Destined Wife: The Apple of My Eye

Chapter 131 Moving

Chapter 131 Moving

Chapter 131 Moving

Cong Fei returns home. Lulu is fine the next day, so she takes her daughter to leave overnight.

“I will go back to deal with the divorce follow-up. Thank you for helping me!” Before she leaves, she holds Yan Hua’s hand and says, “No words can express my thanks to your great kindness. I will do my best to help you in the future.”

Seeing the mother and daughter leaving, Yan Hua tells Chen Hong, “After experiencing this, she may realize what is the most precious thing.”

“I don’t understand the attitude of some women towards their children after becoming mothers. They are also mothers, but they have never regarded their children the same important as their own lives.”

Yan Hua knows that she is talking about the news this morning. A mother tied her son up and beat him to death because he lost her mobile phone. Maternal love has become a horrible nightmare. It is hoped that the child will be safe and sound in Heaven.

“I heard that the woman’s family gave her proof that she was mentally ill and begged the judge for a lighter sentence.” Chen Hong forces a smile. “I want to hire a lawyer in the name of the foundation to do justice to the dead child.”

Yan Hua nods. “Yes, of course!”

After lunar January 20, Lang Ruoxian and Fei Yi leave one after another. After all, the company cannot be left unmanaged. Li Yi insists on staying and nothing can drive him away.

“Sister Chen, just let Brother Li stay!” Fei Ying has been especially satisfied with Li Yi these days. They are so familiar with each other that they call each other brother and sister.

She shakes Chen Hong’s hand and says, “Otherwise, who will help us carry our luggage?”

“Sister Ying, rest assured. Let me do everything!” Li Yi, wearing big flowered shorts, holds up Mingxi and says, “Let’s go. Uncle takes you to catch fish.” josei

Chen Hong runs after him and shouts, “Wait for me. Slow down. Don’t fall!”

Fei Ying smiles to see the two persons chasing each other to leave. She runs to find Yan Hua.

“Have they fallen asleep?” She lowers her voice.

Gungun and Xiaojiu are lying under the beach umbrella. The sea wind breeze is blowing gently through the children’s hair. The two little children are sleeping soundly, snoring.

“When shall we go back?” Fei Ying lies on one of the reclining chair beside, squinting. “We shall celebrate the New Year together every year in the future so that the children can grow up together. Be childhood sweetheart!”

Looking at the azure sea, Yan Hua feels calm. “Let’s leave after the weekend. Mingxi and Xiaojiu will start school.” She suddenly says, “Let’s go skiing next year...”

“Huh?” Fei Ying turns over, “Why do you suddenly want to ski?”

“I don’t know. I just suddenly want to go to the white world.” Yan Hua shakes her head. “I think I can ski.”

Fei Ying curls her lips. “Is there anything you can’t do?!”

During this half month on the island, they have found that Yan Hua can sail yachts and dive. The diving coach has said that she is very professional and doubted whether she has had a certificate or not.

“I can’t do a lot of things. You can make good dessert, but I can’t.” Yan Hua laughs, “I can’t even cook.”

“So what exactly did you do before...” Fei Ying stares at her. “Can’t you remember anything?”

Yan Hua shakes her head. “I won’t give up even if I have a little impression. I really don’t remember anything at all.”

“It doesn’t matter! It doesn’t matter!” Fei Ying feels that she has said something wrong. “It doesn’t matter even if you can’t remember anything all the time. There are still us! And you have Gungun.”

Yan Hua smiles and looks into the distance.

Even though she is satisfied with her life today, she still wants to know where she comes from, what her name is, and who she is. She doesn’t want to die without knowing when her real birthday is.

At the beginning of March, everyone returns to G City and the winter vacation is over.

“Yan Hua!” The day after they get home, Lang Hongyue comes with a storm of anger.

Gungun is eating by himself with a spoon. He shivers his hand with fear and the food pastes on his face.

“You have scared Gungun.” Yan Hua wipes Gungun’s face, “Auntie, if you have something to say, say it later.”

Lang Hongyue is stunned. After the blind date, Yan Hua has stopped calling her auntie. What happens today?

“Gungun, go to play in the garden with the house maid.” Yan Hua puts on a coat for Gungun.

The house maid leads Gungun out. Yan Hua goes to the sitting room and sits down. “Sit down, please. I know what you want to say.”

“Are you really going to be with Lang Ruoxian?” Lang Hongyue walks in high heels to her opposite to sit down and asks, “Are you stupid? He just wants get Gungun’s shares. If you marry him, the shares will belong to him when Gungun grows up.”

“You also say that he will have to wait until Gungun becomes an adult, and then Gungun will naturally judge for himself.”

Lang Hongyue glares at her angrily. “Although you have been a widow in Lang Family, we haven’t mistreated you, have we? Now you would rather be with Lang Ruoxian and let him take advantage of you. Why didn’t you agree to go on the blind date when I arranged for you if you had been so hungry for a man?”

“Auntie, it is still unknown whether I will be with Lang Ruoxian.” Yan Hua smiles. “Of course, maybe I will like him in the future, but I may also like others.”

“And...” She pauses and looks at Lang Hongyue. “I call you auntie today because no matter what you have done to me, you have brought me the first-class care I could enjoy when I was pregnant, and let me have everything many women envy.”

