Descent of the Legendary Archmage

Chapter 56

Chapter 56

A cold sweat ran down on Ma Jinseok's back.

“What the hell did you do?”

Even now, beyond the radio, there is a sound that Jin Heeyoon seemed to be suffering from Shin Hayul’s magic.

A Wind Cutter running off its track. Fusing Flare Ball.

Beyond the radio, magics were going on to prove that Shin Hayul was there.

How the hell was Shin Hayul here?

“Don’t waste your time.”

Shin Hayul asserted and took a step forward.

“I know you are trying to earn time for Kang Shinwoo to come back while talking.”


Ma Jinseok’s eyebrows twitched.

It was the reaction of a person who had a nerve struck.

“......You are so astute, as I’ve heard.”

Ma Jinseok sent an emergency signal the moment Shin Hayul appeared.

Kang Shinwoo, who received the signal, must be running here by now.

It’s been about 2 minutes since he left the main camp, so it takes about 1 minute and a half to return to the top speed.

They just have to endure that.

That’s why he tried to earn some time by talking to Shin Hayul.

It seems that such an obvious strategy does not work for Shin Hayul.

‘I earned 10 seconds. Now, we have 1 minute and 20 seconds left. If we keep the flag for that time.......’

Ma Jinseok calmed down and observed Shin Hayul’s behavior.

Shin Hayul was ready to respond immediately to whatever he did.

“Give up. We won this battle.”

The middle of Ma Jinseok’s forehead frowned slightly.

“Aren’t you underestimating me too much?”

Shin Hayul’s declaration of victory was quite a hurtful remark.

In other words, it was like, “You can't endure a minute even if you fight with me, so just give up.”

“Even if you are my opponent, I can endure for a minute.”

“I know. If you had a 1:1 fight with me, you would have been able to endure 5 minutes. But, you won’t endure 10 seconds now.”

Shin Hayul smiled.

“This is a team battle, not 1:1.”

“What’s that.......”


At that moment, there was the sound of someone stepping on the sand behind Ma Jinseok.

A sign of presence.josei

Ma Jinseok looked back in embarrassment.



Adella Stuart bowed her head.

“How the hell.......”

Following Shin Hayul, Adella Stuart was there.

What the hell is going on here?

He couldn’t understand.

“I will say it again for the last time.”

Mana swirled around Shin Hayul.

Adella’s blonde hair on the other side fluttered, and the gray mana shimmered.

“We won this battle. Give up.”

The moment they succeed in creating this situation, the game was already decided.

“......Okay, I will give up.”

Ma Jinseok raised his hands and admitted defeat.

No matter how strong Ma Jinseok was, he was not confident in enduring the collaboration between the two for a minute.

* * *

The battle ended with a victory for the sophomores.

Everyone gathered in the conference room and after Jin Heeyoon returned to the room, 10 people gathered again.

“Ah, shit.......”

Jin Heeyoon chewed her lips with a face of dissatisfaction.

She failed to play a proper battle, and lost the game.

It is natural to have that reaction.

“Jinseok, why did you surrender so easily? Are you still a man?”

Jin Heeyoon gritted her teeth by staring at Ma Jinseok, who was sitting calmly with his arms crossed next to her.

She looked as if she wanted to kill him right now.

“Whether I surrendered or not, it was a 10 second difference. Whatever it may be, I’m sure we lost.”

Ma Jinseok shrugged his shoulders, receiving her eyes calmly.

It seemed to be a small shrug, but it also seemed somewhat intense, perhaps because of his overdeveloped muscles.

“How can I protect the flag while playing 2:1 against those two?”

Ma Jinseok looked at me and Adella in order, sitting across from him.

“You should have endured a second or 10 seconds. How did you surrender so easily?”

“What’s the difference if I endure 10 seconds....... Are you in a position to blame me?”

“Am I what?”

“If you hadn’t mistakenly thought that Shin Hayul and Adella were there, it wouldn’t have been like this.”


Jin Heeyoon closed her mouth while trying to refute something.

