you to a decently safe spot, but all of you have to stay in there if you want to be safe, alright? I will be coming back, and nothing is going to happen to you anymore, alright?" Eiro told them, and they all quickly nodded, following after Eiro without a moment's hesitation.

It felt like they were a little bit too trusting, honestly, but maybe they were just desperate. That seemed to be it, considering how they were all huddling behind Eiro. Most of them were clearly incredibly anxious, but it was as if they were forcing themselves to trust Eiro, which was absolutely fine for now. As long as they didn't try anything, Eiro really didn't care.

The Demon took out a few more Imps that came rushing at him rather easily, and soon brought these people into a large hall. It was clearly used as some form of storage by these demons, and was filled with a whole lot of random stuff. It seemed like a decent enough place to leave these guys for now, though. It seemed like the others managed to set themselves up in a decent way underground as well, so Eiro could just go down there and get the others and then bring them up here.

The raid of this huge monster nest was slowly but surely coming to an end.

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