Descent of the Demon Master

Chapter 612. Agitating (2)

Chapter 612. Agitating (2)

Chapter 612. Agitating (2)

“You say... it's because we're weak?” Director Jo muttered while weakly leaning against the back of his couch. It felt like he had grown so, so much older during this brief verbal exchange with Lee Hyeon-Su.

He didn't want to accept this, but what choice did he have? Honestly, what other reason did Jo Nam-Pyeong or anyone else need besides that?

“...Are you saying being strong gives you the right to take everything away?”

“Let's not pretend you're some kind of warriors of justice, Director Jo,” said Lee Hyeon-Su, his contempt clearly audible. “How did the Assembly swallow up South Korea? Because Lee Jung-Geol favored pursuing peaceful solutions? Or because your cause was so much nobler than other people's? Don't make me laugh. It's only because you were strong. Stop distorting your own memories, okay? Don't tell me you've forgotten about everything you did in the early days to grow the Assembly. It's not like you were resistance fighters against the occupying Japanese forces, now were you? You simply exploited the chaos of the era and attacked other clans and factions to swallow them right up until you were the last one standing. That is all!”


“What's happening now is just another repeat of your operational style. The only difference this time is that it's an internal conflict, not a battle to swallow someone else up. You managed to establish the Martial Assembly because you were strong back then. And someone is taking yours away because you're weak now. That is the natural course of the world, isn't it?”

Director Jo bit down hard on his lip. Because he knew Lee Hyeon-Su was totally correct. There wasn't a single room to argue back.

“Humans can be so two-faced at times, don't you think? When they are in a position of power to take away from the weak, they shout to the world how might makes right. However, when their positions are reversed and someone is about to take their toys away, they start crying about justice and fairness. Let me ask you this, although I don't think you'd answer me. When you were trampling on other clans and sects in the past to establish the Martial Assembly, did you spare a moment's thought to the circumstances and sentiments of your victims?”

A clear sneer formed on Lee Hyeon-Su's mouth. And that sneer plunged Director Jo even further into this pit of wretched feeling.

He growled slowly. “Yes... You're right, Lee Hyeon-Su!”

No matter how hard people tried to package it, in the end, the world operated on the principle of the strong preying on the weak. Nothing could change this fact. josei

“Yes, it's the law of the jungle...!” Director Jo glared sharply at Lee Hyeon-Su. “However, I still need to understand this. Tell me, Lee Hyeon-Su.”

“Sure, what do you want to hear?”

“There must be a reason why you're here, telling me all this.”


“That list of names or whatever, it's all bullsh*t, right? You are going out of your way to enlist my help because killing Lee Jung-Geol without figuring out friend from foe first would negatively affect the Assembly's future. Isn't that right?”

“Hmm...” Lee Hyeon-Su neither denied nor agreed with that assessment.

“It is as you say, Lee Hyeon-Su. It is the law of the jungle. The strong prey on the weak, the survival of the fittest... And that is why I cannot accept that we're weaker than you. If we're going to get killed anyway, why shouldn't we put everything on the line and try our luck regardless? Then, maybe, just maybe... We might accept that we were indeed weak.”

Lee Hyeon-Su's expression crumpled. What could anyone do when grown-up men choose to act like fools and throw their lives away?

However, Jo Nam-Pyeong wasn't done yet. “So, convince me.”

“Mm...? You want me to convince you?”

“That's right! Why... does it have to be Kang Jin-Ho? Why! I firmly believe Lee Jung-Geol is as good as Kang Jin-Ho, if not better! Sure, he might not be as strong as Kang Jin-Ho as a martial artist. However, a leader of an organization doesn't need to be strong to lead! And I believe Lee Jung-Geol is several times more capable than Kang Jin-Ho as the leader of the Assembly. In that case, why should Lee Jung-Geol surrender his position to Kang Jin-Ho?! Tell me why I should agree to that! Is there no other, better answer than your damn law of the jungle nonsense?!”

Lee Hyeon-Su chuckled hollowly. “...Director Jo.”


“There are dozens of ways to answer your question. However, please promise me something first. If I convince you now, you must cooperate with us. Promise me that.”

Director Jo Nam-Pyeong angrily chewed on his lips before firmly nodding away. “Very well! I give you my word. However! If you fail to persuade me, you better prepare yourself. You'll not walk out of here in one piece!”

“Well, that is obvious,” Lee Hyeon-Su chuckled without much concern, then mouthed a fresh cigarette. He leisurely lit it up, then leaned back against his couch. “Actually, the reason isn't complicated. In fact, you could call it extremely straightforward. Simply put...”

Lee Hyeon-Su began his explanation.


Back to the present...

Lee Jung-Geol sighed in resignation. “He said... the time is the reason?”

