Descent of the Legendary Archmage

Chapter 63

Chapter 63

After that.

I decided to join the shadow for now to understand the situation in more detail.

‘It’s here.’

I arrived at the vacant lot, the meeting place, but I couldn't see anyone around me.

Pitter patter—!

The sound of the rain hitting the umbrella rang out clearly.

The rain was picking up.

Out of the umbrella, I will look like a drowned rat in a second.

That’s how heavy the rain was.

“How’s the situation?”

When I asked so, something shook like a mirage through the heavy rain. And that mirage soon became a human figure.

“Excuse me for a moment before I report.”

One of the six shadows in charge of protecting me during the Baengnyeong Island camp.

Among them, Min Janghyun, the squad leader who was in charge of Baengnyeong Island.

He cast a barrier magic spell over the two of us.

It was a barrier in preparation for possible information leakage.

“I will report to you. There is currently no response inside the research center. Currently, the center is considered empty.”

Min Janghyun, who completed the barrier magic, began reporting.

“Are you sure?”

“Yes. I’ve called him over and over again, but there was no answer. There was no sign of movement inside. I also checked the bio-signal, but it didn’t respond either.”

“That means it’s really empty.”


Doubts have increased.

I can’t believe the research center is empty. Conceptually, it was something impossible.

“Are you sure the director of the research center left the island?”

“Yes. There was someone who saw the director on a boat with his researcher. Here, the CCTV footage.”

Min Janghyun projected a holographic image.

It was a video of the director and the man getting on the boat.

“Who is the researcher who left with the director?”

“This is the man.”

A picture taken from another angle.

The photo clearly showed the researcher’s face.

“As expected, this is the man.”

The man in the picture was the researcher who guided me to the director’s office yesterday.

“And this is the CCTV footage of two people getting off at Incheon Port.”

These two left the island last night.

‘What the hell is it?’

Everything was a mystery.

Why did the Black Magic Tower leave the research center at this time?


All kinds of hypotheses passed through my head like a panorama.

But, I couldn’t come to a conclusion.

‘I don’t have enough information to answer.’

A hypothesis is just a hypothesis. In such a lack of information, I cannot conclude anything.

‘I need some new information.’

There were 10 hours left, and the greatest threat, an executive of the Black Magic Tower, would have disappeared.

It is a good situation to gather information in many ways.

Wouldn’t it be better to do some research?

“Young master.”

Min Janghyun’s words awakened me from my thoughts.

“I’ll go back to my original mission........”

It was when Min Janghyun tried to report me back to his mission.



A creepy sound rang and erased the man’s words.

“Is this.......Mana’s resonance sound?”

A violent and harsh resonance sound that is completely different from the clear resonance sound from my Infinity Circle.

It was the mana’s scream caused by the clash and friction between the manas.

How intense the sound was, it was a shock as if someone grabbed my semicircular tube and shook it.

“......? .......!”

I could see the shadow shouting something with an embarrassed face between the trembling views.

Of course, I cannot hear anything at all due to mana’s resonance sound.

‘Why is he so fine? He can’t hear this sound?’

The shadow was very calm.

He didn’t seem to hear a creepy sound.

The man picked up the phone with an urgent face.

I think he is trying to report to Kim Seokhyun or my father after judging that there was something wrong with me.

“I’m okay.”

At the same time as I said that, I sent a gesture to the man to stand by.


My gesture stopped the man for now.


About 5 seconds.

Mana’s scream stopped completely.


I’m getting better now.

The semicircular tube is still tingling, but it is not unbearable.

“Are you all right, young master?”

I hear the man’s voice again.

Fortunately, the eardrums didn’t hurt.

“Yes, I’m all right. It was temporary.........”

“Oh, thank God.”

The man breathed a sigh of relief.

“More than that, the sound just now. Didn’t hear that?”

“The sound?”

“Yes. The noise from the research center.”

“No, I didn’t hear anything but the sound of rain.”

The man tilted his head with a face that he heard for the first time.

“Did you really not hear it at all? In the direction of the research center........”

It was when I pointed at the research center and turned my eyes there while saying that.

My eyes widened.

“......What is that?”

“Young master?”