“So I think, I should respect you when addressing you. But...” Yan Hua adds, “It’s just when addressing you. After all, you did something to hurt me later...”

Lang Hongyue raises her hand to interrupt her. “I don’t care what you call me. Since you have decided to draw a clear line with the second branch, then you are not a member of Lang Family. And you should move out of the house immediately!”

“Okay.” Yan Hua is not angry, either. It happens that she doesn’t know how to tell Lang Cha that she is going to move out.

Lang Hongyue sneers. “Move out now. Move tonight!”

“Then I’ll pack up and you help yourself.” Yan Hua goes to take back Gungun and takes him upstairs.

Gungun sees her take out the suitcase and asks her with a wide-eyed surprise. “Mommy, are we going to fly again?”

“No, we’re moving.” Yan Hua touches his head. “Can Gungun tidy up your toys yourself?”

“Okay!” Gungun is a good boy. He puts the toys into the box and asks after a while, “Mommy, where are we moving?”

Yan Hua picks him up, feeling somewhat sorry, “We may have to stay in a hotel tonight, and then Mommy will find a new home for Gungun.”

“The new home is also so big? We can also see the sea and has a big garden?” Gungun looks at her with an innocent expression.

Yan Hua thinks for a moment and asks, “If the new home is not big, and there is no sea and no garden, would Gungun like to live with Mommy?”

“Yes, I’d like to!” Gungun puts his arms around her neck and nuzzles her, “Gungun will always be with Mommy.”

Yan Hua’s heart softens. She kisses her son and continues packing and Gungun helps her at her side. Yan Hua doesn’t plan to take away the clothes at home. Where can she move such a big cloakroom?

She packs up her everyday clothes and then puts two dresses and two sets of jewelry. Although she is no longer Second Young Mistress of Lang Family, the foundation still exists and there should be opportunities to attend some activities.

She does pack all the Gungun’s things. His clothes are packed into three big suitcases, and his toys are packed into two big suitcases.

“Let’s go! Gungun.” Yan Hua takes simple luggage and decides to go to the hotel first.

When she finds a house later, she will hire someone to carry those things.

When going downstairs, Gungun suddenly asks her, “Mommy, will Uncle go to the new home with us?”

“Uncle...” Yan Hua is about to say no when she looks up and sees Lang Ruoxian sitting in the living room.

Lang Hongyue’s face turns pale. She glares at Lang Ruoxian severely. It seems that she is very angry.

“Uncle!” Gungun happily gets on the ground from Yan Hua’s arms and runs to Lang Ruoxian.

Lang Ruoxian catches him, picks him up and lifts him up high. Gungun giggles and claps hands.

“Uncle, we’re moving. You’d better pack the boxes!”

Lang Hongyue sneers aside. Lang Ruoxian ignores her. As long as she doesn’t say anything unpleasant, there is no need to quarrel in front of the child. He touches Gungun’s head and says, “Uncle’s luggage has been removed, and now I’ll send you there.”

“Isn’t the company busy today?” Yan Hua takes the Gungun over. “We have only one suitcase.”

Lang Ruoxian glances at her. “I’m afraid that you won’t find the right place.”

“...” Yan Hua feels puzzled, but Lang Hongyue is staring at them aside, so it is not good time to ask him.

Lang Ruoxian takes over her small suitcase. “Let’s go!”

“I will move back tomorrow and I have already told your grandpa.” Lang Hongyue shouts behind them.

No one responds to her.

After getting into the car, Yan Hua asks, “Which hotel are you taking me to?”

“Why do you want to go to the hotel?” Lang Ruoxian smiles, “Let’s go home.”

Yan Hua looks at him oddly, while Gungun claps his hands happily. “Go home! Go home!”

The car drives halfway and Yan Hua knows this is the way to Fei Ying’s house.

“I can’t go to put up for the night in Fei Ying’s or Chen Hong’s home. It’s inappropriate.”

Lang Ruoxian raises his hand and pinches her nose. “Sit quietly. We are almost there.”

Yan Hua stares at him and turns to look at the Gungun. The little child can’t change his habit of dozing when getting into the car. He is leaning on the back of the chair, trying to open his eyes, but fails...

The car drives into a villa community, and the security guard let it in directly. Yan Hua is surprised to notice this because they used to need Fei Ying call the security guard before they could enter before.

“Here we are.” Lang Ruoxian parks his car diagonally across Fei Ying’s house.

Yan Hua guesses something and has mixed feelings. Lang Ruoxian picks Gungun down and opens the door to beckon her in. If she can’t guess that Lang Ruoxian has prepared this house for her, she will be a fool.

“Have you bought it?” Yan Hua walks in.

The layout of the house is similar to those of the Fei Ying’s and Chen Hong’s houses. And the decoration style is simple and elegant, but warm colors and flower patterns are used in soft decoration, which look warm and romantic. Furry carpets are lined everywhere, and there is a piano in front of the French window.

“Yes.” Lang Ruoxian makes a gesture of invitation. “Miss Yan, visit your new home!”

But Yan Hua stares at him and asks.

“Don’t you also live here?”

Lang Ruoxian smiles faintly and shakes his head. “Of course not. But if you invite me, I’d be happy to.”

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