As if she had nothing to say about it, she only chewed her lips with an angry face.

“But I really thought Shin Hayuland Adella were hiding.......”

Now, she looked resentful beyond anger.

“It would have been the same if you were in my shoes. Wind Cutters and Moonlight Bombs were flying in from all directions, so I thought there were Shin Hayul and Adella.......”

It was natural that Jin Heeyoon was mistaken.

I also created a situation where they couldn’t help but be mistaken in the first place.

“Stop. Both of you calm down.”

Kang Shinwoo, who was listening quietly, calmed the two down.

“There is no need to have an emotional fight. You two didn’t do anything wrong this time.......”

Kang Shinwoo stared straight at me.

“The opponent did a good job.”



The two closed their mouths at the same time and turned to me.

Immediately, all the juniors' eyes were on me.

All kinds of emotions came from their looks.

Among them, the most felt emotion was ‘curiosity.’

“Shin Hayul, what did you do?”

Kang Shinwoo started the conversation first.

Everyone’s eyes became more intense.

How the hell could I and Adella exist in both camps at the same time?

They looked so curious about that.

“I will explain what you are most curious about. First of all, to explain the distribution of offense and defense of our team, Soonchan was the only one who guarded our camp.”

I began to explain slowly.

“Ji Soonchan was the only one? Then what? Ji Soonchan used all those magics?”

Jin Heeyoon showed a sharp reaction as if it was nonsense.

“No, of course not. All the magic that tricked you was mine.”

“......What nonsense, you weren’t in the camp? But how can you use magic? Are you saying that you shot magic from our camp to yours?”


I cast a spell in the air.

It was a Wind Cutter, a wind-attribute magic that bothered Jin Heeyoon.

“I used magic over long distances by unpacking the magic that was ‘fixed’ everywhere.”


“Yes. Since Ma Jinseok has analyzed my battle video, you know that I can ‘fix’ the magic in the air, right?”

“Yes, I know.”

“I used that strategy to ‘fix’ the magic around the camp in advance.”

It was the same strategy that I used when I had a battle with Joo Hanwuk at the Blue magic tower.

As there is a limit to using magics at the same time, it is to perform the magic in advance, ‘fix’ it in the air, and release it at once.

“The magic that I have prepared in that way doesn’t disappear even if I am far away. It is also activated normally while releasing the ‘fix.’”

“Then what about the aim? Your magic obviously flew in on us. How do you explain this?”

“Soonchan aimed it.”

“......Ji Soonchan did it?”


I canceled the Wind Cutter.

The remnants of the wind are scattered in the air.

“You may have heard Soonchan muttering unknown numbers during the battle, don’t you remember?”

“......Was it 22-13?”

Jin Heeyoon said with a face showing vague memory.

“Yes, that is the signal. 22 is a fixed magic number. 13 is the fixed magic orbit correction angle.”

“You just followed the instructions and moved the magic from a long distance?”



Jin Heeyoon laughed as if I was joking.

“You want me to believe that nonsense?”

Jin Heeyoon’s eyes looking at me filled with distrust.

“It doesn’t make sense that you used the magic at such a long distance, but you even controlled it so precisely? Does that make sense?”

It was an understandable response.

It was a magic trick that Jin Heeyoon couldn't understand with common sense.

“Jinseok, you say something. Do you think that makes sense?”

“......Honestly, I can’t believe it. But, I don’t think he is lying. Shin Hayul, the person I have identified, is not such a fool who tells a lie that will soon be found out.”

Ma Jinseok supported me reasonably.

“Yes, I can show you if you want.”

“See. He is so confident. He is not lying.”

“Then, what about Adella Stuart? There was a Moonlight Bomb. How do you explain that? If you are saying that Adella also fixed the magic like you.......”

“That Moonlight Bomb was not the one Adella used.”


Jin Heeyoon frowned.

“That Moonlight Bomb was also the one I used.”

I lightly floated the moonlight bomb on my palm.