“Yes, sir.” Jo Nam-Pyeong slowly nodded.

“Time... Time, is it...? Indeed, what a terrible and bitter pill to swallow, then. Truly...” Lee Jung-Geol chuckled hollowly.

Time... As in, his lack of time. No one could argue against that.

Director Jo continued with his story. “Lee Hyeon-Su said this to me, sir. As he is now, Kang Jin-Ho is definitely worse than you in several aspects. And that you ruling over the Assembly right now might be a better option. He also said that the Assembly is getting stronger right now not because the organization was improving or evolving, but because its new-found strength was wholly founded upon one individual's power.”

“Yes, that sounds about right...”

“However, Assembly Master, sir.” Jo Nam-Pyeong muttered in a trembling voice. “That is the story for us, as well.”

His voice was cracking apart from this profound grief and powerful anger.

“It's the same story for the Assembly, too. Back in the day or even now, we... We're still following your commands. We failed to nurture a suitable successor nor had we set up a system that might have ensured the Assembly would evolve and develop on its own without us around. If we win now... Everything should be fine while you're around, sir. However, as soon as you're no longer with us, the Assembly will freefall into the depths of Hell, unlikely to survive.”

Lee Jung-Geol couldn't say anything at that. After his death, was it? What would happen after his death...?

Since when did he have to worry about things like that? It seemed that proving his abilities wasn't going to be enough anymore. If he wanted his legacy to mean something, he must ensure things would remain plain-sailing even after his passing, too!

What a deflating thing to hear at this stage, then...

Lee Jung-Geol chuckled in resignation and asked Jo Nam-Pyeong. “Is that your reason?”

“Sir, time will continue to flow,” said Director Jo, his expression filled with sorrow. “People change, and the era will change, too. Assembly Master, sir. We're old now. Sure, we can keep arguing that we're superior to the younger generation in some aspects right now. We can stand our ground, no problem. However, what about in five years?”


“What will happen in ten?”

What an obvious question that was. One with an obvious answer, too.

“Sir, my faith in you is absolute. That is why I have no choice but to acknowledge Kang Jin-Ho for having the smarts to drive you to a dead end like this. If you and he boasted a similar level of abilities, then... There could be only one correct answer here, sir. Youth will always win out. That unforgiving, hateful thing called youth, that thing we all ardently wish to possess again...! Kang Jin-Ho and his group have it, sir.”

“Yes, I see. So, that was it...” Lee Jung-Geol sighed softly.

Youth! That stinking thing called youth... It had stolen everything away from Lee Jung-Geol. His last-gasp plan for glory, his trusted subordinates, and finally...

'...Even my life, eh?'

Lee Jung-Geol slowly nodded, then addressed Jo Nam-Pyeong. “I understand now. You can leave, Director Jo.”

“Sir, I...”

“I'm sure you've made the preparations beforehand. Inform the others, then. Those who don't want to be here should leave before it's too late. They might get to keep their lives that way.”


“Listen, fella,” Lee Jung-Geol deeply sighed. “I'm not as amazing as you think. Even now, I'm barely suppressing my anger. Can't you at least spare me from becoming an eyesore during the final moments of my life? I beg of you.”

Jo Nam-Pyeong couldn't say anything to that. No matter how much he tried to re-package this situation and talk about the great cause, nothing could change the fact that he betrayed Lee Jung-Geol. All he could do was get down on his knees, then prostrate toward Lee Jung-Geol's lonely-looking back.

Lee Jung-Geol remained still, staring silently at the distance outside the window.

Jo Nam-Pyeong slowly got back up, then quietly slipped out of the living room.

'So... I've lost everything, then.'

Lee Jung-Geol silently stared at the lush forest outside. Kang Jin-Ho must be somewhere beyond those trees.

'What a terrible match-up this was.'

If Kang Jin-Ho hadn't shown up... How would things look like right about now? Would Lee Jung-Geol have successfully taken over South Korea's martial society without too much trouble?

That was unlikely. Nothing in this world was straightforward, after all. Even if Kang Jin-Ho wasn't here to serve as a hindrance, Lee Jung-Geol would still have to deal with Kim Seok-Il. And the former leader of the Yeongnam Group was no pushover, either. Even then...

Lee Jung-Geol would've had a chance. A chance at unifying South Korea and creating the world he always envisioned!

In his hand was a sliver of hope. But that pathetic little possibility was leaking uncontrollably out of his grasp. As if it was made of sand that would trickle out of his palm no matter how tightly he tried to hold it.

“...Who is outside?” Lee Jung-Geol called out.

As soon as he said that, the door flung open, and several elderly gentlemen stepped inside.

Lee Jung-Geol furrowed his brow. “...What are you still doing here? Why haven't you fled yet?”

