Descent of the Legendary Archmage

Chapter 7

Chapter 7

April the 21st.

All of the boring, indoor classes that Tuesday was full of, had come to an end.

Once I had returned to my room, I intensively read [Ray Vell Bytennor] again while revising it.

I've already read it a few times, but just in case I had missed anything.

I wanted to double-check that I hadn't made any mistakes, so that's why I was reading it again.

I thought that maybe I had made a mistake in interpreting the ancient language, so I checked that aspect of it again as well.

‘‘Hmm. Nothing seems to be wrong.”

Luckily, I don't think I missed anything.

I closed [Ray Vell Bytenor] and left it on the desk.

And as I did that, the calendar I had left nearby caught my eye.

In between the calendar that was crammed full of plans, I saw the last thing I had planned in April.

[30th of April]

[★ Comprehensive mid-term evaluation]

"I haven't got all that much time left."

Starting from this mid-term, there was a new rule that stated that those who failed to receive a passing mark would be expelled.

The rule that was clearly targeted at me was issued by none other than my very own father.

Even if I must use force, I will bring you back.

My father's actions showed this type of strong will.

‘‘If I hadn't found my Master's book, I would have been expelled too, right?"

I would have certainly been expelled because of the mid-term evaluation.

Especially since no matter what I did, my magic casting speed would never have met the pass mark.

Well, it's all irrelevant now.

The likelihood that I will fail to achieve a 'pass' is 0%.

‘Instead, I'll probably be ranked as one of the best in the school.'

I became convinced of this after doing all kinds of training drills yesterday, including the blood razer wolf.

Even if I can't be within the top 3, I'll at least be able to reach the top 10.

“And the timing is great as well.”

The mid-term comprehensive evaluation is a day that draws not only the eyes of Korean but international magic companies as well.

Because of the chance to view future prospects, there were a lot of people who came in person, including scouts.

There's no better place to announce that the country's fallen genius has risen again.

“Top 10. No matter what, I will reach this."

On that day.

I will take back everything that I've lost.

My dreams, my status, my honour. I will take back everything.

* * *

The next morning.

"Student Shin Hayul."

On the way to school, by chance, I met Instructor Ko Changsoo in the hallway.

"Good morning."

I stood up straight and greeted him.

The instructor greeted me back by lightly waving.

“I was looking for you, so it's good meeting you here.”

"You were looking for... me? "

"That's right."

Instructor Ko Changsoo made a gesture that told me to follow.

"I have a visitor for you."

"A visitor..."

There aren't that many people that would come visit me.

And the fact that the guest was a person important enough for Instructor Ko Changsoo to personally come and find me before class...

"Was it perhaps my father who came to visit?"

The head of the Magic Shin Clan, Shin Inhyuk

That was the only person it could be.

"That's right. Patriarch Shin Inhyuk has come to visit you. ”

"...I see. ”

Given the new system that was implemented starting from this mid-term evaluation, I had expected him to come and visit me soon.

"Where do I go?"

I had something I wanted to say to him as well, so this was a good thing.

“He'll be at the reception room.”

‘‘Okay. Thank you. ''

There was not even a trace of anxiety coming from my steps that were heading towards the reception room.

* * *

The head of the Magic Shin Clan, Shin Inhyuk

At the age of 63, he's an entrepreneur who's grown the Magic Shin Clan to become the best clan in Korea, whilst simultaneously being a high-ranked 8-circle mage.

His current goal, after having already achieved being the best clan in Korea, is to become the greatest noble family in the world.

And it was actually going well.

He has good relationships with world-famous families, and in fact, the family's share price was rising day by day.

Shin Inhyuk who looked as if he had no concerns had but one.

His youngest son.

The gem of the Magic Shin Clan.

Having a brilliant mind and gifted with the ability to learn.

A great genius who might appear once in a 100 years.

To the point that the Blue Tower Master who was astonished by his talent gave him the title of 'the genius prodigy'.

“Long time no see. Father."

...A son who used to be such a person.

But now, a son who became a pain in the back and was abandoned, Shin Hayul.

"Tsk. Are you happy now that I've personally come?"

"I'm sorry."

Shin Inhyuk glared at Shin Hayul, who was sitting opposite him.

“You must have been living well. Your complexion's gotten better since I last saw you. ”

‘‘ Yes, I've attained a couple of small achievements recently...”

I've attained achievements.

As a mage father with a mage son, these words should have caused his heart to overflow with joy, but Shin Inhyuk wasn't happy at all.

‘‘Achievements, achievements. It seems you still haven't abandoned your vain dream.”

The fact that Shin Hayul had achievements in magic meant that he hadn't abandoned his dream of becoming a mage.

To Shin Inhyuk, who had hoped that Shin Hayul would abandon his dream of becoming a mage, this was not something pleasant to hear.

‘‘Yes. I'm going to be the greatest archmage of the ages.”

Shin Inhyuk sighed a little.

All sorts of emotions can be felt from the eyes that looked upon Shin Hayul.

Pity, regret and hatred.

Emotions that couldn't be described swirled around.

"If you've been idly wandering around for a year, you should have regained your senses."

He deeply sighed once again.

“Even with that brilliant mind and eyes, you still seem to be unable to view yourself objectively."

There's a time-worn saying that states that there's nothing more difficult than viewing yourself objectively.

It seems to apply to Shin Hayul, the genius as well.

"No, you're wrong. I'm evaluating myself without letting my emotions get the better of me. ”

“Are you saying that having evaluated yourself, you are still vainly deluding yourself into thinking you can be the greatest ever archmage?”


