Demon's Virtue

Chapter 511 - The Beauty Of Magic

Chapter 511 - The Beauty Of Magic

Eiro kept standing on the center of the stage, and looked around at the people watching him. There was a reason why he wanted to show off his magic to the people here. He wanted to show off his power.

Not only would this help the standing of Skyhart, being the host of this party, but it would also show everyone part of Eiro's worth. They would see his power, and realize that he was valuable, that he wasn't to be antagonized. And the main person that he was aiming for in this regard was the King of Ramguard, the country that both the Kiliar and Gilhart households heeded from.

Eiro wanted the King to be aware of what a being Eiro was. Whether it would fill him with awe or fear, Eiro wanted to leave an impression on his mind. He wanted the king to yearn for Eiro as an ally, or fear him becoming an enemy. Because if he could do that, then Arc and Sammy would be safe from those villains' grasps.

That King already seemed to be quite curious about who Eiro was and what he was capable of. Ramguard was a country where slavery was the norm. Most nobles there wouldn't pay their servants, they simply bought them. It was disgusting. But at the very least, this meant that they looked at people based on their raw worth, putting a price on people. And if Eiro could make himself seem priceless in the eyes of the king, then this should all work out.

Eiro held his hand forward with a soft grin on his face, and started drawing magic circles with his prosthetic. The fact that he was able to do this through just his hand was amazing enough to the people watching him, especially those that didn't know about Eiro yet. Since he had been fighting so expertly with both of his hands, they clearly hadn't expected his hand to be anything abnormal, as if he was just wearing a glove of sorts.

The Demon drew an arcane magic circle, and soon activated it. The magic was applied to himself, and he carefully walked forward. The sound of his shoes hitting the ground echoed through the silent room, and continued on even when Eiro stepped off the stage. He took a deep breath as he walked through the air, or rather, on top of the air. Eiro created something like small barriers underneath his feet, which he could use to walk anywhere and anyhow that he wanted to. And of course, it was quite a spectacle. Flying magic in itself was something considered to be of an extremely, extremely high tier, but something like this? It seemed like something from storybooks. Something impossible in itself.

Eiro walked up invisible stairs, through the air so that he could be on top of the onlookers around him. He snapped just once, and three spirits appeared around him. First, it was Gondos' turn to help in impressing all these people. Eiro had him create a mass of rock on the center of the stage, just a large, great block, a few meters high. And with just a wave of his hand, Eiro manipulated that huge rock and shaved layers off of of it, creating a man of rock that was just suddenly standing there, like a piece of art on display. Like something that did really belong here in this royal castle.

With another wave of his hand, Eiro made this statue move around, taking on different forms. As if it was alive, moving in a way that seemed like nothing but natural.

And then, it was Nelli's turn. She created bubbles of water all throughout the air. Eiro took control of these bubbles, shaping them into small fish that started swimming around atop the heads of the visitors, swiming just within reach so that the more curious once could attempt to touch, or even catch, one of them.

Their outer layer was frozen with Eiro's ice magic, and their ice scales now reflected the light from the candles hanging over them on the chandeliers. The Demon took a deep breath as it now became Sarius' turn. This sort of magic was still hard to use during this evolution, because he chose to speed the evolution up in exchange for lowering the amount of magic he could use throughout this time.

Either way, slowly, Eiro took control of the sparks that Gondos was creating for him, turning them into small orbs that were floating even further above the fish. Eiro used shadows, darkening the ceiling to make them look like stars, while snuffing out the candles that illuminated part of this room just before now.

He also covered the windows with shadows, since the sunlight was still streaming inside, so that Eiro could manipulate just how much light was being let into this room. josei

And then, Eiro went for his 'finale', something that would probably drain most of the mana he had in the current state he was in. Once his evolution was over, he should be able to do this as easily as sparking a campfire, but now, it was something that brought him to his limits.

Eiro used gravity magic, and removed any sort of weight from all the people in this room.

It was not something that was immediately noticed. At first, they thought their bodies were just lighter out of delight of what they were seeing above them, this beautiful scenery above their heads. But no. The moment they moved, they realized it was much more than that. They slowly lifted up, floating throughout the room. Of course in a controlled way – Eiro made sure to keep anyone from being injured.

As most people were now floating, Eiro continued to walk through them with a soft smile on his face, as he created similar platforms for his children to stand on like he had for himself.

"All you that are listening! I wish to make a quick announcement to you all. My name is Eiro Jura Daemonherz, and I will explain to you who I am, and why I am doing what I am doing. These six young ones are my children. Not by blood, but by love. Parental, familial love. They are my children in nearly any way. Five humans, out of which one is a goliath, and one wonderful, young special Lion Beastman. They are the ones that have chosen my name for me. I was a wanderer, living in fear of even the system given to us all, but these children rescued me. They gave me the name of the first hero, and ever since then, I have done all I can in order to be just like that hero to them. Then, there is 'Jura'. It is the name of my father, a man many of you know as the 'Traitor to all people'. He was a woodcarver that spent his life doing nothing but improve the life of others, wether they were people, beasts, or even monsters. He was the kindest man I know, however, his name is one that reminds many of foulness. I carry the name of a man considered nothing but good, and that of a man considered nothing but bad. That is the man I am. I may not be the kindest person you will ever have the chance of encountering, but I am by far not the worst. All I do in my life is give a future to my children, a future in which they can live freely and do whatever they wish. And of course, that involves the slaying of the monster king. I am not the kind of person that would call himself stronger than the hero, despite the fact that he is only a child at current times, but I will give all my power to support the hero in the slaying of the monster king, to stand by his side as one who will carve the path for peace open to all. I hope that everyone here in this room can support me, and all of us, in that endeavour." Eiro smiled, as he slowly set the people back down onto the ground.

He wasn't sure whether or not they were all convinced, but there were little people that weren't excited about what Eiro just showed to them. Most people loved magic, after all, which is why Eiro showed this to them.

The king that Eiro was hoping to influence the most was grinning from ear to ear, something that made Eiro glad, since it meant that he was most likely able to protect his children with this act.

Eiro got rid of his magic, and continued to speak, "In one and a half months, the tournaments to choose the hero's companions will begin. At that time, I hope that I will be one of them.." Eiro said, with a gentle, broad smile on his face, since he genuinely meant what he said.

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