The amount of mana emitted from the research center is unusual.

How full mana is in the center, the mana is spewing out of the center’s barrier.

It was a balloon just before it exploded.

What is it this time?

‘God’s eyes.’

For now, my God’s eyes were quickly opened to understand the situation.

And the moment my God’s eyes checked the mana around the research center.

My pupils dilated further.

‘It was so dense........’

The mana spewing out through the center was unusual.

It was not shocking but a phenomenal amount of mana.

It was not just the weird amount of mana.

The quality of mana was also strange.

‘The mana was very unstable and confusing.’

Mana is very sensitive.

Is that how a person feels when their anger rises to the top of his head?

It looks like it will explode with a bang if I just tap it.

It is a miracle if it doesn’t explode.

‘......Wait a minute.’

Explosion? Sensitive?

My brain spun like a top again.

‘Yes. Certainly........’

A new hypothesis is established by filling in additional information in the previous hypothesis.

‘Mana in the dense atmosphere.’

‘The vast amount of mana that spewed out of the research center’s protective barrier.’

‘Like a balloon that was about to explode.’

‘Mana’s resonance sound reminiscent of a scream.’

‘Mana’s stable state confirmed by my spiritual eyes.’

The conclusion came quickly.

‘Mana disaster.’

These are all harbingers of a mana disaster.

Among them, it is a sign of a mana explosion.

My thoughts accelerated again.

If what the Black Magic Tower wants is artificially causing the mana explosion, this situation is........

‘......That’s why it happened.’

What the plot of the Black Magic Tower is.

What is going on in that research center.

Who is behind this.

I know everything for sure.

So what I have to do now is.

“I need to get into the research center. Can you break the barrier?”


* * *

Min Janghyun, a member of the Shadow of the Magic Shin Clan.

Currently, the most powerful squad leader among the shadows in charge of Shin Hayul’s protection was in chaos.

‘Is this really right?’

It rained so much like there was a hole in the sky.

Shin Hayul is touching the wall of the center in the rain.

As if he doesn’t care at all whether the rain hits hard or not, he just closed his eyes and focuses on all the senses of his fingertips.

Perhaps he was doing a mana circulation.

The remnants of mana scattered around Shin Hayul are proof.

If Min Jan-hyun had seen this scene elsewhere, he would have admired young master Hayul, thinking, ‘the level of mana circulation is different.’


If only he had seen this from somewhere else.

He was going to trespass the center without permission by breaking the barrier.

If that mana circulation wasn’t meant to destroy the defense magic formula of the center, he would have been truly impressed.


Shin Hayul’s deep breath was heard.

A very deep breath.

Mana, which is so dense that it can be clearly seen by 5 circle user Min Janghyun, permeates into Shin Hayul’s mind.

Even this simple scene is beautifully neat.

‘Why did the young master suddenly say he wanted to get into the research center?’

Min Janghyun’s eyes trembled again as he watched the scene.

‘He asked me to observe the director of the center. Is there something in this center?’

First of all, it seemed certain that there was something in this center from that point of view.

What mattered was what was in this center and what made him trespass.

‘Well, can we break this defense magic formula before that?’

Min Janghyun raised his head a bit and looked at the research center where Shin Hayul was touching.

The barriers that look severe at a glance guard all directions.

It was a state-of-the-art barrier that Min Janghyun was familiar with.

‘State-of-the-art security system with 720 parallel structures of magic formula. It takes 10 hours for even Kim Seokhyun to get this pierced.’

The research center is a treasure trove of expensive experimental materials and research results. There is no way that the barriers protecting such a center are lax. There is no way to get a scratch on this barrier.

‘He recently became a 5 circle, but it is not a barrier that can be pierced with that level.’

No matter how he thinks it was impossible for Shin Hayul to break through this barrier.

That’s what Min Janghyun thought.

However, Shin Hayul said with a confident face as if he was laughing at Min Janghyun’s conviction.

“I will get through it.”

That short statement was a word of confidence and conviction.

Crack. Craaaaaaaaack!

Mana erupted from Shin Hayul’s body.

‘720 parallel structures of magic formula. No matter how powerful Bytenor magic was, it was impossible to destroy all of this with my current state.’