A sphere like a cluster of moonlight.

It clearly buzzed.



All the juniors were surprised.

Even Kang Shinwoo, who rarely changed his face, opened his eyes with a face that he couldn’t be more surprised this time.

“Y-y-you, that.......”

“I’m not saying that Adella leaked the vision magic.”

No matter how close we are, leaking the formula of vision magic is prohibited.

It is not legally prohibited, but it is strictly prohibited in each family.

If you violate this and leak the magic formula, you will be forced to discard the circle, then you will be kicked out in a state that is no different from a dead person.

“Leaked or what? Did you analyze it and find out by yourself?”

Jin Heeyoon taunted.

“Yes, that’s right.”

“......Is that right?”

“Yes, I have eyes where I can see the magic formula by myself.”

Jin Hee-oon’s eyes got bigger.

“You...... You are the owner of the magic eyes?”

* * *

After that, I had a long, half-hour war of words with the junior.

I explained the strategy used in this battle and all about my power which I explained to Soonchan and Adella.

The reason why I shared my information is the same reason I shared with Adella and Soonchan.

They are colleagues on the same boat.

If it’s the skills I will be using at the Olympiad, it’s better to share them in advance now.

“What do you think? Do you think it’s still impossible to win a gold medal?”

Other than that, there is nothing more effective than announcing my power to make them believe in my ambition to win the gold medal at the Olympiad.



The juniors were silent.

They seem to be wondering what they have heard so far.

They are half lost.

“I'll say it again. My goal is to win a gold medal. For that, we need your cooperation.”

Everyone turned to me in that state.

“I think I proved to some extent how useful the strategy I planned is through this battle.”

The hostility felt until 30 minutes ago was gone.

“Similarly, through this battle, I also showed enough evidence that we can fight against strong opponents at the Olympiad.”

I proved my worth through this team battle.

“So, please follow me. I will give you a gold medal in return.”



The eyes of the junior trembled.

They seem to have a lot on their mind.


Jin Heeyoon exhaled deeply.

It was a deep breath with a lot of meaning.

“Okay, I don’t really like this, but....... I will follow you for now.”


Ma Jinseok seemed surprised.

He seemed surprised to hear that Jin Heeyoon, who seemed to oppose until the end, was the first to follow me.

“Why are you looking at me like that? We lost the bet anyway. Whatever it is, we have to follow him. I can’t give up on the Olympiad. I have an honor as a Korean representative.”

“You’re right, but.......”

To be honest, I was a little surprised, too.

I had a lot of thoughts about how to convince this fiery junior, but she was convinced so easily.

“And....... Even if it’s not a bet, I think he is qualified enough to serve as the commander-in-chief.”

Jin Heeyoon looked at me with a mysterious face.

Her pride was hurt, and she had a strange face as if she didn’t want to but admitted me.

“Qualifications? Do you mean skills?”

“I’m not talking about skills, but your qualifications as a human being and leader.”

“......What do you mean?”

Jin Heeyoon clicked her tongue and glanced at Ma Jinseok.

‘You are good at analyzing and calculating, but you don’t know things like this.’

She seemed to say this with her eyes.

“What do I mean is that both you, me, and Shinwoo, were giving up on winning a medal because it was impossible for us to win a medal, unlike him.”


Ma Jinseok and Kang Shinwoo closed their mouths. It meant that there was no room to refute what Jin Heeyoon said.

“Unlike us, he is discussing the gold medal as if it is a given. He even suggested the possibility of winning a gold medal. See. The qualifications are different.”

Jin Heeyoon chewed her lips in anger.

The anger was not directed at me, Soonchan, or Adella, but toward herself.

She must be angry at this patheticness, which she had given up on winning a medal from the beginning.

“I think a leader should be someone who is aiming at the highest point. And he is the one who is aiming at the highest point.”

Jin Heeyoon sighed loudly again. It was a deep breath to shake off the remnants of anger.

“So, let’s just follow him first. I think he has enough qualifications as a leader in many ways.”

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