Shin Inhyuk frowned as if he was frustrated.

"Hayul. My son."

Then, he stared at Shin Hayul with a glare as sharp as a knife.

“I'll say it once again. You can't be a proper mage.”

He's repeating exactly what he said 1 year ago to Shin Hayul when he found out that he was incompatible with AI.

"Whatever you achieve now, whatever you may achieve in the future, you will never be able to compete against other mages. Never, as long as you are lacking what is most important.”

No matter how intelligent a person may be, they simply cannot match the processing speed of a computer.

“But there's a field in which you can make use of your bright mind. The study of artificial intelligence for magic. If it's this field of study, you can make use of 120% of your brilliant brain. If you can just get rid of the vain delusion of becoming an archmage, everything will be solved.”

To Shin Inhyuk, Shin Hayul is like a hurt finger.

A finger that can't just be cut off, but one that can't be cured either.

"Father,” said Shin Hayul calmly.

“I told you back then, but I have no intention of studying artificial intelligence.”

Shin Inhyuk's glare turned sharper.

He had lost his temper at his son who still wouldn't regain his sense after this much.

“I refuse to follow the path you've created for me and merely become a cog of the family.”

Shin Hayul's eyes shone coldly.

“The only thing I want is a place in the family. I don't want to be a cog in the family that laughs and cries at someone's command. ”

Lightning flashed between Shin Inhyuk's eyes.

"Even if nothing else does, at the very least your aspiration will be what leads the family.”

“Because I was raised that way.”

Shin Hayul didn't particularly resent his father.

That time when his father spoke to him roughly a year ago?

No big deal.

His father is also human; it's not impossible for him to lose his temper.

That time when his father sent him a potion to destroy his circle?

Shin Hayul gets it.

It was just an extreme measure proposed by his father since he wanted him to abandon the vain dream of becoming a magician and focus on the new study of artificial intelligence, which doesn't require a circle.

The same is true for this threat of expulsion.

Expulsion if the pass mark is not met.

This must just be another type of extreme measure to make his son regain his senses.

After all, how could a mage who couldn't even reach a past mark become the greatest archmage?

In the first place, even if it wasn't Shin Hayul, anyone who gets below the past mark deserves to be expelled.

Although he may have felt hurt by Shin Inhyuk's actions, he didn't particularly hate or loathe him.

"Now, even for the Magic Shin Clan, one cannot become an archmage just with ambition."


Shin Hayul just wanted to show it to him.

“I will show proof that my dream is not a vain delusion.”

He wanted to show that he was still alive.

The mage in Shin Hayul was still very much alive.

The fact that genius that his father had loved so much was still growing.

He wanted to prove it.

"Prove it? In what way? I hope you're not going to say that'll you prove it by merely reaching the past mark and not being expelled?"

Shin Inhyuk's gaze shone sharply.

"If you're thinking of proving that your vain delusions are realistic dreams just by achieving a pass then..."

“I don't intend to do that either," said Shin Hayul calmly.

“I will be within the top 10 with just my score in the practice for this comprehensive mid-term evaluation.”

“...Top 10? You're going to be in the top 10 out of the entire second-year student body?"


‘‘Is it possible for you to be in the top 10?"


Shin Inhyuk stared into Shin Hayul's eyes.

"If I fail, I'm going to drop out of the academy and devote myself to the study of artificial intelligence, as you wanted, father.

"... "

“But if I succeed, please acknowledge me as someone worthy of becoming a mage, and promise me your full support, including financial support.”

It was his son's clear eyes that he hadn't seen in some time. It was the same eyes, brimming with confidence, as he had seen 5 years ago when Shin Hayul had won the youth magic competition.

Where the hell did he get that confidence from?

"...Come to think of it, you said you had achieved something earlier. "

‘‘ Yes. I had a little epiphany. ''

“Then that achievement must be the source of your confidence.”

Shin Inhyuk's eyes seemed doubtful.

No matter what kind of enlightenment he had received, a person incompatible with AI would remain a person incompatible with AI. He would never be able to approach modern magic.

"I'm asking just in case, but you haven't installed any illegal artificial intelligence have you?"

If it was an illegal artificial intelligence that paid no heed to the safety of its wearer, then even an incompatible person like Shin Hayul could have somehow installed it.

“Of course not.”

Shin Hayul showed the back of his neck.

It was a silent gesture that said "If you're suspicious then check my artificial intelligence number."

"...If that's not the case then it’s fine.”josei

If he's that confident, then he probably hasn't installed any illegal artificial intelligence.

In the first place, his brilliant son had no reason to lie about something that could be exposed soon.

For that same reason, there was no chance that he was bluffing.

He wasn't stupid enough to lie about something that'll be proved in just 8 days.

That means you've really achieved something great.

“May I ask what the accomplishment is?”

Shin Hayul lightly shook his head.

“Even if I put it into words, you wouldn't believe me.”

He could show off the Bytenor style of magic right here, right now, but that would be the worst plan.

The effect it would have would be drastically different depending on when this ability was revealed to the public

"On the day of April the 30th. You're telling me to check it with my own eyes? "

And there is no better place than the midterm comprehensive evaluation for Shin Hayul to show off his hand, the Bytenor style of magic.

"It's said that seeing is believing."

Shin Hayul's eyes were filled with confidence.

“I'll prove everything on that day.”

The Shin Hayul of the present was confident of that much.

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