“Flee, sir? Assembly Master... You sure do know how to crack silly jokes, sir.”

“Where can we even run away to, sir? I only have my kids and my damn wife waiting for me back home. To be honest with you all, they scare me far more than Kang Jin-Ho and his punks. If I flee now, I must spend the rest of my life stuck at home doing nothing! I'd rather die than suffer that indignation, sir!”

“Me, too. Rather than let my wife nag me to death, I rather stay here with you, sir. Don't try to chase us out of here.”

Lee Jung-Geol chuckled helplessly. “It's always better to be among the living even if you have to swim in dogsh*t, gentlemen. Stop being obstinate and go home.”

“Sir, let's get one thing straight here, then. Are you planning to swim in dogsh*t yourself?”

“Of course not.”

“See? Please don't force others to do something you're not prepared to do yourself, sir. That's why you were never popular among the younger folks, you know!”

“He's right, sir! Since we're talking now, might as well get this off my chest, too! You can be so unreasonable at times, you know that? I mean, was it so hard to issue sensible-sounding orders back then? How could you order me to infiltrate the Yeongnam Group and spy on what Kim Seok-Il was doing? Gimme a break! Because of the stab wound I got that day, do you know how much my side still hurts whenever there's a bit of rain about?”

One of the elders retorted sarcastically. “Really? Looks like you still pulled the mission off, though?”

“What choice did I have? If the Assembly Master tells me to jump, I ask how high. We all did, didn't we?”

Lee Jung-Geol smiled bitterly while watching the elders noisily yap away. 'It's like... watching a funeral.'

This scene brought back old memories in Lee Jung-Geol's mind. They all acted this way in the past, didn't they? When sorrow washed over them, they all began chatting away like this. All because they were scared of breaking down in tears if one of them lost to his sorrow.

How many comrades did they lose during the long and bitter struggle? Too many to count. When their friends and colleagues died, these men still didn't shed a tear. They simply cracked open bottles of booze and noisily chatted away throughout the night.

They passed the booze around. Again, and again. Pain and grief were washed down with strong liquor. Sadness was also drowned in cups of alcohol. That was how these men held on until now.

In that case, today would be no different.

Lee Jung-Geol glanced at the noisy elders. “How about some booze, gentlemen?” Plunge into the depths of Nøv€lß¡n, where information dwells.

“Huh? Sir, how can you suggest that when our enemies are right at our doorstep?”

“Sir, could it be dementia? If so, curse that damn dementia!”

“Nah, it's fine. Fine, I say.” Lee Jung-Geol cackled. “It's gonna be just a cup, anyway.”

Elders all guffawed at that. After a round of loud laughter, one of the elders pointed to the drinks cabinet. “Sir, we all know how you've been stashing a bottle of wild ginseng liquor in that cabinet over there.”

“Huh? When did you find that out?”

“However... Sir, do you think it's still the real ginseng liquor after all this time?”

“What are you on about?” Lee Jung-Geol tutted. “I made that liquor myself, you know. It's the real deal.”

“That's not it, sir. Someone might have sneaked in here and finished the bottle already, then swapped it out with cheap soju instead, you see! You can't seriously think such a valuable liquor would still be left untouched after we learned about it.”

“What the hell? You sons of b*tches...!”

“Keh-hehehe...! Still, who cares if it's not ginseng liquor but cheap soju? Besides, I think soju fits so much better as the final drink, wouldn't you say? Please crack that bottle open for us, sir. Let's get that one last glass of booze in us before we go. Just one cup, though!”

Lee Jung-Geol chuckled loudly. He sounded sad yet also happy in some ways. He brought out the bottle of supposed wild ginseng liquor and poured everyone a cup. He then stood at the center of the elders and raised his cup for a toast. As everyone watched, he quietly addressed them. “Thank you for everything until now, gentlemen.”


“Although it's regretful that our final moments have come down to this... I, no, we did everything we could. What remains now is to die like a man.”

Only silence echoed in the living room. The elders quietly but intensely stared at Lee Jung-Geol with unclouded eyes.

That was when Lee Jung-Geol remembered something else.

'Ah, that's right. We did this exact same thing back then, too.'

Way back in time, when he and his colleagues had nothing but the vigor of youth... They also took out a bottle of cheap, unrefined rice liquor and loudly boasted about dying like a man.

Just like now, they shared a bottle of booze and passed it around. One cup at a time.

“...Let's have a toast, gentlemen. I'm sure King Yama will prepare even better booze for us in the netherworld,” said Lee Jung-Geol, then closed his eyes before gulping the booze down.

At the same time, he inwardly swore not to die an ignoble death.

‘Come, Kang Jin-Ho! Tonight, I shall teach you how an old general dies...!’

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