‘It was easy to break down one of the 720 structural formulas.’

The structure of this defensive magic formula is already known.

It is a pretty famous general purpose barrier, so I definitely memorized it.

And any outstanding magic becomes no longer magic as long as I know the structure.


Shin Hayul’s mana pierced the captured magic gap.

Only one magic formula out of 720 parallel structures of the formulas.

It collapsed under the influence of Shin Hayul’s mana.

Destruction succeeded.

One of the 720 magic formulas was completely smashed.

Of course, even if one of the 720 was smashed, the entire barrier did not break down.

This barrier was not such a loose structure.

‘It would have been meaningless to break down one magic formula........’

The parallel structure of the magic barrier is characterized by automatic repair.

Even if one magic formula is destroyed, the remaining 719 magic formulas quickly recover the destroyed formula.

‘But now, it is not a situation that can be automatically restored.’

The mana inside the barrier has already reached its limit beyond the level of oversaturation.

To the point where mana leaks out through the barrier.

What happens if I make a small hole in such a packed barrier?

The answer is simple.

‘It begins to collapse around the destroyed magic circle.’

It is also like sticking a needle into a balloon that was swollen to the max.

A little breaking down soon leads to the destruction of the whole.

Crack! Craaaack!

There was a loud noise inside the barrier.

It sounded like something was breaking or something was distorted.

“Let’s step back a little.”


Shin Hayul immediately stepped back.

‘Did he give up?’

Min Janghyun followed Shin Hayul with a puzzled face.

And the moment they made the distance to a certain extent.

Crack! Craaaack!

There was a sound like an electric current was splashing.


Then there was a wave of sound like a glass was breaking.

Would this sound be made if stained glass windows that filled a huge church broke all at once?


The barrier that covered the research center was shattered and turned into mana’s debris and scattered.

It was like the blue cherry blossoms were filling all around.


Min Janghyun opened his mouth wide as he watched the scene.

‘He really destroyed that paralleled barrier? How?’

Min Janghyun looked at Shin Hayul with trembling eyes.

“Let’s go.”

Whether or not Shin Hayul was aware of Min Janghyun’s surprise, he just walked forward calmly.

Min Janghyun followed Shin Hayul and entered the research center.

* * *

The inside of the research center was very quiet.

I don’t feel anything.

Literally, the center was empty.

“Young master, it is funny to say this now, but is it really okay to come in like this?”

Didn’t he think I wasn’t really going to break down the barrier?

Min Janghyun said anxiously.

“If this is a problem, I will take responsibility. So don’t worry.”

I answered moderately, looking around the center.

“I may receive a compliment, but I won’t be responsible for it.”

“What is in this center?”

“A bomb.”

“You mean.......A bomb?”

“Yes. It is a bomb that has the power to instantly destroy Baengnyeong Island.”

I looked around, leaving the man stiff with astonishment.

Since this place has the most mana, it must be around here.

“What kind of bomb is that?”

“One picture is worth a thousand words. You will know when you see it.”

Found it.

This is the entrance to the basement.

“Here. There is a secret passage. I need to find a way to open it. You are an expert at this, right?”

“Oh, yes. I will find it.”

Min Janghyun touched around the place I ordered.

He even took out professional equipment as if he was familiar with such infiltration.

About 10 minutes passed.

“I found it. This is it.”

Min Janghyun found a hidden button behind the drawer.josei

When I pressed it, the door to the basement opened with a roar.

“Let’s go.”


We went down slowly to the basement.

How much did we come down?

Based on the number of floors, I think we have come down about 10 floors.

“I can’t believe there is such a basement in Baengnyeong Island Central Research Center........”

Min Janghyun’s face became more serious. He seems convinced that there was something unusual in this research center.

We went down for a long time like that.

“We are here.”

We arrived at the bottom floor.

“Young master, this is........”


The heart of this island lies deep under Baengnyeong Island.

The starting point of every spiritual vein.

“Spiritual nucleus of Baengnyeong Island.”

The root of mana, spiritual nucleus.

“......It is more serious than I thought.”

It was booming.

As if it was going to explode any moment.

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